Soft_Job 板


各位好: 我们是 Perifit,法国的新创公司,我们将在台湾成立新分公司,希望找到优秀的工程 师 。由於工作内容需用到大量英文(老板是会只会讲英法文的法国人),因此,作为初 步门槛,下职缺叙述皆将以英文呈现,若有不当处,还尚请告知,非常谢谢。 老板非常希望有机会跟台湾这个科技之岛的人才合作,以下薪水数字是起跳值,如果你/ 你认为你值得更多,欢迎投履历,老板很愿意谈。 Based in Taipei Salary package: 45 000 USD or above / year Who we are: Perifit is a Femtech startup from Paris, France, created by two engineers in 2017, and now a fast-growing team of 15 employees in 6 countries. France Huffington Post: US TV program recommendation on Perifit:
UK Daily Mail Report: Our goal is to assist women worldwide with the most difficult moments in their life - moments that are heavily under-researched and under-adressed with fun and effective self-care solutions. Our first product, the Perifit, has become the #1 connected solution for pelvic floor rehabilitation. Pelvic floor issues, further to childbirth or throughout life, lead to many serious issues in women's life: from sexual discomfort, to light urinary incontinence to even prolapsus. Perifit (a connected probe and an app) had already helped a whooping 100,000 women heal themselves, with an always-improving client satisfaction rate. In 2021, we are establishing an office in Taiwan. At Perifit, we stand for equality, inclusivity, benevolence and wellbeing for both our clients and our employees. What you will find at Perifit: ‧A purpose: the products you will design are life-changing for thousands of women ‧Rapid career development in a fast-growing international company ‧15 holidays + public holidays ‧A culture of pragmatic, science-driven innovation ‧A young team of unique and very talented individuals The opportunity & the role: We are looking for a talented and experienced manufacturing engineer to become the pivotal link between our Hardware engineers based in France and Shenzhen based manufacturers. This role is about designing, planning and following the execution of manufacturing processes to deliver thousands of high quality medical devices per month Your responsibilities will include: ‧Work with the hardware team to define Design-For-Manufacturing rules at early stages of new product developments ‧Define and implement industrialization plans in our sub-contractors factories in China ‧Drive pre-series and NPI (New Production Introduction) in China ‧Manage manufacturing changes on production lines and troubleshoot any kind of technical problems, monitors corrective results ‧Develop product-specific test software and fixtures ‧The role involves frequent international business trips to France and China About you: ‧An engineering degree in industrial engineering, electronics or mechanical design ‧At least 4 years of working experiences as manufacturing engineer / project manager ‧Experience in consumer electronics manufacturing in China ‧Curious, autonomous and problem-solving mindset ‧Knowledge of production electronic assembly processes, manufacturing test/inspection systems and methods ‧Electronic hardware design processes and mechanical design concepts ‧Experience with medical devices manufacturing (ISO 13485) ‧Experience in software development (C or Python) ‧Full English proficiency, fluent Mandarin How you will stand out from the crowd: ‧our mission resonates with you If you think you are the one that we are looking for, please send your CV and your supporting documents (if any) to [email protected] and [email protected]. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (法国)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 neo5277: 这个是不是要隔壁棚 03/23 23:43
2F:推 fshfsh: 感觉不像纯软耶 噗 03/24 08:06

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