Soft_Job 板


挪威商悦胆软体股份有限公司台湾分公司 (VEWD Software) 统一编号: 24808980 公司地址: 新北市新庄区中原路556号15楼 职缺: C++ DEVELOPER WITH ANDROID Your responsibilities: . Design, build and maintain efficient, reusable, portable and reliable Java and C++ code (25M+ LOC; majority in C++, but JAVA/JNI is also there!) . Identify bottlenecks and bugs and devise solutions . Help maintain code quality, organization, and automate . Proactively seek assistance when required and actively contribute to team activities including design reviews, code reviews and mentoring . Stay current about industry developments and Internet technologies What you bring: . Good C++ skills and solid understanding of object-oriented programming . Solid Java skills and knowledge about application development on Android . Drive and commitment to work in a highly dynamic environment . Good working knowledge of English, both written and spoken . Good working knowledge of Chinese, both written and spoken . Eager to learn and work on Android devices Ideals: . Knowledge of web standards or Android TV is highly desirable . Knowing Android MediaCodec / MediaDrm infrastructure is a big plus . Experience in TV and STB integration projects – embedded Linux or Android . Experience in development and debugging of embedded systems. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): NTD$ 100k ~ 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 工时: 10:00 - 18:00(八小时) 每周工作: 8 x 5 = 40 加班费制度: . 若加班比照劳基法 公司介绍: Vewd Software is the market leader in enabling the transition to OTT. Vewd's suite of OTT solutions enable our customers and partners to reliably, seamlessly and efficiently reach connected device viewers. We help companies like Sony, Verizon, Samsung and TiVo take advantage of the growing number of consumers who watch content on connected devices. With over 15 years experience in the connected TV device and OTT industry, we boast technological expertise to continuously satisfy the ever-evolving demands of the marketplace. Our market-leading products help enable the best streaming video services and unparalleled user experiences on all types of devices for audiences around the world. Vewd offers proven and flexible solutions for overcoming the difficult challenges and escalating costs associated with the rapidly evolving OTT space. As experts in developing software solutions spanning client to cloud, we provide customers and partners the products they need to connect consumers with the content they love. 人资或徵才联络方式: Please check and submit your CV as bellow --
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1F:推 locklose: 有笑有推 01/27 13:36
2F:→ locklose: 犯蠢我推错篇了拉 01/27 13:37
3F:推 wesley234: 有笑有推 02/01 13:37

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