Soft_Job 板


公司名称: OneDegree 金融科技团队 统编: 55726273 公司地址: 台北市中正区新生南路一段56号10楼 职缺: 前端工程师 资深前端工程师 职缺能力经历要求: .Build UIs of core web (for hand-held and desktop devices) and mobile apps, and development tools for both internal & external uses as part of an agile team. .Extend the JavaScript architecture (React/Redux, and React Native). .Write tests and constantly seek to improve code quality and reliability. .Drive the quality standards within the development team by example, produce highly usable technical documentation as well as conduct code reviews. .Take on critical and particularly challenging assignments to ensure the product vision can be realized. .Help with software architecture decisions and technology evaluation. Successful Candidate: .You take pride in your work, with strong attention to details. .You are bright, creative and have an entrepreneurial spirit. .You can work individually and thrive in a team environment. .You would like to step up and tackle bigger roles. .You have strong integrity. .You are eager to participate in the development of innovative insurance products and technologies. . Good interpersonal skills. .At least one year’s experience in front-end development using React. .Excellent JavaScript (ES6) skills. .Willing to learn new tools, technologies, and frameworks to develop clean, testable and maintainable components in ReactJS. .Problem solving and critical thinking abilities. .Enthusiastic about testing and performance. .Able to ship new things rapidly, and iterate based on real user behavior. .Can find and eliminate inefficiencies in users’ workflows (requirement); willing to ask questions when something is not clear. .Can communicate amiably the value of technical excellence to non-technical teammates. .A great listener, but willing to speak up when issues need to be rectified. .Experience developing iOS/Android applications is a plus. 员工是否需自备工具? :否 薪资(月薪): 前端工程师:60,000-100,000 + option 资深前端工程师:80,000-130,000(以上另议) + more option 薪资: 14 个月 年终奖金计算方式:全薪 工时: 每日工作时间: 9:30AM~6:30PM (八小时) 中午休息(13:00~14:00) 实务上工时及休假更为弹性 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度:依劳基法规定 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: OneDegree工程师团队起源於Ptt Soft_Job板,目前工程师团队人数约二十多人, 性别比例均衡且高度自治,PM人很Nice但要求严谨。 这里是一个满满乡民的地方,在财务许可范围内我们尽力打造理想的工作环境和制度, 让大家工作心情愉快之余,也有机会一起努力因股票而赚到大钱。 工作福利: 1. 工时真弹性,头脑清醒工作效率高 2. 免费零食饮料 3. 精彩每月活动,大吃大喝出去玩 4. 年假10天以上 5. 成长中的办公空间,尽力让大家越来越舒适 6. 关於福利的建议可以直接发到公司信箱,合理能做到就执行 7. 依香港行事历工作,消失的假又回来了 公司分红与奖金:每年依赚钱比例提拨 公司介绍: OneDegree为亚洲知名的保险科技新创团队,为B2B2C的保险科技公司, 结合精算师、会计师、律师、保险专家、技术专家的专业保险科技团队, 为大型保险公司提供保险商品设计、精算、购买、追踪、理赔等整套的保险科技服务。 人资或徵才联络方式: 可以这边投 也可以直接寄信箱 [email protected] Steven Li 如果用人主管审核过关,我会尽快联络你。 如果不符合技术团队的用人标准,在这边先向各位道歉,我们不会另行通知,请多包涵。 --

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1F:推 bruce3557: 有彼得大师! 09/25 16:41
2F:推 VictorKid: 帮推 10/03 22:26

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