Soft_Job 板


公司名称: OneDegree 甯宝金融科技有限公司 统编:55726273 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市中正区新生南路一段56号10楼 此工作新鲜人或实习生亦可,毕业科系不限,商学院、软体工程、美术设计相关科系佳。 职缺: 产品经理 PM - 新人 产品经理 PM - 资深 业务分析师 Business Analyst - 不限 职缺能力经历要求: Use product management best practices to take ownership of the product roadmap, scheduling product development, assigning resources and following up on work results. Design and operationalize a framework to prioritize product deliverables and ensure optimum utilization of time and resources on the most high impact items. Design and operationalize a framework to conduct user testing sessions with customers to gain insights throughout the product life cycle. Consistently translate product insights into deliverables for the designers to build and deliver exceptional user experience. Facilitate workshops, focus groups, and efficiently run research sessions with a range of audiences. Mentor your peers on best practice product management and be a go to coach on the agile methodology. Stay current with product innovation via seminars, conferences, etc. and share your learnings internally. About You: Freshman is fine for junior level Must have 5+ years of product management experience for senior level Working in extremely fast-paced and product-led environments Possess a strong understanding of modern product best practices and techniques including agile, “lean startup” and MVP principles. Communicate clearly with engineers, designers, business stakeholders and customers by developing clear user stories, mockups and prototypes. Detail oriented self-starter with the ability to work independently to meet deadlines Able to think on your feet and adapt to changing priorities and demands Have a strong understanding of insurance principles and/or own an insurance product. Fluency in English & Mandarin is preferred. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): 40,000-48,000 + option 新鲜人 50,000-78,500 + option 资深 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 14 个月 年终奖金计算方式:全薪计算 工时: 每日工作时间: EX:9:30AM~6:30AM (八小时) 中午休息(13:00~14:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度:依劳基法规定 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 渐渐脱离新创团队的保险科技公司,几乎全公司都是乡民,每个Scrum team自主管理。 公司风气欢乐、开放,对未来有共同的目标。 PM为每个Scrum Team的灵魂人物,现有的PM都很欢乐开朗、乐於分享经验, 同时也有着很专业完整的开发文件及规范,新鲜人PM会有有经验的姊姊训练, 资深的会提供保险相关训练後进入带领开发团队。 工作福利: 1.每月活动 2.旅游津贴 3.工时灵活 4.零食饮料 5.其他公司有什麽福利,建议後合适即执行 公司分红与奖金: 以公司每年获利比例提拨,依表现分配。(谈好的package之外再多给) 公司介绍: OneDegree 甯宝金融科技有限公司为一横跨台湾、香港的保险科技团队,大部分成员 都是来自版上的乡民,目前团队规模约50人,并到了准备上线阶段。 目前已有完整的开发团队、精算团队、风险管理团队、设计师团队和行销团队,也完成了 两轮的募资,已渐渐走向制度化的企业。 人资或徵才联络方式: 可发站内信询问、直接寄信到[email protected] 或透过CakeResume 投递: 在公司规模上渐渐不能自称为新创团队了, 但新创团队的精神和氛围我们会努力保持下去。 此轮徵才仍有股份。 -- 先生不知何许人也 亦不详其姓字 宅边有古亭站 因以为号焉 --
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