Soft_Job 板


# 公司名称:KRONOS(麒点科技有限公司) # 公司统编:50787692 # 公司地址:台北市信义区松高路1号 # 公司网址: # 公司介绍: KRONOS is not just another company. You are not just another applicant. Those with top-notch creativity and logical reasoning abilities, those who dare to think they can change this world and those who seek the truth no matter the hours or the difficulty – you are strongly encouraged to apply. KRONOS leverages more than a decade of successful trading experience at the world’s most elite trading institutions (Citadel Securities, Tower Research, Virtu) to democratize access to the quantitative hedge fund space. This is your chance to work with some of the world’s most talented quantitative trading talent without having to move overseas. # 职缺:Full Stack Web Developer # 工作内容: As Full Stack Web Developer, you will be responsible for designing and developing all of our web interface projects, leveraging data visualization software and a modern technology stack. You will lead and work with development team and designers on all aspects of application development, including database interaction, API and web development. # 职缺能力经历要求: * Strong knowledge of Javascript or other common web development languages and frameworks * Experience in git flow development * Familiar with SQL * Deep understanding of web development, with practical skills and experience * Comfortable with front-end and back-end web dev work * Practical focus on getting things done: we value a relentless approach to getting features deployed * Culture of collaboration and unselfishness * While we would like to see an interest in markets and cryptocurrencies, no previous work experience in finance, business, or economics is required * Intermediate English speaking is required * [Preferred] Familiar with javascript ES6, CSS, Node.js * [Preferred] Familiar with React/Vue or other modern front-end frameworks * [Preferred] Familiar with Express/Koa or other modern backend frameworks * [Preferred] Good knowledge of CI/CD concept, or have related experience * [Preferred] Familiar with database performance tuning * [Preferred] Have experience in unit testing # 员工是否需自备工具:否,使用公司电脑 # 薪资(月薪):NTD75,000~NTD160,000 # 薪资(保证最低年薪):12个月 # 年终奖金计算方式:Based on performance # 每日工作时间: * 建议时间09:00~18:00,中午休息一个小时(12:00~13:00),八个小时 * 上班/下班时间弹性,可以依据个人需求前後调整 # 每周工作时间:8(小时/日) * 5(日/周) = 40(小时/周) # 加班费制度:加班费比照劳动基准法办理 # 工作福利: * 优於劳动基准法的休假制度(年度一至三周,自由安排) * 供应午餐 * 供应零食、饮料 # 人资/徵才联络方式: * 英文履历 * 欢迎高手们将履历寄至:[email protected](Verna Huang) --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 abcsimps: 没水果?? 04/02 17:32
2F:推 cuteSquirrel: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 推 观察力 04/02 18:03
3F:→ Raphaecaro: 这个一样洽询[email protected] 04/02 18:08
4F:推 splitline: 一楼XDD 04/02 18:20
5F:→ jimmy689: 少ㄌ香蕉QQ 04/02 18:22
6F:推 Findagreen: 没水果xddd 04/02 18:43
7F:推 Darkword1987: 没水果笑喷 04/02 18:56
8F:推 swki: 一楼很专业XD 04/02 19:06
9F:推 Masakiad: 一楼... 04/02 19:24
10F:推 yourmove: 一楼... 04/02 19:35
11F:推 doranako: full stack没分到水果 04/02 19:39
12F:→ Raphaecaro: Full stack有的,Full stack web才没有的(? 04/02 19:44
13F:推 tsaiedward: 没水果,这我不能接受 04/02 19:50
14F:推 jake080449: 推一楼XD 04/02 20:19
15F:推 loadingN: 肥宅真的只在意吃的 笑死 04/02 20:21
16F:推 i1k1y: 一楼... 04/02 20:24
17F:推 gp03dan: 哈哈哈 04/02 21:55
18F:推 GGFACE: XDDDDDDDD 04/02 22:24
19F:推 clamperni: 太惨了..只能看别人吃 04/02 22:34
20F:→ tvbic: 没水果谁要去应徵 04/02 22:57
21F:推 tutanai: 没水果XDDDD ,笑死 04/02 23:05
22F:推 gocreating: 一楼观察入微 04/02 23:06
23F:推 hans1461: 没有水果吃,我不能接受 04/02 23:10
24F:推 jhengsiaomin: 把水果还来喔 04/02 23:19
25F:推 rog43: 没水果 大小眼喔 04/02 23:32
26F:推 TohmaMiyuki: 没水果XDDDDDDDDD 04/03 00:09
27F:推 leviliang: 靠 还真的没水果XD 04/03 00:10
28F:推 sharek: 没水果...pass 04/03 00:25
29F:推 wilson85771: 没水果 XD 04/03 00:41
30F:推 abc53: XD 04/03 00:59
31F:推 anandydy529: 只能看同事吃水果工程师鄙视链就是这样来的 04/03 01:25
32F:→ anandydy529: 只能看同事吃水果,工程师鄙视链就是这样来的 04/03 01:26
33F:推 pkro12345: 没水果不能忍 04/03 01:31
34F:→ sean2449: 赞 04/03 01:34
35F:推 fg008kimo: 还真的没水果XDDDDD 04/03 01:59
36F:推 lukelove: 忙到没时间吃水果XF 04/03 02:26
37F:推 askaleroux: =_= 没水果还想来找人? 04/03 03:30
38F:推 ks950901: 哈哈哈哈哈哈没水果 04/03 03:45
39F:推 chocopie: 没水果XDDDD 04/03 05:50
40F:推 KanzakiHAria: 这样不行啊 差别待遇 04/03 07:30
41F:推 bakedgrass: 水果XDDDD 04/03 07:59
42F:推 kaitokid1214: 没水果还想请猴子 04/03 08:56
43F:推 xcraft: 没水果不能忍 04/03 09:04
44F:推 dali17dali17: 笑死 04/03 09:16
45F:推 deray: 干 没水果 04/03 09:49
46F:推 celestialgod: 没水果,哈哈哈哈哈哈,为什麽要这样对他们 04/03 09:50
47F:推 lgates: 没水果还要求这麽多 04/03 10:32
48F:推 DCTmaybe: 不只薪水比较低,还连水果都没有QQ 04/03 10:58
49F:推 TitanEric: 笑死 04/03 11:06
50F:推 rhox: 做web的还敢吃水果啊? 04/03 11:26
51F:推 HMW: XD 04/03 11:48
52F:推 DolphinLinn: 写web就是该死 不准吃水果 04/03 12:03
53F:推 srwhite: 快笑死 04/03 12:48
54F:→ knives: 还特别把水果拿掉,笑死 04/03 13:08
55F:推 codehard: 未来生活可以忍 没有水果就不行 04/03 13:16
56F:推 HYDE1986: 没水果笑喷XDDDDD 04/03 13:17
57F:推 abc0922001: 笑死XDD 你让我去工作没香蕉吃吗 04/03 13:18
58F:推 syclin: 没有薪水,我可以忍... 但是没有水果就不行! 04/03 13:28
59F:推 fishfish1314: 没水果不能接受 04/03 14:37
60F:推 a126sam01: 我以为大家都推荐这家,原来是没水果吃的部分啊wwwwww 04/03 15:08
61F:推 syclin: 板标...... 04/03 16:34
63F:推 brianhsu: 我合理怀疑没水果根本就是为了冲推文数而产生的阴谋 ( 04/03 18:34
64F:→ brianhsu: 误 04/03 18:34
65F:→ Raphaecaro: 人资同事要我澄清一下:其实模板里面原本没有水果,是 04/03 19:19
66F:→ Raphaecaro: 小弟想到之後增加上去的~可是最後发的反而就忘记了.. 04/03 19:19
67F:→ Raphaecaro: 除了香蕉(?)以外,大家有推荐的水果或者其它办公 04/03 19:21
68F:→ Raphaecaro: 室福利吗? 04/03 19:21
69F:推 kokolotl: 原本居然没水果 04/03 19:40
70F:推 chrisgod: 笑死xDDD 04/03 19:51
71F:推 rereterry: 可恶,没参与到,破梗了 04/03 20:02
72F:→ akikusa: 所以是新人全部没水果,只能看旧人吃的意思吗?XD 04/03 21:14
73F:→ Raphaecaro: 都有!都有! 04/03 21:23
74F:推 loadingN: 有香蕉 吱吱给个推 04/03 21:39
75F:推 berton1679: lol 04/03 21:47
76F:推 jill: 推写web就该死 XDDDDDD 04/03 22:12
77F:推 holydc: 靠杯快笑死 XDD 04/03 22:22
78F:推 kcman7: 上版标了啦 04/03 22:45
79F:推 Soarwind: 看几次笑几次XDD 04/03 23:08
80F:推 Yan5566: 没水果 这真的太严重了 04/03 23:48
81F:推 victor21813: 笑死XDDDD 04/03 23:50
82F:推 jiaming: 笑死 04/03 23:57
83F:推 Eric0605: XD 04/04 00:11
84F:推 duckhead: 还真的有香蕉XDD 04/04 00:28
85F:推 Nancy010006: 一楼真的笑到爆 04/04 00:33
86F:→ shooter555: 所以三个职缺里只有web没水果吃啊0.0 04/04 09:17
87F:推 Frecci: 水果XDDDDDDDDD 04/04 10:33
88F:嘘 magus: 呜呜呜,没水果不是人 04/04 10:53
89F:推 iven00000000: 公司该帮原po加薪了,推到这麽对人XD 04/04 10:57
90F:→ iven00000000: 多人 04/04 10:58
91F:推 shieldsky: 没水果,那…… 04/04 13:01
92F:推 MoriNakamura: 阶级文化不可取 04/04 15:42
93F:→ aacs0130: 这篇太好笑了,这麽多人推 04/04 16:52
94F:推 becca945: 一楼在专业什麽啦 水果还来! XD 04/04 22:10
95F:推 j101044: 弱弱的问一下,楼上们提的水果是什麽意思...? 04/06 19:03
96F:→ j101044: 我懂了,原来是真的没水果的意思哈哈哈 04/06 19:05
97F:推 geniusw: 水果XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/07 14:14
98F:推 mmmbop: 三个职缺就这个没水果 知道为什麽了吧?! 04/07 18:07
99F:推 clang: 一楼这眼力XDDDDDDDDDD 04/07 20:54
100F:推 fancycab: Lmao 真的笑死Xdddd 04/07 21:51
101F:推 ILYY: 帮web QQ 04/08 01:28
102F:推 ttyycc: 怎麽可以差别待遇没水果XDDDDD 04/08 04:50
103F:推 CGary: 看推文以为吵起来 没想到是这样...@@ 04/08 05:10
104F:嘘 paint: 徵才文没写 寄履历过去才说要英文成绩单 04/08 18:11
105F:推 Harry384: 帮web QQ 04/08 19:01
106F:→ Raphaecaro: 我们是在履历审核通过之後,由於新鲜人应徵者相对没 04/08 20:29
107F:→ Raphaecaro: 有经验,才会要求提供成绩单作为参考。资深工程师的 04/08 20:29
108F:→ Raphaecaro: 部份,我们比较重视能力以及经验,所以成绩单不是必 04/08 20:29
109F:→ Raphaecaro: 须。这个部份确实我们原本比较没有察觉。如果上面回 04/08 20:29
110F:→ Raphaecaro: 覆那位朋友比较资深的话,会麻烦同事告知可以不用提 04/08 20:29
111F:→ Raphaecaro: 供成绩单!感谢您的建议~ 04/08 20:29
112F:推 richer6605: 没水果真的是太超过了(怒 04/08 23:28
113F:推 cominlin: 吵什麽吵 做网页的没资格吃! 04/09 08:57
114F:推 kai0975: 水果很重要的 04/09 21:14
115F:→ Serge45: 收过邀约,面完之後无声卡,应该是我太废wwww 04/09 21:24
116F:嘘 ruthertw: UCCU 雷声大 04/10 07:07
117F:推 vul3kuo: 原来鄙视链是真的 笑死 04/10 20:49
118F:推 apley: 什麽? 没水果也敢来徵才? 04/13 21:52
119F:推 ericlin06: 朝圣一楼 笑死 09/20 15:37

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