Soft_Job 板


※ [本文转录自 job 看板 #1R_Vz6Tr ] 作者: aliey (又静又闲) 看板: job 标题: [台北] 教学app徵产品经理(PM)月薪5~7万 时间: Wed Nov 28 10:36:47 2018 【公司名称】 香港商知之有限公司 公司介绍 【工作职缺】 产品经理(PM) 【工作内容】 As a Product Manager for Snapask, you will be responsible for tailoring our product for each new market/region we enter. You will be driving to expand to a huge amount of markets therefore you should be very result-oriented and be able to deliver result at a minimal cost & time. You will partner with a high-performing cross-functional team as well as counterparts from outside of the company to meet shared objectives and key results. Your day-to-day work involves heavily with iOS/Android/Backend/Web developers and Designers. Fluency in English is a MUST!!! 【徵求条件】 #English speaking is a MUST! #Familiar with SCRUM, App/Web development process. #Passionate in delivering products to people all over the world by tailoring to their needs. #Strong project management skills. #Be able to work independently and manage your time efficiently #Good track record of interfacing between external and internal stakeholders (with developers mostly, but also with localization experts, and UX designers). #Be a good communicator who can talk through challenges to find the best (less cost & effort) solution in an efficient manner. #3+ years proven experience and passion for building great products with a consumer internet/app company #PLUS: Past working experiences in startups. 【工作地点】 台北市松山区敦化南路1段 【工作时间】 上午10点到下午7点 【月休】 周休二日 【公司福利】 ★ 制度类:半年核薪制度、每月两日远端工作、弹性上下班时间 ★ 健康保险:劳保、健保、劳工退休金 6% 提拨 ★ 请/休假:周休二日、享一年十日优於劳基法之特休,劳基法所规定的我们都不会少 ★ 工作空间:全新装潢办公室 ★ 娱乐福利:每季团队 team building 活动、零食、咖啡 ★ 奖金礼品:尾牙抽奖人人有奖 ★ 在职进修补助 请勿写劳健保 无劳健保是违法的 此栏请写额外的福利 【薪资范围】 ※行政院劳委会於107年1月1日起调涨基本工资为月薪22,000元 ※无薪资、比照国科会、比照本校规定、面议、电议,薪资不清等水桶一周 【需求人数】 1~2人 【联络人/连络方式】 请从104投递履历 【其他备注】 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: aliey (, 11/28/2018 10:38:30 ※ 编辑: aliey (, 11/28/2018 10:39:08 ※ 编辑: aliey (, 11/28/2018 10:48:43
1F:推 expury: JD 里面的英文好像有好几处怪怪的 lol 11/28 15:19
2F:推 crossdunk: 薪资标题有就好了吗 内文不用吗@@ 11/29 10:35
3F:→ LoserWon: 真的怪怪的 看了很想帮忙修一下 11/29 11:33

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