Soft_Job 板


公司名称: italki 公司地址: 台北市中山区玉门街1号 MOX 办公室 职缺: Tech Lead in Taipei As part of italki's growth strategy, we are setting up a regional office in Taiwan to help increase our capacity in different functions. We are currently looking for a passionate and entrepreneurial Tech Lead to help us build a remote development centre in Taipei. We are looking for someone that is able to be a team leader, a hands-on developer, and a system architect. The candidate should have proven leadership experience, where they managed a cross-discipline technology team (frontend, backend, devops), and delivered a world-class user experience to a global audience. Ideal candidates will be exceptional team players, with experience working with team members from diverse backgrounds and at all levels. Success in this role will require practical skill in tactical execution, excellent communication skills, and the ability to lead a remote development team. 负责项目: * Build and lead a technology development team based in Taipei. Hiring of positions like Front End Developers, Back End Developers, Mobile App Developers, and UI Designers. * Oversee the team's technical strategy and roadmap, in close collaboration with italki Headquarter's Technology and Product Team * Ensure that design and architecture decisions meet the goals and fit the vision of italki's platform strategy * Manage and execute project plans and deliver on commitments * Manage development projects, communicate project status, drive and elevate decision-making and help requests * Work in close collaboration with italki Headquarter's Technology Development Team * Regularly dive into architecture, code, test plans, project plans, deployment and operations to drive excellence * Build and foster a high-performance culture, mentor team members, and provide the team with the tools, process, and motivation to make things happen 必须具备: * 8+ years of software development experience, with at least 3 years of hands-on technical management * Exceptional coding abilities and experience with architecture patterns of large, high-scale applications * Track record in recruiting and building incredible engineering teams * Experience in coaching and mentoring technology team members in their careers * Experience in setting product strategy * Successfully worked in cross-functional environments with non-technical s takeholders * Strategic thinking; consumer product thinking; business operations thinking * Exceptional problem-solving aptitude * BSc/BA in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field * Masters degree is a plus * Fluency in English and Chinese 加分: * Experience in two-sided marketplaces, e-commerce, edtech * Experience in companies with global / regional offices with teams spread across different geographical locations * Shipped several large scale projects with multiple dependencies across teams * Experience working as part of a remote team 另外公司网页上也有详细的 job description 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): NT$100K to NT$160K / month (based on experience) + ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan) ps. 薪水只要您值得,一定可以更高 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 工时: 每日工作时间: 10:00AM - 6:00AM (八小时) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度: 如雇主有使劳工每日工作时间超过8小时者,或单周超过40小时者,应依法给付加班 费,其标准为:(劳动基准法第24条) (1)延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之1以上。 (2)再延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之2以上。 补休使用需员工同意,经录取员工检举无加班费,一律转发劳动部进行劳动检查。 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: You will be the first one in the Taipei office, enjoy the big office and build your team! 公司分红与奖金: ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan) 公司介绍: italki is a global language learning community that connects students and teachers for 1-on-1 online language lessons. At italki, we believe that human interaction and cultural sharing are the best way to become fluent in a foreign language. With over 5 million students and 10,000 high-quality teachers teaching more than 130 languages, italki helps everyone with their personal journey to fluency. italki has been named as one of the top 5 language learning products by The Independent, as well as being featured in press such as Mashable, TechCrunch and The Guardian. 人资或徵才联络方式: [email protected] --

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1F:→ elements: 上过这家的课 开的台湾来了啊 11/14 18:13
2F:推 sean2449: 推 11/14 18:17
※ 编辑: habam (, 11/15/2018 08:48:44 ※ 编辑: habam (, 11/15/2018 08:51:00 ※ 编辑: habam (, 11/15/2018 08:53:14 ※ 编辑: habam (, 11/15/2018 09:00:31 ※ 编辑: habam (, 11/15/2018 09:26:30

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