Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填):爱卡拉互动媒体 53342456 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市信义区东兴路41号 职缺: [Senior Streaming Engineer] We're looking for strong candidates who will be dedicated to the server side, will share knowledge of media streaming, and will be happy to help our client-side products. Responsibilities: - Design, build, and maintain StraaS live streaming services at enterprise level. - Measure and optimize streaming performance, latency, and quality at a deep level. - Provide technical expertise to troubleshoot both server-side and client-side streaming issues. Requirements: - 3+ years of experience with developing media tech stack - Be familiar with C/C++ - Experience with streaming protocols (e.g., RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/DASH) - Knowledge of networking and experience dealing with network issues Pluses: - Knowledge of codecs (H.264/VP8), and how to optimize in different use cases - Experience with Node.js/Golang/Bash - Experience with Gstreamer - Experience with RESTful APIs - Experience with cloud platforms (e.g., GCP, AWS, Azure) [Senior Infrastructure Engineer] We're looking for people with a strong background (or interest!) in systems. We'd love to hear from you whether you're a seasoned systems developer, or whether you've just learned you might like working with databases. Responsibilities: - Design, build, and maintain the core infrastructure used by all of StraaS's engineering team - Debug production issues across services and levels of the stack - Build a great customer experience for people using your infrastructure Requirements: - Know your way around a Unix system - Be able to write high quality code in a programming language (Our main programming language is Golang, but it is not a must) - Be familiar with container technology and relating CI/CD experiences based on it (eg. Docker, Kubernetes, etc...) Plus: - Be familiar with cloud platforms (e.g., GCP, AWS, Azure) - Experience as team lead ----------- 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 月薪(可议,依经验核薪): - Junior 70k - Senior(有带人经验) 100k 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 年终奖金:1-3个月不等 每日工作时间:八小时,弹性上下班,中午休息一小时 每周工作时间:8*5=40 加班费制度:比照劳基法 StraaS 团队介绍: 爱卡拉旗下 StraaS 影音产品,让企业主以云端租用的方式,快速建置自有品牌的影音应用,无需自行投入庞大的研发成本、且大幅缩短市场进入时间。StraaS 本产品具备世界级稳定度,及最先进的 AI 及大数据应用模组,与 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 紧密整合,并已逐步於 GCP Cloud Launcher marketplace 上架。 爱卡拉拥有来自不同背景的优秀技术人才,我们的组织扁平、互相尊重,工作气氛欢乐且自由,欢迎你加入我们的行列! 工作福利: -可弹性申请在家工作 -吃吃喝喝:咖啡无限畅饮、零食吃到饱、每季部门聚餐、还有酿酒机可以偶尔小酌一杯 -按摩券 (工作辛苦罗!按摩师傅到公司帮你按摩!) -电影欣赏:每半年提供每人两张免费电影票 -员工旅游 ( 今年去曼谷、冲绳唷!! ) -教育训练补助 人资联络方式: HR [email protected] --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: tchent (, 08/01/2018 16:08:17 ※ 编辑: tchent (, 08/01/2018 16:09:29

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