Soft_Job 板


【公司名称】(中华民国以外注册可免填) Carousell 旋转科技有限公司 (55672678) 【工作地址】(填写详细至号) 台北市中山区南京东路一段92号4F(近捷运中山站) 【职缺】 Senior Software Engineer, Backend 资深後端工程师 【职缺能力&经历要求】 Love buying and selling on Carousell? Then meet the team that handcrafts various parts of the mobile applications, website and backend systems in order to deliver the best user experience. Here at Carousell, our engineering team works on a myriad of problem domains. You get to work on building the simplest buying and selling experience on our mobile applications, dive deep into our database systems that powers the business, or even work on tools to empower the rest of the teams in Carousell. Every month, we organize an engineering day with different topics, ranging from product hackdays to a Swift workshop by the engineering team members to keep our minds sharp. Ensuring that the user experience stays simple is complicated - and we take pride in our work to keep things that way. We are now looking for Senior Backend Engineers to join our Engineering Team based in Taiwan. Responsibilities: - Design and build scalable REST APIs for the Carousell marketplace platform. - Work with the Android, iOS, web, product and design teams to build innovative, robust, and easy-to-use features for our users. - Work with infrastructure team on performance profiling and optimisation. - Write clean, testable code with unit tests. - Participate in code reviews to maintain a high-quality code culture. Requirements: - Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or other equivalent degrees/experience - 5+ years experience in software development - Experience in either Go, Python, Django/Flask, RESTful APIs - Excellent knowledge of RDBMS and object caches such as PostgreSQL, Memcached, Redis and knowledge of how to design, tune and optimise SQL queries and caching strategies - Experience in building large, scalable distributed systems with good understanding of microservices architecture and associated principles - Experience with TDD/BDD and agile methodologies Nice to have: - Experience using Elasticsearch - Experience using RabbitMQ, Kafka and microservices-based architecture - Knowledge and experience in building distributed, asynchronous task systems 【员工是否需自备工具?】 (是/否)【薪资内容】 NTD$ 100,000-150,000/月 依经验与能力面议 【薪资】(保证最低年薪,必填项目) 12个月 【工时】 每日工作时间: 10:00AM~7:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(13:00~14:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 【加班制度】 依劳基法 【面试流程】人资或徵才联络方式: 1. 请透过此连结申请、提交”英文履历”: 2. 通过履历审核者,将会收到一份Hackerrank test(需在75分钟内完成) 3. 通过Hackerrank Test者,将安排与Tech Recruiter面谈 4. 团队及主管面谈 5. 创办人面谈 若有任何疑问,欢迎来信 [email protected] 询问,谢谢! 【公司介绍】 Carousell 旋转拍卖为社群拍卖平台,2012 年在新加坡上线後,已拓展至台湾、香港、 印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、澳洲等国家。现有超过1亿1千万件刊登商品,为全球成长最 快及最大的行动拍卖平台之一,在新加坡、台湾与香港均於手机购物应用程式排名中名列 前茅;并获得红杉资本(Sequoia India)、乐天创投 (Rakuten Ventures)、500 Startups 、金门创投 (Golden Gate Ventures) 以及 QuestVC 等多家创投的投资。 【工作环境与该职缺团队介绍】 <成为改变的推手> Carousell 产品工程团队致力用科技解决生活中大大小小的问题,你写的每一行程式码将 影响数百万人的生活,所提出的每个点子也会被高度重视与实际执行。 <人才是一切的核心> “你”是 Carousell 最重视的资产。我们借重你的专业也在意你的成长,帮助你蜕变成 自己想要的人是我们持续努力的目标。全额赞助参加技术年会、内部黑客松、弹性工时、 苹果电脑、员工认股等都是你能享有的资源与福利。 <温暖的国际家庭> Carousell 成员来自 20 个国家,多元的团队背景造就直接的沟通风格与透明文化,我们 倾听彼此也支持对方,不仅是一起打拼的夥伴、更是好朋友与家人。 【工作福利】 「拥有自律,就能享有更大的自由」为原则的员工福利 认股权,管理职可再议、可任选海外办公室远距工作、员工训练补助、第一年即享14天年 假 (依到职比例)、弹性工时、免费开放零食柜、MacBook Pro、每周五免费午餐、 Family Friday 【公司分红与奖金】 员工认股权、管理职可再议 谢谢您耐心阅读,如果有任何不清楚的地方,我们都会尽力补充! --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ popcool: 你们几乎每个月徵一次人耶,是找不到人还是流动率高? 07/31 14:14
2F:→ miaosue: 怕 07/31 16:02
3F:→ manlike: 还没倒? 07/31 18:36
4F:推 popbow: 好公司推 07/31 19:46
5F:嘘 csfgsj: 每个月找一批人做七天的免钱工 07/31 20:19
6F:推 abccbaandy: 楼上有挂? 07/31 20:32
7F:推 HenryLiKing: 楼楼上详细希望!! 07/31 22:07
8F:→ edison51501: 应该只是单纯嘲讽面试流程的coding challenge吧 07/31 22:39
9F:推 ripple0129: 还好啦我也比较喜欢专案的面试,能接受的再去就好 07/31 22:56
10F:→ DCTmaybe: 有挂吗? 08/01 13:21
11F:推 GoGoRoTM: 跟虾皮在东南亚的竞争激烈,不知状况如何 08/01 16:17
12F:→ hizzz7: 我们目前正在扩大台湾的工程团队,另外面试流程方面, 08/02 01:36
13F:→ hizzz7: 近期有做了调整,取消了Coding Challenge,已修正文章资讯 08/02 01:38
※ 编辑: hizzz7 (, 08/02/2018 01:40:35

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