Soft_Job 板

开曼商麦迪创股份有限公司 公司地址(填写详细至号): 台北市信义区忠孝东路四段512号2F-4 职缺: In Mindtronic AI we are looking for talented computer vision, machine learning, robotic, and autonomous driving engineers and scientists to join our research and innovation team. As part of this team, you will get involved in the development of cutting-edge technologies for the automobile industry, working along with a group of young and dynamic researchers in a familiar environment, and facing new and interesting challenges. Joining Mindtronic AI means working in an international environment, collaborating with our many front-line partners in the automobile sector, and becoming an important part on the development of commercial technologies with a huge potential exposure. Computer Vision Engineer 1. Job description: This position involves in developing computer vision and machine learning algorithms for intelligent vehicles, specifically to develop driver monitoring system functionalities that boosts driving safety and enables smooth handover between manual driving and autonomous driving. 2. 职缺能力经历要求: (1) At least Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or equivalent. (2) Strong knowledge and experience on at least one of the following: a. Innovate and design neural network and/or machine learning architectures. b. Optimize computer vision/machine learning code to embedded systems using, for example, ARM NEON, NNA accelerator, OpenCL, BLAS, etc. (3) Fluent communication in English. Vehicle Controlling Engineer 1. Job description: This position involves in the development of autopilot system for L2-L5 autonomous driving cars. This development includes the design and implementation of a real-time robot software architecture, control , and safety routines. 2. 职缺能力经历要求: (1) MS degree in Robotics, Mechatronics or related (2) Strong experience on vehicle control via, e.g. CAN/LIN bus, and autonomous navigation. (3) Field-test experiment design and result analysis of autopilot systems. (4) Fluent communication in English. Autonomous Driving Scientist 1. Job description: This position involves in the development of autopilot system for L2-L5 autonomous driving cars. This development includes the design and implementation of a real-time robot software architecture, sensor fusion mechanisms, safety routines, fuzzy system, and human machine interface. 2. 职缺能力经历要求: (1) MS degree in AI, Intelligent Systems, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, or related. (2) Strong experience about machine learning techniques and/or mechanisms for road scene understanding and vehicle navigations. (3) Sensor modeling and Sensor fusion: Including sensors such as cameras, LIDAR, Radar, or ultrasounds. (4) Fluent communication in English. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 1M-2M by 14 months 公司分红与奖金: Cash bonus plus RSU share plan depending on performance 工时: 每日工作时间: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小时,中午休息 1小时) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 hr 加班费制度:比照劳基法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 公司介绍: 人资或徵才联络方式: Please send your CV to email: [email protected] --

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※ 转录者: kevinkyle (, 07/25/2018 11:24:22 ※ 编辑: kevinkyle (, 07/25/2018 11:24:57

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icon.png[问题] SBK S1安装於安全帽位置
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icon.png[开箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 简单测试
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icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 华南红卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
icon.png[赠送] 老莫高业 初业 102年版
icon.png[情报] 三大行动支付 本季掀战火
icon.png[宝宝] 博客来Amos水蜡笔5/1特价五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鲜人一些面试分享
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二创漫画翻译
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[问题] 台湾大哥大4G讯号差
icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
