Soft_Job 板


之前那篇沉下去了,重新发文 如有违反版规请见谅 公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): 通腾科技股份有限公司 27808077 公司地址(填写详细至号): 台北市中正区忠孝西路一段66号32楼 (台北火车站对面新光三越大楼) 职缺: C++ 软体工程师 Android软体工程师 iOS软体工程师 职缺能力经历要求: C++/Android 软体工程师 - Extensive knowledge of and experience with Android using Java, knowledge of C++, Python, and/or OO practices is an advantage. - Knowledgeable about Operating System concepts and cross-platform development. - Professional experience in using unit test frameworks. - Hands-on mind-set and strong co-operative skills (communicate, listen, understand, convince, discuss, and team building). - Positive-critical mind-set regarding product quality. - Analytical skills to determine and improve the testability of development deliverables and to find root causes and solutions for detected issues. iOS 软体工程师 - Have one or more App published on App Store. - Passion for clean, easy to read and maintainable Objective-C code. - C++11 programming skill. - Professional experience in using unit test frameworks. - Good object-orientated software design abilities. - Ability to think out of the box and bring new ideas to the table. - Loves to talk, make jokes and influence people around you. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): 80,000 ~ (依不同职级调整) 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12个月 年终奖金计算方式: 全薪计算 工时: 每日工作时间: 采弹性工时制。核心工作时间 10:00AM~5:00PM需在办公室。中午休息 12:00~1:00 。每日工时可自行调整,需满足每周工作40小时。 每周工作时间: 40小时 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: Our office is just opposite to the Taipei Main station! There’s no need to rush to the office. Take it easy in the morning, anytime before 10 AM is ok! We believe in the power of the team. You are filled with energy when you contribute directly toward the growth of your team. You are more confident to take on difficult challenges because you know your team will back you up and you’re not alone. With the scrum team working closely to raise the bar, our high quality products are selling to happy customers all over the world. We are proud to be the leading Agile software development company in Taiwan. Join us and be a part of the TomTom family. We are looking for the brightest C++ developers to join our Automotive team in Taipei. Your team is responsible creating TomTom’s next-generation connected navigation products. We are also looking for Android and iOS Software Engineers to join our BIN (brought-in Navigation) team. You will be able to join in the development of a navigation application which communicates with various car systems via different protocols and learn how to make the best navigation software with TomTom navigation engine, TomTom HD traffic services and TomTom maps. 工作福利: - You will never get bored! We move fast like a “start-up” but have the benefits of a billion euro company. - We like to have fun. There is no sense coming to a job everyday if you don’t like the people you work with. - The opportunity to get paid as a manager, but work as an expert developer. - Indefinite contract, flexible benefits, 15 annual leave days, collective health insurance, health check pension scheme, up to 50% discount on products, bonus scheme and International relocation package (if applicable). 人资或徵才联络方式: Please apply through You can also send your resume here: [email protected] or [email protected] --

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1F:→ Ekmund: C++98...o_O 03/26 17:13
2F:推 yamakazi: 推一个 03/26 18:31
3F:→ Sirctal: ...什麽年代还在C++98 03/27 15:39
4F:推 pandia: 其实应该都至少 C++11 了 JD没更新吧 03/28 10:15
抱歉,是C++11 已更新说明 ※ 编辑: ahhsin (, 03/28/2018 10:16:39
5F:推 tacovirus: 有点心动,忠诚度 -5 03/30 00:52
6F:→ pandia: 有兴趣可以聊聊 04/09 14:20

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