Soft_Job 板


【公司名称/统编】 香港商奥东有限公司台湾分公司 / 59052833 【公司地址】 台北市中山区南京东路三段168号9楼 【工作职缺】 IT Manager 职缺能力经历要求: - Fluency in Mandarin and English. - BS or MS in Computer Science or related field. - 5+ years experience working with Network. - A hands-on experience in large-scale network construction(routers, switches, load balancers and firewalls). - A hands-on experience in network management.(Cisco certifications, CCNA and CCNP is preferred) - Familiar with linux system, networking knowledge, shell script, server and OS. - Network security systems (Firewalls and ACL’s.) - Familiar with VoIP technology (SIP/IMS or MGCP protocols, SDP/RTP, Call features, Voice DSP interface) is a plus. - VPN technologies and encryption methods - Network monitoring concepts (SNMP and Syslog Monitoring) - Protocols (BGP, EIGRP, TCP/IP, IPSEC) 工作内容 - You will build and construct the information systems in the Multinational Corporation(Taiwan, mainland, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia branch companies) - You will focus on security operations to prevent cyber hacking attacks in the Group's office. - You will manage the personnels in the local branch of the Group's subsidiaries. - You will plan, design, implement and support global Video and VoIP infrastructure. - You will design finance and personnel system. - Perform upgrades, new installations, enhancements and configuration changes as needed. Monitor daily operations; troubleshoot problems, and performance tuning. - You will participate the other related work and supervisors assign assistance matters. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(月薪): 150,000 - 200,000 TWD per month 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 工时: 每天8小时 每日工作时间: 9:00AM~6:00PM 中午休息(12:30~13:30) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 员工福利: - macbook/Microsoft Surface Pro任你挑 - 超耐坐顶级人体工学椅 - 24寸大萤幕、IP Phone超棒 弹性生活: - 弹性上下班时间,不必困在办公室 - 到职即享有特休12天福利 - 国内外旅游 - 定期WorkShop邀请资深Coder、PM、异业交流 - 顶级员工健诊 - 吃不完的零食、放空专属休憩区、随时PK的XBOX - 海外出差或派驻海外分公司交流(2 Week) - 学习研习营、学习补助经费 加班费制度:比照劳基法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 人资或徵才联络方式: Please email your resume to [email protected] Save the PDF name in lower case as <chinese_name>.<english_name>.<position>.pdf --

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※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: vgs140 (, 03/22/2018 09:13:58 ※ 编辑: vgs140 (, 03/23/2018 16:11:23

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