Soft_Job 板


职缺: Data Scientist / Quantitative Researcher 公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填):HLX Technology 注册於香港 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市忠孝东路五段68号 (国泰置地/信义微风楼上) 职缺能力经历要求: * Experience working with large datasets, statistics, and mathematical computing languages (R, Python, Matlab) * Knowledge of: * Probability theory, stochastic processes, algorithms, time series analysis, linear algebra, optimization * Linux, shell scripts * Design patterns, statistical programming, data management * Excellent design, debugging, and problem solving skills (can analyze and fix problems quickly) * Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and apply cutting-edge technologies in a fast-paced environment * Strong communication skills: can clearly describe technology concepts at both high level (abstract interface) and low level (step-by-step algorithm) * Capable of working independently as well as part of a team * Degree in any of the following: engineering, math/statistics, econometrics, operations research, computer science, or physics * Optional: * Prior experience in the financial industry and familiarity with the financial markets are not required * Interest in quantitative trading as demonstrated by coursework, track record, or work experience is a plus but not required * Familiarity to research principles, backtesting methods, machine learning, and data issues is a plus but not required Job Responsibilities: * Develop quantitative trading strategies using statistical models to capture market inefficiencies * Assist senior strategists in research and management of quantitative strategies * Build algorithms, models, and tools to: * Facilitate quantitative research and production trading * Analyze/manage large data sets to improve profitability * Evaluate and optimize trading strategies and signals * Implement quantitative methodologies for portfolio optimization and risk management * Test hypotheses about markets and simulate trading strategies * Evaluate new methodologies and technologies to improve research and production trading environments, system performance, and functionalities * Generate reports to explain quantitative research results to management and evaluate strategy risk/performance * Maintain technical documentation of procedures, models, and programming work * Operate, troubleshoot, and debug software in a fast-paced environment 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(月薪):年薪100万-300万,按工作经历 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12个月 年终奖金计算方式:按绩效发放 工时: 每日工作时间: 09:00AM~5:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度:比照劳基法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: HLX Technology (“HLX”) is a quantitative research and technology firm. HLX develops advanced mathematical models and innovative technology solutions to analyze global financial markets. Its founders have extensive experience in the financial industry and advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics from the world’s leading universities. We are currently seeking talented, articulate, highly-motivated candidates who will contribute to the design, development, and maintenance of automated trading systems, quantitative research tools, high-performance data management systems, portfolio management tools, and technical architecture/infrastructure. The responsibilities of new hires will span a wide variety of programming, data analysis, statistical and other quantitative projects. These projects often range in duration and programming environment. This position will have a high degree of autonomy as well as responsibility in the design, direction, and approach in these tasks. We believe in a casual and collaborative atmosphere in which the candidate can become an integral part of a smaller team. This position allows for a high degree of freedom as well as the ability to be actively involved in the solutions to a variety of challenging problems. While the work is rigorous and demands a high level of commitment, the firm maintains an open, cooperative and collegial atmosphere. 公司介绍: 人资或徵才联络方式: (all steps required) 1. Please email your resume to: [email protected] 2. Please upload your resume to our website: using the following filename format: <emailAddress>_<englishFamilyName,englishGivenName>_<chinese_name>.PDF 3. Please visit our recruiting website and submit your application: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 crossdunk: 这RANGE差了三倍啊 XDDD 07/26 14:18
2F:→ robler: 就说上限没什麽意义阿 07/26 14:23
3F:→ fantasywater: 之前好像有间新创也写1200万XD 07/26 14:29
4F:→ crossdunk: 假设发了个徵才文,RANGE是1~十万美金 算违反版规吗 07/26 15:02
5F:→ paint: 算啊 1美金未达劳基法最低薪资 07/26 18:19
6F:推 sean2449: 这间下限越来越低 07/26 19:10
7F:→ aplmnbvcxz: 去年开1.5 - 2M,怎缩水了? 07/27 00:23
※ 编辑: kmd (, 09/01/2017 18:48:57

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