Soft_Job 板


不知道能不能在这里问,或是应该在 Eng-Class 板? 请问我们开发时,踩到某个 library 的雷,英文会怎麽说? I've stepped into the trap of the library. 恰当吗? -- 装检 钱包、钥匙、手机、手表、雨伞、口罩、帽子、保温杯。 --

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1F:推 shaopin: library不是主动态 说它设了个陷阱会很奇怪 05/20 00:40
2F:→ ping1777: 05/20 00:42
3F:推 a47135: What the fuck is with this library 选我正解 05/20 00:48
4F:→ bibo9901: glitch, bug, gotcha 05/20 01:02
5F:→ femlro: COW BE ! It's a sow! 05/20 01:06
6F:→ femlro: COW BE ! It's a sow! 05/20 01:06
7F:推 drajan: I encountered a bug in XXX library 05/20 01:21
8F:推 LiloHuang: I found a heisenbug in the library. 05/20 01:24
9F:推 ringo543: Got caught by an issue (problem) in the lib 05/20 01:41
10F:推 winken2004: we boooooooooooooooom 05/20 01:46
11F:→ yyc1217: it's strange, might be a glitch or a bug 05/20 02:20
12F:→ SAPEGuru: This library just fucked me 05/20 03:09
13F:→ anguso: 口语的说法是 got bitten by the bug. 05/20 03:32
14F:推 TETZ: Bummer 05/20 05:32
15F:推 TETZ: there's a bummer in this library or what a bummer! there 05/20 05:34
16F:→ TETZ: is a bug in this library 05/20 05:34
17F:→ meowyih: 我连中文的意思都看不懂 :p 是说 library 里面有个文件没 05/20 07:24
18F:→ meowyih: 写到的 pre-condition 你没满足所以出错了, 还是 library 05/20 07:25
19F:→ meowyih: 做出了预期之外的行为, 还是 library 是个地雷, 用了电脑 05/20 07:26
20F:→ meowyih: 就当机爆炸了还是怎样? Orz 05/20 07:26
21F:→ meowyih: 不过好像只有我看不懂就是了 (泣) 05/20 07:26
22F:→ numbnoob: pitfall 05/20 07:31
23F:推 tipsofwarren: Gotcha 05/20 08:43
24F:推 siriusu: got bitten by the bug不错啊 05/20 08:55
25F:推 amatt: Bingo 05/20 08:58
26F:推 am970813: GG 05/20 09:00
27F:推 doranako: 中文也不会说踩到library的雷吧 05/20 10:01
28F:推 p23j8a4b9z: fire in the hole 05/20 10:09
29F:→ mygod0520: 连中文都看不懂怎麽翻XD" 05/20 10:48
30F:推 laputaflutin: what a fucking library! 05/20 11:04
31F:推 v7q4: It's DLL Hell! 05/20 11:32
32F:推 apley: Lok'tar Ogar! 你这样讲就对了 XDDD 05/20 11:54
33F:推 Arctica: Owned! 05/20 13:20
34F:推 comesuck: leaky abstraction 05/20 14:34
35F:推 Mtcat: suuuuuuuuuuper slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 05/20 14:57
36F:推 XYZ24324773: The xxx library tricked me. 05/20 14:58
37F:推 yotsuba1022: 爹卡露恰! 05/20 15:13
38F:推 Kendai: Self Destruction Sequence Initiated in 5 Seconds 05/20 15:24
39F:推 avd127: God damn it, ashole! 05/20 20:16
40F:推 chinagogoya: The mistake was maken. 05/20 22:53
41F:推 Chris926926: This makes me think about my thunder buddy. 05/21 00:26
42F:推 hitman0527: cowabanga!!! 05/21 02:56
43F:推 kiwatami: bomb, James bomb 05/21 11:02
44F:推 braveht: I'm trapped in xxx 05/21 13:59
45F:推 ntddt: i had been gg-ed by this lib. XD 05/21 17:44
46F:推 otaku5566: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 05/21 19:14
47F:推 KMTATM: This lib lets me become Thunder God Thor !! 05/21 22:11
48F:→ viper9709: 看推文快笑死XDDD 05/22 11:35
49F:推 aacs0130: GG le XDDDD 05/22 17:39
50F:推 Storytree: I've fucked a poisonous vaginal(library). 05/24 16:11
51F:→ laurs: i was fucked by a lib. 05/24 20:18
52F:→ laurs: this lib kicked my ass... 05/24 20:18
53F:推 yuanta: 哈哈哈 推文超87 05/25 10:04
54F:推 bill42362: Starburst stream!! 06/12 01:55
55F:推 percyy: 都说踩到雷了…I've hit the xxx button of the library? 04/22 12:54
56F:推 percyy: 一时想不到贴切的 xxx…那就 hit the shit button?XD 04/22 12:59

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