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※ 引述《Lordaeron (Terry)》之铭言: : 1.毛泽东语录 Refactoring : 2.毛泽东像章 Design Patterns : Design Patterns是个人崇拜的另一种表现形式。革命初期,从主管到码农, : 人人必戴(「黑五类写COBOL的」没有资格戴除外),以表示对 : Design Patterns的敬仰。据估计,文革期间共生产了XX亿本各式各样的 : Design Patterns书籍,厂商机关争先恐後,推出更精致更豪华版本。 刚好看到一篇有相同批判,引起激烈讨论的文章给各位参考看看 在其中作者(他举了很多敏捷创始者的说法佐证)也认为敏捷变得像是宗教及炒作商品 节录部分如下 Agile Software Development work is dead. If you practice that, you are a doorstop. If you manage that way, you are a boat-anchor. The wave has ended, it is over, ... ... Who said Agile is dead? The founders of Agile and its practitioners said it, 我告诉你敏捷开发已经死亡了。假如你正在团队中套用敏捷开发, 你本身就是专案的阻碍 。敏捷开发的潮流已经走到终点。... ...谁曾经这麽说过(敏捷已死)呢?敏捷的创立者及他的实行者都这样说。 There was a sacred mythology, strange terminology, special sacred tools and other weird cult behavior. (For example many Agile practitioners are bullies, and want to browbeat you into agreeing with them. They will attack you or undermine your credibility when you disagree... 曾经有一个神圣的方法学,奇怪的名词,特殊的礼拜工具,以及其他奇怪的仪式。 (打比方说很多敏捷参与者就像是教堂长老,他们会认为你应该要认同他们。 当你不同意时,它们会攻击你,逐渐削弱你的发话权...) However the Agile Manifesto should be replaced with reputable research findings and serious management. This “manifesto" eschewed all management and engineering rigor in favor of laziness. Some of it should probably also be burned, buried and then a very big rock placed on top. Then a warning to future generations should be carved in the rock. ‘Something like “Naive oversimplified management ideology does not sell services forever,... 然而敏捷的那些宣言应该被知名的研究发现及严肃的管理学所取代。那些宣言因为懒惰 的原因避开了管理及工程的检验。其中的一些甚至应该烧掉,埋葬,用巨石镇压,然後把 这个警告刻在石头上:天真地过分简化管理,... Agile became a brand-name, with marketing hype. It therefore became subject to the rules of all such hyped products.... 敏捷已经变质为一个招牌,还是一种行销的炒作。它只是波潮流所推送的产品中的品项。 -- "May the Balance be with U"(愿平衡与你同在) 游戏设计教学,讨论,分享。欢迎来信。 黑水沟历史文库 --

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