Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编: Fang Media International Limited 24806998 公司地址:台北市基隆路一段432号7楼701室 职缺: Fullmetal Fullstack/Backend Developer 职缺能力经历要求: - 2+ years experience developing Web Page development, with development on Android a plus - Strong object-oriented and architectural skills - Experience with API’s and web services integration - Skills in basic software language such as PHP, Javascript (node.js, react.js is useful), HTML, CSS, Objective-C, Swift, JQuery and Java - Knowledge of software framework such as ones used in mobile (Ionic, Cordova a.k.a PhoneGap) or web development (such as Meteor, Node.js) highly desirable - Fullstack Engineer is a major plus, though if backend and strong frontend engineers are invited to discuss 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 均可,会配一台 iMac , there are snacks 薪资(月薪): NT$ 50,000~90,000 with added benefits such as gifts, company trips and get-togethers. If project successful even more benefits. 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 工时: 周休2日,无须打卡, 时间弹性可自己分配 每日工作时间: 8:30 ~ 17:30 (八小时) 午休弹性 每周工作时间: 周一至周五 40hrs 加班费制度:比照劳基法 公司介绍: We are a fast-moving, competitive software development company that specializes in app development, performance marketing and web design. Also looking into new technology always staying hungry and always staying on top. We only deliver the best. 人资或徵才联络方式: 公司位置: 台北市信义区基隆路一段432号7楼701室 (Close to Taipei 101) Email:[email protected] 请附上相关经历资料: We are an up and coming foreign company that have come to set up our strategic office in Taiwan. The benefits are: Little to no overtime Learn new and cutting-edge technologies and skills you would not be able to learn in other companies in Taiwan. Very English atmosphere, if you want to improve on your English Working with a strong software counterparts from around the world. All-Star coders are invited to try it out. 附注: 办公室照片 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 Deltaguita: 後端兼Android ? 05/09 14:24
Android 那是加分项目,并不是必须。 ※ 编辑: fbp123000 (, 05/09/2016 14:28:26
2F:推 maxqq: 外商这种诱因,不怎麽高 05/09 14:36
3F:→ maxqq: 上面打 Fullstack 我相信面试一定问得更多 05/09 14:38
4F:→ maxqq: 公司:你说你 fullstack 那怎麽没写过 xxxxx 05/09 14:38
没有啦 > < 您想多了,不会要求什麽都要会。 ※ 编辑: fbp123000 (, 05/09/2016 14:45:44
5F:推 BLGreenTea: 已寄信到文中Mail 麻烦收一下 感谢 05/09 15:19
6F:→ manaup: 说真的 不要求什麽都会就别写fullstack啊 05/09 15:20
当然Fullstack 是最希望要的 但後端前端有如果态度好跟每端扎实性能让人才有潜力成为Fullstack 要挑战看申请人。 ※ 编辑: fbp123000 (, 05/09/2016 17:10:40
7F:推 maxqq: 其实大家都希望年薪千万 05/09 18:14
8F:→ kkk003: 分别看到三个职务 ,但要求却都喇在一起了 05/09 18:33
9F:推 coronach: 所以实际上要的应该是用Web写mobile app的人吧?不是很 05/09 18:58
10F:→ coronach: 喜欢这种做法... (Native派) 05/09 18:58
11F:→ angusyu: 办公室照片就是一堆吃的跟一个不能工作的沙发 05/09 22:51
有办公桌啦,没拍而已 > <
12F:推 Rexup: Fullstack这薪水... 05/09 23:31
※ 编辑: fbp123000 (, 05/10/2016 11:24:31
13F:推 lovdkkkk: 一堆吃的跟一个不能工作的沙发 <- 吃饭工程师 XDD 05/10 13:24

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