Soft_Job 板


※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板 #1N3C1zmW ] 作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Tech_Job 标题: [徵才] 外商徵Senior Java Engineer 时间: Tue Apr 12 17:31:39 2016 【公司名称】 Robert Walters 代外商徵Senior Java Engineer 官方网站: 【工作职缺】 Senior Java Engineer Position Overview: As a Senior Java Developer, you'll be using leading edge technologies to build gaming platforms that service thousands of concurrent players. You also get to tackle interesting and engaging problems to do with scalability and high availability in big data environments. We are continuously pushing the boundaries of Java technology. This is an opportunity to work in an environment that encourages creative thinking and autonomy. Our software is developed by small, focused agile teams of developers and QA. We encourage our developers to think beyond a single component to build complete system solutions. If you are committed to code that is clean, well-tested, well-reviewed, scalable and secure then you'll fit in around here. 【工作内容】 - Work as part of an agile development team to write Java code for enterprise services - Write unit and integration tests for your Java code - Design, in collaboration with team, the software implementations that satisfy business requirements - Design, in collaboration with the architecture team, the system architectures that satisfy business requirements - Develop deployment systems for Java based systems - Document code and document detail designs - Collaborate with product owners on user story generation and refinement - Monitor and support operation of production systems - Participate in knowledge sharing activities with colleagues - Mentor Juniors 【徵求条件】 - Minimum 6-8 years of Java developer experience - Experience with agile development methodologies - Experience with test driven development - Experience with continuous integration systems - Experience with dependency injection containers - Experience with network protocols such as HTTP, TLS, TCP - Experience with service oriented architecture including REST, JSON - Experience with multi-threaded programming - Experience with Asynchronous Programming (Netty) - Experience with design patterns - Strong written and verbal communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese is required. Note: A technical test may be conducted as part of the hiring process. 【工作地点】台北市内湖区 【工作时间】周一--周五 9:00–18:00 【月休】周休二日 【薪资范围】 Monthly salary: 100K-200K, Above market (subject to candidacy) 【需求人数】2 【联络人/连络方式】 Send your resume to Ruby Lin [email protected] --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 mimi0254didi: 薪水有猛 推 04/12 17:37
2F:→ robler: 这种代徵的薪水都是灌水的 别想的太美好 04/12 17:42
3F:推 NSYSUEE: 外商+6~8年经验差不多吧,如果只有100k是有点少 04/12 17:45

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: arashi233 (, 04/12/2016 17:50:04
4F:→ lensuper: 看吧,又是java,没有嵌入式韧体 04/12 18:31
5F:推 aa06697: 这薪水真羡慕 04/12 20:09
6F:→ GoalBased: 104搜寻韧体,工作有4000个,一楼别再哭哭了 04/12 20:46
7F:→ manaup: 这家的水份有接触过的都了解吧 04/13 00:02
8F:推 ggthjew4: 这家水份只能无言,还会暗示你最好只能找他们独家合作, 04/17 23:57
9F:→ ggthjew4: 不然对工程师很不好 04/17 23:57
10F:→ ggthjew4: 我心里都偷笑了 04/17 23:58

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