Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): 北京魔多科技有限公司 公司地址(填写详细至号): 北京市海淀区信息路19号401 职缺: VR 用户体验设计师Interaction Designer 职缺能力经历要求: 职责 Contribute to the overall vision and user strategy for VR apps and platforms, from concept exploration through implementation, working closely with UX and software engineers to build designs. Communicate the user experience at various stages of the design process by making compelling designs and concepts and expressing them in compelling visual and verbal ways, such as: stories, sketches, wireframes, flow diagrams , models, 2D/3D mockups, prototypes Rationalize and justify design work clearly; advocate for users’ needs. Work closely with researchers to better inform designs and focus on our users. Interpret and translate complex technologies into simple and beautiful products and user experiences. 基本要求 BA/BS degree in Design (e.g., interaction, graphic, visual communications, product, industrial), HCI, Computer Science, or a related field or equivalent practical experience. Experience with visual and interaction design and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience designing and shipping software design experiences for multiple device types and contexts. Experience in interaction design, user-centered design methodologies and usability. 优先条件 Master's degree in Graphic Design, HCI, Product Design, Interaction Design, Information Design, or related field Experience with one or more of the following programming languages: Java, Objective-C, C++, C#. Experience working collaboratively with teams: research scientists, UI and 3D artists, game developers, full-stack software and hardware engineers, marketing and business teams. Proficiency with game engines (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine) Prototyping or front-end development skills and a good sense and understanding of Visual Design Strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪):60,000-90,000台币,股份另计 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 年终奖金计算方式:底薪计算 工时:8小时 每日工作时间: 09:30AM~06:30PM 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度 符合国订劳动基准法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 上班地点:北京或台北或矽谷(面议) 其他徵才职位在 也能看见 工作福利: 员工聚餐 与知名技术合夥人及投资人共事 参与国内外VR大会进修学习 公司分红与奖金: 依照公司整体运营绩效发放 公司介绍: 北京魔多科技公司是2015年成立的新创公司,目前主要做VR媒体相关报导,之後会做 VR内容等其他VR工作。 欢迎想在海外创业的人才加入我们团队。 人资或徵才联络方式: Dorothy [email protected] +86 18611534550 欢迎大家转发,谢谢! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: mask123 (, 03/17/2016 14:23:01 ※ 编辑: mask123 (, 03/17/2016 14:30:25
1F:推 ckp4131025: 在北京这薪水@@ 03/17 14:48
2F:→ dreamnook: 应该算偏低? 因为没看到有提供宿舍之类的 03/17 14:50
3F:→ robler: 这薪水要找人去北京还是洗洗早点睡吧 03/17 15:05
※ 编辑: mask123 (, 03/17/2016 16:49:18
4F:→ codehard: 算外派了 这薪水? 03/17 17:56
5F:嘘 PRAM: 那段外国语言可以用普通话重写吗? 03/17 18:14
6F:→ mask123: 我们主要是要找想一起创业的人 03/17 18:20
7F:→ mask123: 薪酬会是底薪+股份,如果真的很有能力的人,薪酬另谈 03/17 18:23
8F:→ robler: 不要在那边神秘兮兮的 股份怎麽谈 薪酬怎麽谈 讲清楚吧 03/17 20:37
9F:推 ptta: 北京物价比台北还高 03/17 21:12
10F:推 sp063439: 北京算是两人份当一份卖吧(饱) 03/17 21:58
11F:→ sp063439: 看到最後一样有5楼想法XD 03/17 22:00
12F:嘘 qwerty4416: 没看错吧这这价码应该要人民币吧 03/18 02:18
13F:推 KanoLoa: XD 靠北你不要把台湾这套带去北京啦 拐人过去没屁用的 03/18 10:48

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