Soft_Job 板


公司名称:宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司 公司地址:大陆福建宁德 职缺:BMS Software Engineer 职缺能力经历要求: Job Description Summary The main responsibility of the System Engineer/System Requirement Engineer is to design the whole Battery Management System with combined components of mechanical, electrical, hardware, software functions based on project technical-,functional safety requirement. Responsibilities Overall system design of Battery Management Systems for Li-Ion batteries application in xEV. System design to meet functional safety standard ISO 26262. Create and develop system level requirements based on customer requirements. Create and improve system architecture to meet system requirements with support from relevant departments (SW, HW, Electrical and Mechanical) System Validation against product requirement specification Coordinate with other teams (SW, HW, Electrical and Mechanical) to realize system design. Review SW and HW Design based on system requirements. Qualification Required Bachelors Degree or above in Automotive Engineering/ EE Engineering/ Automation/ SW Engineering/ Mechatronic Engineering Minimum 4 Years experience in the design of Li-Ion Battery Systems for automotive application (xEV) Strong communication skills in English is a must(both speaking and writing). Knowledge of functional safety standards ISO 26262 Life-Cycle Ability of systematical analysis, category and identification Structured and independent way of working Systematical thinking capability Domain Know-How in BMS relevant 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :N 薪资(年薪):30-60W RMB 工时: 每日工作时间: 8:00AM~17:30AM 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 加班费制度:Y (须符合国订劳动基准法) **无须加班仍须填写加班费制度** 如雇主有使劳工每日工作时间超过8小时者,或两周工作超过84小时者,应依法给付加班 费,其标准为:(劳动基准法第24条) (1)延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之1以上。 (2)再延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之2以上。 补休使用需员工同意,若经员工检举无加班费选项,一律转发劳动部进行调查。 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 大陆目前非常火的新能源公司, 虽为陆资企业, 但集团内有不少高管是台湾和香港人 联络方式:最近集团大举徵才, 台湾过来给的待遇还不错, 有意往大陆发展者请寄站内信 我直接帮忙内投给徵人单位会比找猎头或自己投快 谢谢 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ robler: 感觉要找的是全能超人 加油 慢找 01/14 22:21
2F:推 ginseng21: 加班费制度可以说明ㄧ下吗? 01/15 00:32
3F:推 abola921: 10:00 - 18:00 午休一小时,这样子一天应该算七小时 01/15 12:04
4F:→ abola921: 不然就是我已经被奴惯了 01/15 12:05
5F:推 drajan: 午休当然算工作时数.... 01/15 12:28
6F:推 Peruheru: 其实我以前也认为是3楼那样,後来才知道午休不算 01/15 12:47
7F:→ hgkiller01: 在国外午休也算入工作时间吗? 真好OAO 01/15 12:49
※ 编辑: cindydi (, 01/15/2016 16:09:02
8F:→ cindydi: 公司有包吃住,宁德空气也不错 01/16 10:49
9F:→ cindydi: 有兴趣朋友我可以帮转履历给用人单位,会比找猎头或自己 01/16 10:51
10F:→ cindydi: 丢有效率 01/16 10:51

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