Soft_Job 板


※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板 #1MHW7l8D ] 作者: essess (花谢了....) 看板: Tech_Job 标题: [徵才] 日本NTT徵ICT Engineer 时间: Fri Nov 13 23:29:46 2015 徵才详情及线上申请: ******************************************************* 【Corporate Name】 NTT Communications Corporation 【Job Category】 ICT Engineer, Sales, Market Creator 【Job Description】 ICT engineer: Highly specialized engineering positions responsible for technical review, design, development, and maintenance in cutting-edge markets of various services such as cloud technology, networks, applications, and content. (若有对营业及行销有兴趣版友,也可参考下方职务) Sales: Sales positions responsible for proposing NTT Communications Group's various services (networks, cloud technology, software, etc ) to provide solutions to management issues and help our clients to improve operations. Market Creator: Positions responsible for planning marketing and services and creating new markets in the cutting-edge markets of various services such as cloud technology, networks, applications, and content. 【Location】 ◎Japan /Headquarters: Tokyo Domestic bases:17 bases(Hokkaido, Miyagi, Niigata, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Nagano, Ishikawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Kagawa, Hiroshima and Fukuoka) Overseas bases: 43 countries and areas, 123 cities (Asia, U.S, Europe, etc.) 【Salary】 ◎An Example of Annual Income at 2nd year Basic salary(*1) Bachelor:2,650,000yen Master:2,880,000yen Overtime allowance(*2) Bachelor:560,000yen Mater: 610,000yen Housing allowance (*3) Bachelor: 440,000yen Master: 440,000yen ◎Bonus(*4)              Bachelor:820,000yen Master: 880,000yen ◎Total annual income(*5) Bachelor: 4,470,000yen Master: 4,810,000yen (pre-tax) (*1) This is an average amount for 2nd year employee. (*2) This is an estimated amount for those who worked about 25 hours overtime each month (*3) This 220,000yen is paid twice a year for those who rent the residence on your own.This allowance is not applied to those who would live in company condo or weekly/monthly apartments company rent. (*4) This is an average amount for 2nd year employee. This is the total amount of bonuses which is paid twice a year, June and December. (*5) Spendable income will be after-tax amount which income tax, resident tax, various insurance, company pension premiums, etc are deducted from pre-tax amount. After-tax amount will be about 80% of pre-tax.(there will be slight deference on tax amount depending on where to live.) All your expenses for transportation will be reimbursed apart from the income above. 【Benefits】 ◎Insurance :Employment and workers’ compensation, Health insurance and Government-backed company pension ◎Others:Condo for singles or Company dormitory, Housing rent subsidy (222,000 yen per 6 months for house rent you have contracted by yourself), Child or Nursing care programs, Savings Program, Recreation facilities, Amusement park discounts, etc. 【Education/Experience】 All major 【Language Skills】 ◎Required for ICT engineers: business level English ※Japanese speakers welcomed ◎Required for other position :upper daily conversation level Japanese(JLPT N1) and business level English 【Qualifications】 An individual who can start working within the company from April 2016 / an individual who can start working within the company from October 2016 An individual who will graduate or graduated from a domestic or overseas four-year university (acquired a bachelor’s degree) or graduate school (acquired a master’s degree) and has no work experience upon final graduation from his or her graduating university or graduate school (academic background). 【Selection Process】 CV screening → interviews(2 or 3 times) 【应徵方式】 请直接登録  若对此讯息有任何疑问欢迎来信询问(中文可): [email protected] -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: essess (, 11/13/2015 23:31:31 ※ 编辑: essess (, 11/13/2015 23:32:24

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: essess (, 11/13/2015 23:33:09
1F:推 loseptt: 仲介抽成也太高了把 11/14 08:58
2F:→ robler: 本薪超低 11/14 11:12
3F:→ robler: 第一次看到有人把加班费算进年薪里面拿出来说的 11/14 11:13
4F:→ l42857: 日本会这样算喔 因为基本都会加班 11/14 12:02
5F:→ l42857: 台湾线上外劳也是这样算 工程师都变责任制所以... 11/14 12:03
6F:→ askaleroux: 日本就会加班阿哈哈 加不到那时数还拿不到 11/14 15:08
7F:→ askaleroux: 所以效率低落常有 反正都要加班 晚点弄 11/14 15:08
8F:→ askaleroux: 残业は美徳、台湾人は知っておらない? 11/14 15:10
9F:推 HGK: 所以不是很推吗? 11/14 16:36
10F:→ askaleroux: NTT Group都还蛮官僚体制的 想要长期日本发展可去 11/14 16:51
11F:→ askaleroux: 日本文化适应者大推 11/14 16:51
12F:→ bely: 可以请问一下一楼是从哪边看到仲介抽成的部份吗? 11/15 12:16
13F:→ sysc: 25 小时overtime...每日10hour就有到...? 11/17 06:14
14F:推 sysc: 好像是长期来说感觉比台湾这里好一些 11/17 06:24

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