Soft_Job 板


【公司名称】Deepblu About Deepblu. DeepBlu is an exciting venture backed, early stage start-up focused on building a social platform specifically for diving enthusiasts across the globe. TheDeepBlu Web and App platforms allow users to connect with other divers, sharetheir diving experiences, discover new dive sites and help plan their next diving adventure. DeepBlu is also the creator of the Triton, the latest innovation in diving computer technology. Triton is a multi-purpose diving companion that works with the DeepBlu App, making dive log creation as quick and painless as a tap of a button. The DiveLink wifi SD card accessory seamlessly integrates photos and videos from your dive sessions directly into your digital dive logs, making them ready to be shared with your friends within moments. The company is founded by a core team of diving enthusiasts with professional backgrounds spanning across various tech sectors. Our mission is to build a community where divers can connect with each other and have fun sharing their experiences. Our hardware innovations empower divers to easily capture their diving experience so they have more time on the important stuff such as planningyour next dive trip. 【工作职缺】Android developer、web developer与 cloud (backend) developer 【工作内容】 104传送门: Android developer: Web developer: Cloud developer: DeepBlus's RD team is responsible for developing and maintaining all the software products including web platform and apps. As an Android developer, you are expected to be an enthusiastic individual who has passionate to solve problems. The Andriod developer will work closely with the design team, plan team and cloud team to develop the amazing Android App. You also need to thrive in an English and Mandarin speaking environment with people of various backgrounds Android developer A. Responsibilities: ● Develop high quality Android App. ● Work with design team and plan team to create system specifications. ● Work on bug fixing and improving application performance. ● Good teamwork and communication skills; ability to provide clear documentation. B. Requirements: ● At least 4-year software development experience with object oriented or functional languages, including at least 2 years in Android app development. ● Good understanding of user experience on mobile devices. ● Knowing how to communicate Bluetooth Device with Android SDK. ● Familiar with Gesture Recognition, View Animation, SQLite, GCM, Location Service, Google API. ● Work with outside data sources and API's. ● Experience with Git, including understanding of branching and merging workflows. C. Preferred qualifications: ● Experience with Meteor to build cross platform App. Web developer A. Responsibilities: ● Create high quality consumer web application interfaces. ● Work closely with the design team, plan team and cloud team to define feature specifications. ● Work on bug fixing and improving web performance. ● Good teamwork and communication skills; ability to provide clear documentation. B. Requirements: ● Mastery of JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. ● Have built applications using a modern front end framework like AngularJS, jQuery. ● An in-depth knowledge of responsive design implementations. ● Experience with Git, including understanding of branching and merging workflows. C. Preferred qualifications: ● Experience with Meteor to build cross-platform Apps. Cloud (backend) developer A. Responsibilities: ● Cloud Infrastructure/Storage development and integration. ● Cloud platform Setup and maintain including cloud OS and database. ● Design and develop scalable APIs for web and apps use with Node.js. ● Develop shell scripts for maintenance and productivity. ● Work with design team and plan team to create system specifications. ● Good teamwork and communication skills; ability to provide clear documentation B. Requirements: ● Familiar with server site programming and script languages including Node.js and Shell script. ● Familiar with RDBMS and NoSQL(Like MongoDB). ● Experience on Linux, data storage and virtualization technology development. ● Experience on networking, cloud storage API like Google Storage API, Youtube Data API, Amazon S3 API integration and development. ● Experience on cloud platform including AWS or GAE. C. Preferred qualifications: ● Experience with Git, including understanding of branching and merging workflows 【工作地点】台北市,目前在大直实践大学育成中心内,大概十一月会搬家, 地点应在世贸附近(基隆路上) 【工作时间】周一至周五,9:30-18:00,午休时间可协调~~ 【月休】 见红就休,周休二日 【公司福利】零食无限供应 【薪资范围】50,000-80,000 【需求人数】1 【联络人/连络方式】请直接寄信到[email protected],并请注明是於ptt上看见此徵才讯息。 欢迎外国朋友应徵,谢谢~ 【其他备注】公司网址: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: stoorz (, 10/26/2015 11:29:18
1F:推 YahooTaiwan: 吃饭半小时够吗..... 10/26 11:25
2F:→ stoorz: 其实我们目前办公室是抓个大概,如果真的有事情、洽公什麽 10/26 11:31
3F:→ stoorz: 老板也不会为难,也并没有特别计时准半小时要回来啦@_@... 10/26 11:32
4F:→ stoorz: 我们是新创公司,很多东西是真的很弹性、很可以谈的:) 10/26 11:33
5F:→ stoorz: 也谢谢楼上y大的建议喔,我会跟老板提出^^ 10/26 11:33
6F:推 discoby: 很多人中午不午休小眯一下 下午会跟死人一样的 噗 10/26 13:33
7F:推 hegemon: 中午不睡一小时,下午根本没办法做事… 10/26 14:12
8F:推 aiyswu: 我做事都是想睡就睡的XD 10/26 14:14
※ 编辑: stoorz (, 10/26/2015 14:48:41
9F:推 abccbaandy: 有公司是想睡就睡的喔...XD 10/26 14:59
10F:推 aiyswu: 有阿 我作旧金山的startup 时区根本不同XD 10/26 15:49
11F:推 discoby: 你脸皮够厚就可以XD 以前有同事白天一直睡 再工作到半夜X 10/26 18:19
12F:→ discoby: D 不过这种行为不值得鼓励 10/26 18:19
13F:推 cpper: 现在都流行徵才条件全部写英文哦? 薪水也没开比较高啊 10/26 19:49
14F:→ bndan: 责任制的东西想睡就睡= = 反正时间到了东西拿的出来就好 10/27 12:28
15F:→ bndan: 厚脸皮应该是指不管你怎做最後东西都拿不出来的情况.. 10/27 12:28

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