Soft_Job 板


【单位(公司)名称】 Yahoo Taiwan 【工作职称】 Production Engineer 【工作简介】 Production Engineering at Yahoo is responsible for the complete end-to-end Operations of Yahoo products and the underlying Infrastructure. The 800+ million unique users who come to our sites every month expect the best-in-class reliability and performance and this is the team that makes it all happen. The organization is looking for highly motivated, talented, and technically savvy individuals to become part of this team that operates our most popular products like, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports, etc. Yahoo is a unique destination for engineers and managers who are hungry to work on cutting edge technology combined with the scale that only Yahoo can provide. If you have the passion to be a part of a team that operates one of the largest scale websites on this Planet, then this group is for you. 【工作内容】 1. Launch and monitor mission critical high availability web products in company-owned data centers in an agile environment 2. Provide operational support to our infrastructure, which includes problem isolation, monitoring, capacity and performance analysis, planning and executing software and hardware upgrades 3. Refine processes using automation 4. Support oncall rotation across multiple regions 5. Work with internal engineering, editorial, and business team to deliver world-class products 【条件需求】 1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent 2. Strong Communication Skills in English 3. Hands on experience in UNIX-based production environment (RHEL/FreeBSD) 4. Experience in writing one or more of: Perl, Python, Ruby, Nodejs, C++, C, Java, etc 5. Understanding of Devops principles and strong collaboration skills with developers. 6. Understanding in TCP/IP Networking concepts 7. Experience in supporting cloud-based virtualization is a plus 8. Experience in content caching and distribution, and load balancing is a plus 【工作时间】 周一~周五 9:30--18:30,周休二日 需轮流值班 (10:00 ~ 22:00),无大夜班 【工作地点】 台北市三重路66号 (南港展览馆3期) 【薪资范围】 视过去实务经验而定 【应徵人数】 工程师1位 资深工程师1位 【应徵方式】 将屦历寄至:[email protected] 公司福利好,上班气氛融洽,很Free的工作环境 有任何问题可发信问我[email protected] --

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1F:→ toosakarin: 价格不是该讲明吗??? 09/30 23:50
2F:嘘 minikai: 虽然是YAHOO但是还是违反版规 10/01 00:22
3F:嘘 deray: 看到yahoo就知道又不写薪资了 10/01 07:18
4F:嘘 vn509942: 版规 10/01 09:43
5F:嘘 doranako: 大公司还是要遵守版规 10/01 09:52
6F:嘘 fgh81113: 薪资 10/01 10:21
7F:嘘 cominlin: 薪资 10/01 10:25
8F:嘘 kmd: 香蕉呢? 这样子 PO JD 花果山那群人都看不下去了 10/01 10:27
9F:嘘 Masakiad: 薪薪相印好吗 10/01 12:12
10F:嘘 lifekiller: 薪资不敢说? 10/01 13:10
11F:嘘 Samuellu: 给尊重 10/01 16:02
12F:嘘 nitero: 10/01 22:36
13F:嘘 lovving777: 烂 10/02 01:14
14F:嘘 easybaby: XD 10/03 01:12
15F:嘘 CLFJ: Yahoo上PTT徵人?这应该不是HR,而且,是约聘职吧? 10/03 03:05
16F:→ bbser: Google://yahoo 裁员 10/03 21:45
17F:嘘 pttuser: 几根香蕉都不敢写 10/04 01:08
18F:推 go135: 之前听说有10年计画,年资10年以上的自动加入 10/06 00:02

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