Soft_Job 板


【公司名称】ScienceLogic, Inc. 【公司网址】 【工作职缺】Technical Support Engineer / Professional Services Engineer 【徵求条件】 Technical Support Engineer 1. A bachelor degree in computer science/engineering or equivalent work experience 2. Strong support, deployment and/or administration experience for enterprise software solutions 3. System administration/support experience in Windows and Unix environments with an emphasis on Linux 4. Configuration and troubleshooting SNMP based Network/Systems Management platforms 5. MySQL Database knowledge is recommended 6. Knowledge of scripting, PHP and/or Python is a plus 7. Solid understanding of TCP/IP networking 8. Handling customer cases via phone and email systems; on-site experience a plus Professional Services Engineer 1. A bachelor degree in computer science/engineering or equivalent work experience 2. Proven experience with implementation of enterprise level network management or security products or similar projects 3. Thorough understanding of IT infrastructure, application, and enterprise infrastructure best practices 4. Excellent written and verbal communication skills 5. 5+ years experience supporting/using enterprise class infrastructure monitoring platforms 6. 5+ years Linux operating system experience 7. 3+ years MySQL Database experience 8. 3+ years of experience with Cisco network equipment to include solid understanding of L2 and L3 layers 9. 3+ years of experience with SNMP and vendor MIB architecture and how to query for status 10. 3+ years of experience configuring SNMP trap alerts based on requirements 11. Strong knowledge of WMI, XML, SOAP, PHP and/or Python 12. Proficient in Linux scripting 13. Have exceptional troubleshooting and customer-handling skills 14. Be a self-starter 【工作地点】 Technical Support Engineer: 上手以前在内湖, 上手以後在你家 Professional Services Engineer: 上手以前在内湖, 上手以後在你家 【工作时间】 Technical Support Engineer 两种, 都是上四天休息三天 1. 周日至周三 早上 8 点至下午 7 点,含午休12点至1点1小时 2. 周三至周六 早上 8 点至下午 7 点,含午休12点至1点1小时 Professional Services Engineer 周一至周五 早上9点至下午6点半,含午休12点至1点半1.5小时 【工作内容】 Technical Support Engineer 1. Provide technical support to ScienceLogic customers by answering telephone calls and replying to emails in line with departmental measures, with a focus on high quality, accuracy and customer satisfaction 2. Document and record all activity and communication with customers over telephone and email according to departmental standards of quality 3. Record all activity in the department’s ticketing system, updating cases at least every 3 days in order that progress can be tracked with each customer’s incident, viewed via the customer portal. 4. Meet or exceed departmental goals for Case Management, Phone and Email response times, and Customer Satisfaction scores 5. Review cases for technical complexity and make recommendations to team members with regards escalation according to departmental Best Practice 6. Use and create knowledgebase articles based on new product information, support incidents, and/or common or critical issues 7. Adhere to ScienceLogic Support Services best practices 8. Participate in departmental projects 9. Actively participate in team and departmental meetings by providing feedback on current day to day activity and recommendations for improvement 10. Perform hands-on installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of ScienceLogic appliances as they relate to the ScienceLogic suite of products 11. Expect approximately 20-40% travel for on-site work with customers and partners Professional Services Engineer 1. Perform hands-on installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of ScienceLogic appliances as they relate to the ScienceLogic suite of products. 2. Act as the internal customer advocate for problem resolution, new product features, and future product direction 3. Flexible and willing to learn new technologies and applications 4. Record all activity in the department’s ticketing system 5. Use and create knowledgebase articles based on new product information, field incidents, and/or common or critical issues 6. Adhere to ScienceLogic Professional Services best practices 7. Participate in departmental projects 8. Self-motivated and able to work independently on multiple engagements/projects 9. Ability to maintain a positive and cooperative attitude in sometimes stressful situations 10. Strong project management skills with the ability to prioritize competing project timelines 11. Creative person who looks for new and innovative ways to resolve problems 12. Effective team player willing to assist others when needed 13. Expect over 70% travel for on-site work with customers and partners 【公司福利】 Technical Support Engineer 1. 台湾国定假日, 国定假日坐落在周休则转成特休 2. 周休四五六 或是 日一二 (看是上哪一班) 3. 特休十天 Professional Services Engineer 1. 台湾国定假日, 国定假日坐落在周休则转成特休 2. 周休六日 3. 特休十天 【薪资范围】 Technical Support Engineer 年薪 4 万美金 Professional Services Engineer 年薪 4.8 万美金 【需求人数】 Technical Support Engineer 2人 Professional Services Engineer 1人 【联络人/连络方式】 请将英语履历寄到 Henry Hsiao <[email protected]> 【其他备注】 外商公司不会怕给薪水, 只要表现良好调薪是一定会的. 因为95% 的客户都只会说英文, 所以英文沟通能力必须要非常流畅. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 hegemon: 薪水普通,但是周休三日好威 09/05 15:58
2F:推 loseptt: 感觉是外包 09/05 18:40
3F:推 wesley234: 周休六日,一个星期休息六天只要上一天班,太好了 09/05 19:51
4F:→ Ryuusei: 周休六日XDD 09/05 19:59
5F:推 sean2449: 周休六日,太强了! 09/05 20:27
6F:推 del680202: 周休六日 我好心动XD 09/05 21:31
7F:→ hsiao421: 外包转正职 09/06 12:21
8F:推 mepowerlmay: 六日 09/06 18:48
9F:嘘 pttuser: 连休几日都搞错 09/07 08:09
10F:→ et282523: 是休 "六" "日" 的意思吧?其实是周休二日 09/08 12:15
11F:推 jammy50605: 周休六日XD 乾脆用英文写好了 09/09 13:10

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