作者orangiaa (Orangiaa)
标题Re: 最近都是鬼天气...
时间Mon May 10 23:01:47 2004
※ 引述《rnwk (rnwk)》之铭言:
The rain is never heavy, but it can rain for a whole day..i hated it
and that's why i moved to CA
The tiny drops of rain just ....kill me !!!
it's like..should i bring umbrella or not? should i stay home or go?
will it stop raining soon? will it start again??? it drives me crazy :(
: 可以跟你保证的. 西雅图的年降雨量比美东纽约或波士顿等城市都要少得多.
: ※ 引述《njmimi (乘虚御风)》之铭言:
: : 厄...
: : 到底西雅图下雨有没有多得很恐怖啊^^"
: : 在考虑UW
: : 可是听别人说天气常常阴雨绵绵...就....
: : 因为我这里下雨已经够多了啦>_<
※ 发信站: 批踢踢参(ptt3.cc)
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