SFGiants 板


※ [本文转录自 Baseball 看板 #1KFYvJQl ] 作者: Rambo (香帅) 站内: Baseball 标题: [影片] 今日 MLB 赛事精华 (2014.10.14) 时间: Wed Oct 15 16:20:29 2014 红雀 (STL) VS 巨人 (SF) (4 : 5) >>>>>>官网版<<<<<< >>>>>>下载版<<<<<< http://u.to/CRkpCQ http://u.to/CxkpCQ Pence RBI double http://u.to/HiIpCQ http://u.to/HyIpCQ Giants on Game 3 walk-off win http://u.to/DhkpCQ http://u.to/EBkpCQ Grichuk on playing right field http://u.to/GRkpCQ http://u.to/GhkpCQ Pierzynski first at-bat http://u.to/HBkpCQ http://u.to/JRkpCQ Bochy on Hudson start http://u.to/JhkpCQ http://u.to/JxkpCQ Statcast: Sandoval nabs Holliday http://u.to/UT4pCQ http://u.to/WT4pCQ Former Giants' throw first pitch http://u.to/KRkpCQ http://u.to/KhkpCQ Hudson strands runner in 6th http://u.to/LhkpCQ http://u.to/NBkpCQ Cards on adjusting to AT&amp;T Park http://u.to/OBkpCQ http://u.to/ORkpCQ Carpenter snares liner http://u.to/OhkpCQ http://u.to/OxkpCQ Statcast: Giants win it on error http://u.to/PBkpCQ http://u.to/QhkpCQ Bochy on Morse role http://u.to/RhkpCQ http://u.to/RxkpCQ NLCS shifts to San Francisco http://u.to/SBkpCQ http://u.to/SRkpCQ Must C: Grichuk homer ties it http://u.to/TRkpCQ http://u.to/ThkpCQ Statcast: Hudson starts DP http://u.to/TxkpCQ http://u.to/UBkpCQ Pierzynski ready if needed http://u.to/URkpCQ http://u.to/UhkpCQ Bochy on extra-inning rally http://u.to/VBkpCQ http://u.to/VRkpCQ Blanco sliding catch http://u.to/VhkpCQ http://u.to/WBkpCQ Hudson lines single in 4th http://u.to/YRkpCQ http://u.to/YhkpCQ Adams snares liner http://u.to/ZRkpCQ http://u.to/chkpCQ Jay running catch http://u.to/cxkpCQ http://u.to/dBkpCQ Giants walk off on error http://u.to/REMpCQ http://u.to/RUMpCQ Giants take lead into Game 4 http://u.to/dhkpCQ http://u.to/dxkpCQ Giants scratch out winning run http://u.to/ehkpCQ http://u.to/ghkpCQ Ishikawa on big day at plate http://u.to/hhkpCQ http://u.to/hxkpCQ Statcast: Wong triples in two http://u.to/iBkpCQ http://u.to/iRkpCQ Blanco, Crawford on Game 3 win http://u.to/nRkpCQ http://u.to/oBkpCQ Lackey on facing Giants in WS http://u.to/oRkpCQ http://u.to/tRkpCQ FS1 tracks Jay running catch http://u.to/thkpCQ http://u.to/wRkpCQ Cards fall in extras of Game 3 http://u.to/yBkpCQ http://u.to/yRkpCQ Hudson starts double play http://u.to/yhkpCQ http://u.to/zBkpCQ Pierzynski on NLCS Game 3 loss http://u.to/zRkpCQ http://u.to/zhkpCQ Wong on Game 3 loss to Giants http://u.to/1hkpCQ http://u.to/2hkpCQ Warriors take in Game 3 http://u.to/4RkpCQ http://u.to/4hkpCQ Panda sobre su marca, triunfo http://u.to/4xkpCQ http://u.to/6RkpCQ Ishikawa bases-clearing double http://u.to/6hkpCQ http://u.to/6xkpCQ Wong two-run triple http://u.to/8BkpCQ http://u.to/8RkpCQ Hudson on going back home http://u.to/8hkpCQ http://u.to/8xkpCQ Maness' heads-up play http://u.to/9hkpCQ http://u.to/9xkpCQ Blanco nice catch http://u.to/_hkpCQ http://u.to/-BkpCQ Panik diving stop http://u.to/-RkpCQ http://u.to/BhopCQ Steve Perry rocking out http://u.to/BxopCQ http://u.to/CRopCQ Giants' four-run frame http://u.to/CxopCQ http://u.to/DhopCQ Hudson pitches into the 7th http://u.to/EBopCQ http://u.to/ExopCQ Affeldt escapes trouble http://u.to/KxopCQ http://u.to/LBopCQ Panik heads-up grab http://u.to/LxopCQ http://u.to/NhopCQ Matheny on Wong hitting http://u.to/NxopCQ http://u.to/OBopCQ Lackey plunked in 5th http://u.to/PxopCQ http://u.to/QBopCQ Hudson on his Game 3 start http://u.to/RRopCQ http://u.to/RxopCQ Matheny on Yadier http://u.to/SRopCQ http://u.to/ThopCQ Matheny on starting catcher http://u.to/UhopCQ http://u.to/UxopCQ Matheny on tough loss to Giants http://u.to/VRopCQ http://u.to/XBopCQ Perez sobre su hit clave http://u.to/aBopCQ http://u.to/aRopCQ Giants walk off vs. Cardinals http://u.to/chopCQ http://u.to/dRopCQ Panda running throw http://u.to/fhopCQ http://u.to/fxopCQ Giants players on Game 3 victory http://u.to/gBopCQ http://u.to/gRopCQ Gonzales rings up Blanco http://u.to/hBopCQ http://u.to/hRopCQ Molina on oblique injury http://u.to/iBopCQ http://u.to/iRopCQ Lackey on facing Giants http://u.to/mhopCQ http://u.to/nBopCQ Weir, Lesh, Flannery sing anthem http://u.to/nxopCQ http://u.to/pBopCQ Peralta RBI single http://u.to/pRopCQ http://u.to/rhopCQ Kim on Tim Hudson pitching http://u.to/uBopCQ http://u.to/uhopCQ Grichuk game-tying blast http://u.to/vBopCQ http://u.to/yBopCQ Matheny on postseason grind http://u.to/yhopCQ http://u.to/0xopCQ Giants look ahead to NLCS Game 3 http://u.to/1RopCQ http://u.to/1hopCQ Lackey six-inning start http://u.to/2xopCQ http://u.to/3RopCQ Must C: Ishikawa clears bases http://u.to/5BopCQ http://u.to/6xopCQ Perez singles after bunt attempt http://u.to/8RopCQ http://u.to/8hopCQ Tim Hudson son Kade on his dad http://u.to/8xopCQ http://u.to/9RopCQ Recap: STL 4, SF 5 F/10 http://u.to/-xopCQ http://u.to/ARspCQ Bochy on preparation http://u.to/BhspCQ http://u.to/DxspCQ Panda great play http://u.to/FhspCQ http://u.to/KRspCQ Must C: Giants walk off on error http://u.to/KhspCQ http://u.to/KxspCQ Grichuk running catch http://u.to/LhspCQ http://u.to/MBspCQ Romo, ganador del Juego 3 http://u.to/MRspCQ http://u.to/NBspCQ Pence on walk-off win over Cards http://u.to/NRspCQ http://u.to/OBspCQ Wainwright flashes signs http://u.to/PxspCQ http://u.to/QBspCQ Sgt. D'Arcy sings during stretch http://u.to/QRspCQ http://u.to/QhspCQ Cardinals on NLCS Game 3 loss http://u.to/RBspCQ http://u.to/TRspCQ Yadi warms up in 'pen http://u.to/UBspCQ http://u.to/UhspCQ NLCS heads to San Francisco 金莺 (BAL) VS 皇家 (KC) (1 : 2) >>>>>>官网版<<<<<< >>>>>>下载版<<<<<< http://u.to/xDspCQ http://u.to/xzspCQ Must C: Moose pair of catches http://u.to/UxspCQ http://u.to/VBspCQ Hardy RBI double http://u.to/XRspCQ http://u.to/XhspCQ Statcast: Royals take the lead http://u.to/ZBspCQ http://u.to/ZRspCQ Butler go-ahead sac fly http://u.to/cT4pCQ http://u.to/cj4pCQ Perez loses grip on bat http://u.to/aRspCQ http://u.to/ahspCQ Davis gets groundout http://u.to/bhspCQ http://u.to/bxspCQ Guthrie limits damage to one http://u.to/R1kpCQ http://u.to/SFkpCQ O pitch well, but lose Game 3 http://u.to/dhspCQ http://u.to/eBspCQ Gordon RBI groundout http://u.to/eRspCQ http://u.to/fhspCQ Holland shuts door on Game 3 http://u.to/ghspCQ http://u.to/gxspCQ Brett throws out first pitch http://u.to/hBspCQ http://u.to/jhspCQ Moose incredible catch http://u.to/mRspCQ http://u.to/oRspCQ Royals honor Kansas City greats http://u.to/ohspCQ http://u.to/oxspCQ Pressley on facing Guthrie http://u.to/uBspCQ http://u.to/uRspCQ Moose outstanding catch http://u.to/MFwpCQ http://u.to/MlwpCQ Recap: BAL 1, KC 2 http://u.to/uhspCQ http://u.to/uxspCQ Cameraman snares foul ball http://u.to/1h0pCQ http://u.to/1x0pCQ Royals' fans on Moustakas catch http://u.to/vBspCQ http://u.to/vRspCQ Perez tough catch http://u.to/DWkpCQ http://u.to/DmkpCQ Royals going for the sweep http://u.to/vhspCQ http://u.to/vxspCQ Dyson goes to third http://u.to/wBspCQ http://u.to/whspCQ Pearce nice grab http://u.to/wxspCQ http://u.to/yhspCQ Schoop gets Escobar at second http://u.to/yxspCQ http://u.to/zBspCQ Schoop starts double play http://u.to/zxspCQ http://u.to/0BspCQ Herrera strikes out Hundley http://u.to/0RspCQ http://u.to/0xspCQ Holland on shutting down Orioles http://u.to/V0kpCQ http://u.to/WEkpCQ Butler on Game 3 win http://u.to/1BspCQ http://u.to/1hspCQ Cain great grab http://u.to/uiApCQ http://u.to/uyApCQ Statcast: Cain runs down foul http://u.to/SVkpCQ http://u.to/SlkpCQ Orioles on loss to Royals http://u.to/2hspCQ http://u.to/4RspCQ Phillips performs anthem http://u.to/4hspCQ http://u.to/4xspCQ Yost on win, Moustakas' defense http://u.to/6hspCQ http://u.to/6xspCQ Statcast: Moustakas lays out http://u.to/aV4pCQ http://u.to/al4pCQ Royals a win away from WS http://u.to/7xspCQ http://u.to/8BspCQ Aoki on postseason success http://u.to/lyMpCQ http://u.to/pSMpCQ Herrera fans two in 7th http://u.to/8RspCQ http://u.to/8hspCQ Statcast: Hosmer sprints to bag http://u.to/8xspCQ http://u.to/9BspCQ Foul ball ricochets onto field http://u.to/9RspCQ http://u.to/9xspCQ Statcast: Schoop heads-up play http://u.to/Ih8pCQ http://u.to/Ix8pCQ Guthrie holds Orioles to one http://u.to/_BspCQ http://u.to/-BspCQ Rusty Kuntz shows off reflexes http://u.to/DlspCQ http://u.to/FFspCQ Cain on Royals' dramatic win http://u.to/BxwpCQ http://u.to/CRwpCQ Showalter on Game 3 loss http://u.to/TFkpCQ http://u.to/TVkpCQ Cruz on Game 3 loss http://u.to/7CYpCQ http://u.to/7SYpCQ Holland perfect 9th http://u.to/Mh4pCQ http://u.to/NR4pCQ KC fans on postseason tailgate http://u.to/DxwpCQ http://u.to/EBwpCQ Perez shaken up on backswing http://u.to/ERwpCQ http://u.to/GBwpCQ Chen keeps it tied http://u.to/GRwpCQ http://u.to/HBwpCQ Sveum on facing Chen http://u.to/_FcpCQ http://u.to/_VcpCQ Jones on being down 3-0 in ALCS http://u.to/Nh4pCQ http://u.to/Nx4pCQ Moustakas on his great plays http://u.to/HRwpCQ http://u.to/IhwpCQ Gausman gets Cain for 1-2-3 8th http://u.to/KxwpCQ http://u.to/LBwpCQ Hosmer diving play http://u.to/ZEkpCQ http://u.to/ZUkpCQ Guthrie on ALCS Game 3 win http://u.to/LxwpCQ http://u.to/MBwpCQ Infante slick play http://u.to/IiIpCQ http://u.to/IyIpCQ Frasor retires side in order http://u.to/718pCQ http://u.to/8F8pCQ Royals 'pen dominates in Game 3 http://u.to/ORwpCQ http://u.to/QBwpCQ Moose on finding ways to win http://u.to/FlspCQ http://u.to/F1spCQ Royals on winning Game 3 of ALCS http://u.to/HCgpCQ http://u.to/HSgpCQ Davis' 8th inning of relief http://u.to/QhwpCQ http://u.to/QxwpCQ Gordon tough catch http://u.to/T1kpCQ http://u.to/UFkpCQ Showalter on trailing in ALCS http://u.to/QB8pCQ http://u.to/QR8pCQ Chen Game 3 start http://u.to/aUkpCQ http://u.to/akkpCQ Hosmer on streaking Royals http://u.to/RBwpCQ http://u.to/RRwpCQ Royals bring momentum home http://u.to/RhwpCQ http://u.to/RxwpCQ Showalter on postponed Game 3 http://u.to/SBwpCQ http://u.to/SxwpCQ Royals discuss Game 3 rainout http://u.to/TBwpCQ http://u.to/UBwpCQ Guthrie on facing former team http://u.to/UhwpCQ http://u.to/UxwpCQ Chen on Game 3 start http://u.to/VRwpCQ http://u.to/VhwpCQ ALCS shifts to Kansas City http://u.to/WBwpCQ http://u.to/WxwpCQ Orioles on Game 3 rainout http://u.to/YxwpCQ http://u.to/ZxwpCQ Royals fan named after Brett http://u.to/bhwpCQ http://u.to/cBwpCQ Guthrie on lazy Susan http://u.to/cRwpCQ http://u.to/chwpCQ Yost on Guthrie, heading home http://u.to/dBwpCQ http://u.to/dRwpCQ Showalter on restaurants http://u.to/dhwpCQ http://u.to/dxwpCQ Butler on team offensive surge http://u.to/eRwpCQ http://u.to/exwpCQ Yost on Ventura http://u.to/gxwpCQ http://u.to/mBwpCQ Showalter on weather, Chen http://u.to/phwpCQ http://u.to/pxwpCQ O believe in comeback http://u.to/qhwpCQ http://u.to/qxwpCQ Royals look to continue streak http://u.to/rBwpCQ http://u.to/rRwpCQ O look to bounce back http://u.to/rhwpCQ http://u.to/rxwpCQ Royals on returning home http://u.to/sRwpCQ http://u.to/sxwpCQ ALCS Game 3 postponed http://u.to/vBwpCQ http://u.to/vRwpCQ Showalter emphasizes confidence http://u.to/vhwpCQ http://u.to/vxwpCQ Yost on Game 3 postponement 每日五大好球/精华回顾 >>>>>>官网版<<<<<< >>>>>>下载版<<<<<< http://u.to/8xopCQ http://u.to/9RopCQ Recap: STL 4, SF 5 F/10 http://u.to/MFwpCQ http://u.to/MlwpCQ Recap: BAL 1, KC 2 http://u.to/4DQpCQ http://u.to/4TQpCQ 今日五大好球 http://u.to/wRwpCQ http://u.to/xxwpCQ 上周十大HR http://u.to/ulApCQ http://u.to/u1ApCQ 今日快速扫描 http://u.to/D0MpCQ http://u.to/EkMpCQ 今日快扫Nice Play http://u.to/xDspCQ http://u.to/xzspCQ Must C: Moose's pair of catches http://u.to/2xopCQ http://u.to/3RopCQ Must C: Ishikawa clears bases http://u.to/FhspCQ http://u.to/KRspCQ Must C: Giants walk off on error -- http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog NBA每日线上高光 & 线上Top10 http://nbafilm.enjoy101.org NBA官网 + ESPN官网 每日即时线上影片 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1413361235.A.6AF.html
1F:推 homer00: 推 10/15 17:12

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: JeremyKSKGA (, 10/15/2014 20:20:31

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