RealMadrid 板


: Portillo - : 20 year old Javier Portillo started the season in Real Madrid C, : but after scoring over 20 goals was promoted to the B team. : Drafted into the first team squad for the final Champions League games, : and marked his debut scoring at Panathinaikos only minutes after coming : on as substitute. Portillo 年仅二十的Javier Portillo从皇马C队开始他的职业生涯 但是当他在C队中进了超过二十球以後他就被提拔到了皇马B队 其後他也被挑选进入冠军联赛最终的一队球员小组名单内 他在Panathinaikos的处女秀替补上场数分钟内随即进球获得世人注目 : Valdo - : full name Valmiro Lopes Rocha, is Real Madrid's latest young star. : His parents moved from the island of Cape Verde to the town of : Villablino in the province of Leon, where he was born on 23rd April 1981. : He is currently on the books of Real Madrid B, playing in the second : division B. Has been compared with Arsenal's Thierry Henry both in looks : and style of play. Valdo 全名Valmiro Lopes Rocha 他是皇马最近的年轻新星 他的父母亲为了他而从他的出生地(太冗长了XD..偷懒不翻)举家迁徙至马德里 他现在被列在皇马B队的名单内 并参加次级B分区的比赛 他的外表以及踢球风格已经被拿来与阿森纳的Thierry Henry作比较 : Raul Bravo - : started the season in Real Madrid C, but was soon called up to the B side. : A strong and versatile left sided player who is equally at home in defence : or midfield. He was born in Gandia on 14th April 1981. Under 21 international. Raul(名字不太确定XD) Bravo 他在皇马C队开始他的职业生涯 但很快的就被召入了皇马B队 不论在左後卫或者左前卫这两个位置都相当的在行的他是个强壮而且具有多变化的球员 他在一九八一年四月十四日出生於Gandia 现为西班牙二十一岁以下国家队国脚 : Pavon - : Francisco Pavon is a 21 year old central defender who started the season : playing in Real Madrid B. He made his first team debut in the Champions : League last season, and has now been promoted to the full first team squad. Pavon 在皇马B队开始职业生涯的Francisco Pavon是名二十一岁的中卫 他在上赛季的冠军联赛中缔造了了他在皇马一队的处女秀 而且他现在已经被完全提拔到了一队球员名单内 : Minambres - : Oscar Minambres is probably the most promising of the B team youngsters. : He was the only one to complete the pre-season training with the first : team squad, and has been called up as substitute on several occasions. : Secure in defence but can also attack down the right flank when needed. : Born in Madrid in January 1981. Under 21 international. Minambres Oscar Minambres恐怕是皇马B队青年队中最有前途的一个 他也是B队中唯一一个完整的参加了皇马一队季前训练的球员 并且已经在数个机会中被召入替补 他防守稳固但在需要进攻时一样可以从右路撕开对手防线 出生於一九八一年一月的马德里 也是西班牙二十一岁以下国家队队员 : Borja - Borja Fernandez is a central defender who can also play in the : anchor man position in midfield. Has been with the club for six years, : and finally made his debut for the first team in the cup match at P奫ara : after being non-playing substitute three times. Under 21 international. Borja 同样可以在後腰挑大梁的Borja Fernandez是名中卫 他已经入皇马六个年头 在最後是在与某队的盃赛中完成他的一队处女秀 其後并三度成为一名完全替补并无上场的球员 现在也是西班牙二十一岁以下国家队队员之一 : Ruben - : Ruben Gonzalez is the latest of a long line of B team defenders to play : with the first team squad when needed. His first appearance with the : first team was in the Champions League at Andelecht last year, and by : coincidence his first game this season was at the same ground. Tall, : blond and slim, Ruben is a stylish player who was born in La Coruna in : January 1982. Under 21 international. Ruben Ruben Gonzalez是最近在一队中有需要随即替补上来的皇马B队後卫队员 他在皇马一队的处女秀是在去年Andelecht的冠军联赛 巧合的是 他在本赛季的首场比赛也是在同样的地方 高大 一头闪耀金发 身材修长 一九八二年一月出生在La Coruna的Ruben就是一名帅气的球员 现在也是西班牙二十一岁以下国家队队员之一 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ jsbach:翻得真好~~XD 推 04/16
2F:→ tumu:XD 有些名字不是很确定 推 04/16
3F:→ UmbertoEco:Raul Bravo好像是租借到英国那个不是吗 推 04/16
4F:→ tumu:对啊 可是又不是只有他一个人叫Raul Bravo 推 04/16
5F:→ angelalei:叫那个名字又踢那个位置的应该就是他了吧. 推 04/16
6F:→ tumu:他好像比较臭老一点XD 这只还是小孩 推 04/16

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