作者bmw3633 (滑鼠兔)
标题[情报] 宝芬扫描ban玩家
时间Tue Feb 14 21:06:44 2023
Last Updated: 17h
There are a few best practices to follow in order to guarantee a high quality
Check the area to be scanned and the surroundings of the PokéStop to
determine if there are any obstacles and to select a scanning route. It is
necessary to plan the route you intend to use for scanning before starting
the procedure.
Make sure your camera is in focus. Keep your phone as close to your side as
possible to avoid blurring. Walk around the PokéStop you are scanning
instead of standing in one location and moving your phone.
Walk at a slow and natural stroll pace. Move slowly and smoothly during
scanning. Sudden changes of direction are a definite no-no. Move slowly and
smoothly with your feet on the ground. If you are scanning in a darker
setting, it’s even more important to move slowly and smoothly. Move the
phone with you while you are moving (think crab walk).
The PokéStop should always be the focal point. It is important to focus on
the PokéStop and capture the full 360° orbit of it. If it is not safe or
not possible to get 360° coverage, capture as much as you can.
Vary your distance/angles (0-10m or 0-35ft). It is important that we capture
the environment around the PokéStop and have a variety of different scans. It
’s important to vary your distance and angles while scanning the PokéStop.
While recording, prompts may appear on screen if issues with the quality of
your scan are detected (i.e. light is insufficient, movement is too slow).
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/PokemonGO/M.1676380009.A.8A5.html
1F:推 saiga12416: 从什麽时候开始?没有不溯及既往嘛? 02/14 21:10
2F:推 Jackal0326: 我没那麽唬弄,但也顶多360度转一圈随便拍拍而已,不 02/14 21:14
3F:→ Jackal0326: 晓得会不会被ban 02/14 21:14
※ 编辑: bmw3633 ( 台湾), 02/14/2023 21:23:39
4F:→ lyt5566: 居然,还好我都有转几圈 02/14 21:19
5F:→ Sheng98: 我之前是一边走路一边拍地面直到扫描完成, 最近没再解宝 02/14 21:21
6F:→ Sheng98: 芬任务就不知道这样还能不能用 02/14 21:21
7F:推 laker7634: 团战奖励会送宝芬後我就懒得再扫了,不晓得有没被ban 02/14 21:25
8F:推 Tan1108: 完了,bbq了 02/14 21:43
9F:推 satan317: 我最近还是有在扫 目前没被ban 02/14 21:53
10F:推 earnformoney: 宝芬任务有够麻烦… 02/14 22:09
11F:嘘 fly0711: 自己设定没有用好 在那边溯及既往是杀小啦 02/14 22:14
12F:推 haman: 还好我都不扫的 02/14 22:19
13F:嘘 Jerryh0312: 操牠妈愤蒽射,问题真多 02/14 22:29
14F:推 staristic: 我从头到尾无视扫描任务 02/14 22:42
15F:推 alumico: 要怎麽知道有没有被ban 02/14 22:53
16F:推 cuapple: 不会吧…我都照地上或天空 02/14 22:55
17F:→ cuapple: 不过团战送宝芬後就很少扫了 02/14 22:56
18F:推 kramps: 被ban是怎样的画面?我今天才去转了40个宝芬.... 02/14 23:31
19F:→ kramps: 一直都是原地晃手机,不然很多根本没办法拍 02/14 23:32
20F:推 brandneworld: 原来团战会送宝芬 难怪累积几十个宝芬... 02/14 23:33
21F:→ kramps: 团战打现场的才有送吧,好像没一定会给 02/14 23:37
22F:嘘 acidrain: 从头到尾都没有扫过 才一个宝芬就想要做功德? 02/15 00:11
23F:推 HsuTW: 你改叫艾斯好了 02/15 01:14
24F:推 laker7634: N社如果能说清楚扫这些ARmapping,未来会拿来增加什麽 02/15 02:03
25F:→ laker7634: 游戏内容,只要是对玩家有利益的,即使不用给奖励道具 02/15 02:03
26F:→ laker7634: ,玩家也会主动去弄……你看大家不都很积极想在自家附 02/15 02:03
27F:→ laker7634: 近多申请一些补给站、道馆。但是你不说清楚目的,只想 02/15 02:03
28F:→ laker7634: 要叫大家做功德,谁想浪费心力在路上乱拍啊 02/15 02:03
29F:推 mepass: 这任务真的很白烂 一般的建筑物要怎麽绕一圈去拍 02/15 02:42
30F:→ mepass: 而且就算上传了 这个数据是有屁用 02/15 02:42
31F:推 joeliu1015: 我就问桥墩我要怎麽绕一圈?游泳吗? 02/15 08:22
32F:嘘 ghghfftjack: 扫描绝大多数都没什麽用 也不会给好一点的奖励 02/15 09:12
33F:→ ghghfftjack: 一个糖果都比100个宝贝球强 02/15 09:12
34F:→ STi2011: 那就算啦 02/15 10:23
35F:→ Jerryh0312: 妈的拉基n射神奇糖果不靠打团战,难拿的要死 02/15 10:29
36F:→ Jerryh0312: 如果把扫描奖励换20颗神奇糖果,我绝对给你好好扫描 02/15 10:30
37F:→ Jerryh0312: 操 02/15 10:30
38F:推 Godofthebutt: 桥墩怎麽申请过补给的 02/15 13:36
39F:推 ygupin: 最近出现一堆桥墩的补给站 02/15 14:13
40F:→ uclala: 桥墩有彩绘的话没问题啊,林边就有很狂桥墩补给站一条街 02/15 15:41
41F:→ uclala: 桥底下都有彩绘+桥很刚好卡在L17交界一路跑 02/15 15:43
42F:→ kanding255: 笑死活该 02/15 17:25
43F:→ yeng1217: 问题真多 我还是不要用好了 02/15 18:01
44F:→ david6119: 真棒 终於没有这些白痴任务了 02/15 18:44
45F:推 CanvasChen: 怎麽知道有没有被ban? 02/15 21:03
46F:推 DLenu: 桥梁是去年还前年有人一直带风向冲成功的,然後就开始一堆 02/15 23:47
47F:→ DLenu: 人跟风疯狂申请,最近好像换搞图根点跟银行 02/15 23:47
48F:推 lyt5566: 图根点是还好,我对公墓里面的图根点能过觉得比较神奇, 02/16 00:28
49F:→ lyt5566: 公墓不是不给过?还是之前有换标准了? 02/16 00:28
50F:推 CaoPi: 我自游戏开始以来根本都不能扫AR,没这烦恼 02/16 00:30
51F:→ CaoPi: AR任务只是用来接两套田野任务用的 02/16 00:31
52F:→ uclala: 图根本来就是规范内可以过吧,这算是偏乡的救济物了 02/16 06:45
53F:→ uclala: 符合规范还在挑三拣四大可不必,收国外明信片还收到很多 02/16 06:48
54F:→ uclala: 餐厅招牌呢。在台湾大概被审查秒秒RJ 02/16 06:48
55F:推 Bf109G6: 乡下空荡荡 审核不用太鸟摸吧.. 02/16 07:38
56F:推 tintinhires: 扫描任务送XL糖就会好好做了 02/16 07:41
57F:推 fish880731: 不给宝芬就不扫了而已,没什麽啦 02/16 11:50
58F:推 yeng1217: 空荡荡审核一样G歪啊 02/16 13:05
59F:推 hanainori: 出任务的点大部份扫了会被车撞 不想玩 02/16 21:54
60F:推 cr1014: 从来没解过 02/19 06:16
61F:推 mimocat: 太棒了,N社终於有做事 02/19 09:44
62F:推 kramps: 被ban了,完全拿不到扫描任务了 02/20 23:28
63F:推 eon4: 建议已经不存在的补给站不要扫 科科,AR就是删除补给站最好 02/21 00:17
64F:→ eon4: 的参考依据 02/21 00:17
65F:推 eon4: 图根点跟银行N社官审早就开绿灯了,当然,就算你把过审图片 02/21 00:19
66F:→ eon4: 放上去,还是很吃审查员主观认知 02/21 00:19
67F:→ eon4: 有人觉得就是不行,有人觉得当恩社奴工而已干嘛自创规则, 02/21 00:21
68F:→ eon4: 有人觉得我找得到就给过,百百种啦,还是很吃运气 02/21 00:21
69F:推 eon4: 特色餐厅希望是下个目标了,这真的需要有人带头冲,别说国外 02/21 00:24
70F:→ eon4: 有多远,看到日本Wayfarer申请拉面店咖啡厅咖喱屋都能过关, 02/21 00:24
71F:→ eon4: 都觉得玩家审实在是有点严格了 02/21 00:24
72F:推 kramps: 我都是扫存在的点,只是都随便乱扫而已 XD 02/21 12:04
73F:→ kramps: 大部分的点都没办法好好扫,路边车多啊 02/21 12:05