作者danagmwad (丑胖集一身)
标题Re: [问题] 请问metformin的药量?
时间Wed Dec 24 17:22:28 2008
节录Metformin for treatment of the polycystic ovary syndrome(UpToDate)
Dose — Metformin is available in a generic form as 500, 850, and 1000 mg
tablets. The target dose is 1500 to 2550 mg; clinically significant responses
are not regularly observed at doses less than 1000 mg daily. Many clinicians
begin treatment with 500 mg taken with a large meal, to reduce
gastrointestinal side effects. If tolerated, the dose can be increased to 500
mg at both lunch and dinner, and then to 500 mg at breakfast, lunch, and
另外在Dose and side effects 中也有写
The two best studied metformin regimens are 500 mg three times daily (1500 mg
daily) and 850 mg twice daily (1700 mg daily).Some authorities believe that women with PCOS who do not respond at these
doses should be treated with 2000 mg daily
(Medline ® Abstract for Reference 39 of
'Metformin for treatment of the polycystic ovary syndrome' )
但不知道资料是否正确,如有错误希望前辈可以指教 谢谢
我之前是吃500mg BID ,但吃了半年後就没什麽成效了...~"~
。 //* 请叫我伟大的西施女王Kitty大小姐喔呵呵呵~*
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 argustin:很想知道为什麽吃了半年之後没成效?老实说因为我的副作用 12/24 17:51
2F:→ argustin:(恶心腹泻)严重,所以我没非常固定的吃,效果也不好..> < 12/24 17:52
3F:→ danagmwad:恶心腹泻是正常的 之前学姊告诉我是因为要藉着这个 12/24 18:17
4F:→ danagmwad:副作用而让体重下降 我吃了半年後其实腹泻跟恶心就没有 12/24 18:17
5F:→ danagmwad:很严重= =体重就一直停滞 加上我吃了半年後开始 12/24 18:18
6F:→ danagmwad:又不来了ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ而且长达两季 所以医生就建议我 12/24 18:18
7F:→ danagmwad:换回服用Diane 12/24 18:18
8F:→ danagmwad:不过每个人体质都有差吧...我的医生之前建议我吃是因为 12/24 18:20
9F:→ danagmwad:他有病人服用後MC都有照常来 而且体重回复到正常的BMI内 12/24 18:20
10F:→ danagmwad:所以我也许是特例之一吧XD 12/24 18:20
11F:推 monicae:肠胃的副作用是正常的 所以这个药通常会开饭後吃 12/24 21:08
12F:推 fluoxetine:我在服用第三个月才出现腹泻恶心症状 12/25 01:06
13F:→ fluoxetine:体重完全没有变化 月经本来一年多没来 12/25 01:06
14F:→ fluoxetine:目前大概一个半到两个月来一次 12/25 01:06
15F:→ fluoxetine:腹泻症状已经持续快六个月了 12/25 01:07
16F:推 argustin:是不是饭前吃药副作用会比较少且 降低糖份效果更好? 12/25 10:05
17F:推 DM1984:这篇文章里有写到配大量食物吃会比较好 12/25 17:30
18F:→ DM1984:可减少消化系统副作用 12/25 17:30