PathofExile 板


就在刚刚伺服器重启,开始更新新的Patch。 Version 0.10.1 Features/Content: All skill gems and support gems have received new art. The 3d artwork for many shields has been substantially updated and improved. Overhauled most of the sound effects so that they use pitch and volume variations to avoid being repetitive. Added new music for the Act Three boss fight. Improved all of the Duelist's animations. The Unique bow Death's Harp now has a particle effect for its custom art. Updated and shrunk the visual size of Frenzy, Endurance and Power charges. Added magic-only skeletons for the Map necro boss that can raise magic monsters. Pressing the alt (or highlight) key in trade while hovering an item now says "item level" rather than "level" to make it clearer. On-hit effects can now apply even if they deal no damage. Renamed "Angel Kite Shield" to "Angelic Kite Shield". Overhauled the zombie audio. Improved blood effects. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects, environments and sound. 上面的,简单说就是: 1‧所有的技能宝石与辅助宝石都有了新的美术 2‧许多盾牌的3D模组都有大幅的更新与改善。 3‧三章的头目战都加入新的音效 4‧决斗者的所有动画都加强。 5‧Death's Harp这件装备有一个独特的粒子效果。 6‧更新压缩Frenzy, Endurance and Power charges的视觉大小。 (应该就是球变小颗一点吧。 误 7‧ 8‧在交易的时候按Alt(或设Highlight),会直接看到物品等级。 9‧命中效果现在会被运作即使它没造成伤害。 10‧僵屍的音效重新翻修。 11‧改善流血(喷血)特效。 12‧持续的加强美术,效果,环境与音效。 End-game Map Changes: Added 11 new types of Maps: Arsenal, Arcade, Ghetto, Promenade, Temple, Colonnade, Bazaar, Crematorium, Precinct, Shipyard and Shrine. Map progression now extends to area level 77. Maps which had the same level topologies as other maps now have their own new layouts. The Labyrinthine mod now provides a more consistent increase in maps and is comparable to the Massive mod on applicable maps. Some existing maps have had their bosses changed or reworked. Some recipes for upgrading maps produce a different map than they did previously. 这边简单的说是: 1‧新增11种新的地图类型。 2‧地图区域等级延长至77级。 3‧地图现在拥有与其他一般地图一样的独特结构。 4‧迷宫模式改善了更有一致性 5‧有些地图的BOSS改变或是重制了‧ 6‧一些新增的地图会比以前产出一些不同的地图。 Balance Changes: Stun Threshold Reduction now has diminishing returns when it exceeds 75%. It's still possible to build very effective stun characters, but they cannot permanently lock down the hardest of bosses. Increased the non-percentage Armour values on item mods to be the same as Evasion. Boss totems now do more damage with Spark. Increased the damage that Perpetus deals with Ethereal Knives. 平衡性的调整: 1‧简单说就是Nerf Kripp 的老头。XDDDDDDDD 2‧增加Item mod上非比率型的护甲值让他能跟闪避相同。 3‧头目放的图腾会让Spark的伤害更高了。 4‧增加3.1独特怪Perpetus放Ethereal Knives的伤害。 Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where monsters affected by the Energy Shield aura would get too much Energy Shield in multiplayer games. Fixed a bug with where social status messages could wrap around incorrectly. Fixed a bug where players could not right click offline players on the friends list. Fixed a bug where the Stun Threshold Reduction on Mortem Morsu was not limited to just attacks by that weapon. Fixed a server crash related to currency items. Fixed a server crash that would occur involving Bear Traps. If you have a full microtransaction stash and purchase an additional microtransaction, a new microtransaction tab will now be added. This currently only works if you are not logged into the game client at the time. The addition of microtransaction stashes while you are logged in will be fixed in a future patch. 修正Bugssssss(游戏还有很多的Bug): 1‧修正了怪物放的护盾光环在多人游戏里头,会给太多的能量护盾的BUG 2‧修正了社交讯息会造成错误的BUG 3‧修正玩家无法在好友列表使用右键点选离线的玩家。 4‧修正了减晕递减在Mortem Morsu不是武器的攻击的最小值 5‧修正与通货有关(Orbs)的伺服器延迟 6‧修正伺服器延迟会发生Bear Traps陷入的问题 7‧如果你不是在游戏的同时购买微交易的仓库Tab,现在会被新增到你的帐号了。 在未来的Patch,这类问题将被修正。 有某些不太知道怎麽翻译,麻请高手帮忙修正。 --
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1F:→ seeingspace:囧,翻译完发现有人PO了情报。尴尬 02/13 08:51
2F:推 ericinttu:留着看也不错啦 02/13 08:51
3F:推 ericinttu:独特怪 3.1 Perpetus (强化它的Ethereal Knives) 02/13 09:03
※ 编辑: seeingspace 来自: (02/13 09:07)
4F:→ seeingspace:我修正它... 02/13 09:07
5F:推 ericinttu:Mortem Morsu (独特爪) 02/13 09:09
6F:推 lrilrai14:微交易-->商城 02/13 10:11
7F:→ Hevak:其实最後那个商城的是指如果你在买商城的时候,你的商城分页 02/13 10:33
8F:→ Hevak:是满的,会多一页分页给你放,但是这只有在你离线的时候可以 02/13 10:34
9F:→ Hevak:。将来会更新成不管角色在线离线都会给你一个新分页放。 02/13 10:35
10F:→ Hevak:最後的6应该是指由bear trap造成的伺服器问题 02/13 10:36
11F:推 eric1999ty:护盾光环在多人游戏都超难打的XD.. 02/13 10:48
12F:推 ckgegg:护盾光环 + Extra Life + Leech Life 打到手软 02/13 10:49
13F:→ bnn:伺服重开: 修正玩家会被永久stun的bug 02/13 11:40
14F:推 ckgegg:这bug要是出在Hardcore大概就...... 02/13 11:46
15F:推 shos:有人更新後出问题吗...刚更新完显示spark_spider档有问题~.~ 02/13 13:22
16F:→ Hevak:我更新是正常.. 02/13 13:29
17F:推 vincent0911x:果然晕怪 因为kripp被改弱了 030 02/13 16:11

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