P_Management 板


damn, computer problem, I cannot type in Chinese... Please forgive me that I have to type in English. Actually, PMP knowledge (PMBOX) does teach you what aspects you need to pay attention when dealing with a change decision like ECN. Before ECN, it comes ECR, Enginnering change request. After being evaluated and approved by your supervisor and other members who has authority to make decision, then ECN is issued. ECN means that the change has been approved and tdhe project team need to follow the change notice to adjust their work. In PMBOX, ECN is named as "approved change request" What you can deal with it is to make it into an input and then put it into the suitable processes as defined in PMBOX. You can see how many details you can asnwer in your job interview after studying PMP courses or the PM bible ~PMBOX :) I believe your interviewer is testing how careful thinker you are. Whether you have the ability to consider every possible aspects before put it into action. Even though, you do not have clear idea about their area, you can still answer this question in great detail. Action without a sound plan is dangerous and costly. The project is doomed to fail. the following are processes you had better to take into consideration when you deal with such change 1. Direct and manage project execution: the way to manange your project 2. Scope defition: you have to redefine your scope. What is the new requirement, constraint, assumptions, boundary to complete the project. 3. re-create WBS: this means that you have to create an adjusted work breakdown structure. What is the new concept of the work backage? what kind of the new scope baseline you need take care of? 4. Scope control: make sure the new scope is in control, and also see if the new change request needs to make after your analysis of variance. 5. activity sequencing: when you receive the change notice, it may affect previous activity sequencing so that you'd better to re-plan it. 6. Activity resource estimating: resource here refers to mateirals and human resource. AFter you receive ECN, you need to re-estimate the resoure you need and requirment to obtain those resoureces as well as calendars of these resources. Maybe you find out some problems, like material shortage or lack of suitable human resource or skills, then you need to file another change request like ECR. 7. Schedul control: the new change certainly change your originally schedul, so you need to control the new schedul to fulfil its schedul baseline 8. cost control: as the work concept changes, new cost may be added into your budget. Also, this affect how you use cost and earned value to evluate your work performance as well as the forcast of futer cost and schedule progress. 9.now it comes to quality. First is to perform quality assurance. Quality assurance is to make sure you have perform right quality process to comply with your company and government policy. 10. quality control: prevetion the later problems. You have to make sure the new change will cause new factors to affect the quality either in time, method, material, measurement, personnel, and environment. What is the new process to prevent those? 11. performance reporting: When the change is in progress, the new performance need to examine and report. 12. and then you have to monitor the risk comes after the new change make. What kind of action you need to make to prevent it. Who you need to assign to take action to reponse the risks. What cost and schedule delay may come from risk. .............................. ※ 引述《birdpon (Dame un beso)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《cuteluluc (烦ㄚ烦~)》之铭言: : : PMP 的课程相关的资料其实我有大概看过.. : : 不过感觉都是很理论性的.. : : 我想到最近面试一个面试官问我的一个问题.. : : 如果你是 PM.. 你签到一份 ECN (工程变更通知).. : : 你会注意到那些事情??.. 要怎样去处理??.. (这个PMP应该没教到吧?) : 这边我来猜一下是怎麽一回事好了~ :p : 看起来,是一个公司内部的产品,比如说,可能是卖给客户, : 然後客户反应有问题,或者是发现原本的规格不合原本设计的需求, : 所以要做修改? : ECN, Engineering Change Notice. : 如果PM被工程单位告知有ECN,那我会先看一下这个ECN会影响到哪些层面? : 会影响到marketing spec?还是只是一个hot fix? : schedule会不会delay?客户愿意无条件接受吗? : 除了客户层面,还有这个ECN是不是代表要多花钱去修正些甚麽东西? : 我会就customer, schedule, cost, feature...,各方面去做一个评估报告, : 看当初这个产品被赋予的任务是甚麽,然後提出我的建议,请长官裁决。 : 这样不知道对不对? @@ : 请cuteluluc版友指教~ : : 我是比较同意版大的看法.. : : 有时做 PM 真的是人治色彩比较浓厚.. : : 特别是这社会怎样的人都有..有的人就是个性比较古怪.. : : 要怎麽把合作的人处理的服服贴贴的..让大家都乐於和你合作.. : : 这才是一门比较大的学问.. ^^" --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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