Orl-Magic 板


※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1bDl3S_3 ] 作者: laptic (静夜圣林彼岸花) 看板: NBA 标题: [情报] 多则签约、裁退消息 时间: Tue Oct 24 06:16:57 2023 1. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1716430068191523320 The Detroit Pistons plan to convert guard Stanley Umude to a two-way NBA contract, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . Umade earns roster spot out of training camp after averaging 9.3 points, 43.8 percent 3-point shooting and 17 minutes over four preseason games. 活塞队有意把後卫 Stanley Umude 的合约转为双向约。他在热身赛期间,场均累计9.3分 、三分球命中率达 43.8%,并且上阵十七分钟。 2. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1716446115992866840 https://twitter.com/JoshuaBRobbins/status/1716558613521600951 The Washington Wizards are signing center John Butler Jr. to a two-way NBA deal, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . Butler spent part of last season in Portland and went to training camp with the Trail Blazers. The Washington Wizards have waived Xavier Cooks and Taj Gibson, a league source told @TheAthleticNBA . The Wizards had to waive two players to reach the 15-man roster limit. 巫师队将以双向合约,签下中锋 John Butler Jr.。他上赛季有部分时间待在拓荒者队, 在训练营中也是在同一队。同时,该队已经裁掉 Xavier Cooks 和 Taj Gibson ,之後还 须再裁掉多两位球员,以达到十五位球员上限 (不含双向约)。 3. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1716518269857989014 The Houston Rockets are waiving forward Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . The big man has averaged 7.2 points and 4.9 rebounds through two NBA seasons. 火箭队将裁掉前锋 Jeremiah Robinson-Earl。这位大个子球员在过去两个赛季期间,场 均累计7.2分、4.9个篮板。 4. https://twitter.com/MikeAScotto/status/1716534466200445147 https://twitter.com/MikeAScotto/status/1716534508298682778 The Houston Rockets are waiving two-way forward Darius Days, league sources told @hoopshype . The Houston Rockets are converting guard Jeenathan "Nate" Williams to a two-way contract, agents Billy Davis and Corey Simon of @foasports_ told @hoopshype . Williams averaged 10.6 points in 25.3 minutes in five games with the Portland Trail Blazers last season. 火箭队将裁掉双向前锋 Darius Days,并将後卫 Nate Williams 转为双向合约。後者在 上赛季为拓荒者上阵五场比赛,场均25.3分钟、10.6分。 5. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1716537869026619632 Orlando Magic guard Cole Anthony has agreed on a three-year, $39 million contract extension, Jeff Schwartz and Javon Phillips of @excelbasketball tell ESPN. 魔术队後卫 Cole Anthony 已经同意以三年、3900万美元与原球团续约。 6. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1716566584292995394 The Portland Trail Blazers are signing center Duop Reath to a two-way contract, sources tell ESPN. Reath played with the Blazers in the preseason and summer league. He was a starter for Australia in the FIBA World Cup and had stops in Serbia and China since leaving LSU. 拓荒者将以双向合约签下中锋 Duop Reath。他在夏季联赛和热身赛期间,代表拓荒者出 赛。他在篮球世界盃是先发球员,也曾在塞尔维亚和中国打球。 7. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1716571348137381974 Atlanta Hawks F/C Onyeka Okongwu has agreed on a four-year, $62 million contract extension, Sam Goldfeder of @excelbasketball tells ESPN. Okongwu is the 14th player in the NBA Draft class of 2020 to agree on an extension. Deadline is 6 PM ET. 老鹰队中前锋 Onyeka Okongwu 已经同意以四年、6200万美元与原球队续约。他是在2020 年选秀梯次中,第十四位达成续约的球员。 8. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1716575332994609323 No rookie contract extensions for Atlanta’s Saddiq Bey, New York’s Immanuel Quickley, Chicago’s Patrick Williams, Indiana’s Obi Toppin and Toronto’s Precious Achiuwa, sources tell ESPN. Those will be the top players able to join restricted free agency next summer. 最终确认,下列球员没能获得新秀续约: - Saddiq Bey (老鹰) - Immanuel Quickley (尼克) - Patrick Williams (公牛) - Obi Toppin (溜马) - Precious Achiuwa (暴龙) 他们预计将会在下个夏天加入受限自由市场。 9. https://twitter.com/JLEdwardsIII/status/1716571588559061133 Sources: The Pistons and fourth-year players Killian Hayes and James Wiseman won’t come to terms on contract extensions before the 6pm EST deadline. Both will play out this season and be RFAs next summer. 在活塞队的 Killian Hayes 和 James Wiseman 同样未能获得新秀续约,下个夏天将成为 受限制自由球员。 10. https://twitter.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/1716555178009129096 San Antonio Spurs are converting center Charles Bediako to a two-way contract, his agent Daniel Green of @greensportsmgmt tells @NBAonTNT , @BleacherReport . 马刺队将把中锋 Charles Bediako 的合约转换为双向约。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (马来西亚)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NBA/M.1698099420.A.FC3.html
1F:推 e8e88 : 小智QQ 10/24 06:18
※ 编辑: laptic ( 马来西亚), 10/24/2023 06:21:07
2F:推 jasonbass : 2020梯没提前续最大咖就Maxey吧 Quickley不晓得要 10/24 06:21
3F:→ jasonbass : 多少竟然没提前续 10/24 06:22
4F:→ wakayama : 快可立怎麽没续到.. 10/24 06:27
5F:推 MFultz20 : 小智在活塞有没有成长呀? 10/24 06:28
6F:→ coyoteY : 没成长,现在连上场时间都压缩了 10/24 06:32
7F:推 richard1003 : Quickly和Willams没续约比较意外 10/24 06:33
8F:→ landlice : 便宜留住Cole太赞了 10/24 06:34
9F:推 JameerNe1son: Cole好佛 10/24 06:45
10F:推 callmelanpa : 聪明建议先改姓 10/24 07:09
11F:推 rbking21 : Cole有够夸张地便宜 太佛了 10/24 07:12
12F:推 pi020412 : 公牛没提前续PW? 10/24 07:13
13F:推 Shane8610 : Cole才3y/39M?真的有够便宜 10/24 07:14
14F:推 jayjen : Wiseman不是要证明自己吗?笑死 10/24 07:16
15F:推 zsp9081a : 以前三顺位球员沦落到这地步,小智能说是谁养废的 10/24 07:23
16F:→ zsp9081a : 吗? 10/24 07:23
17F:→ EZ78 : Wiseman今年打好RFA一样可以拿到不差的合约啦@@ 10/24 07:25
18F:→ EZ78 : 没拿到续约还不算是世界末日 10/24 07:25
19F:推 sisitai : Wiseman看他现在打这样还满悲剧的 10/24 07:28
20F:→ jorden : Wiseman就效率差啊 打越长越伤害球队...... 10/24 08:10
21F:推 payton71213 : JRE可惜 10/24 08:12
22F:推 dragon803 : OO续约好便宜啊 老鹰今年暑假2笔都挺佛的 10/24 08:26
23F:→ KEYork : 小智要拜拜了 10/24 08:28
24F:推 Erishcross : 勇老板这麽爱 可能签回来 10/24 08:33
25F:推 cliff2102 : OO太便宜了吧 10/24 08:35
26F:推 ntusimmon : 正常吧 在活塞又还没结束啥功绩 10/24 08:37
27F:→ Crazyheros : 小智本来就低完成度、预计最少要2-3年!结果他进三 10/24 08:44
28F:→ Crazyheros : 步隔天会退两步那种…谁有耐心再等他4-5年…. 10/24 08:44
29F:推 peter89000 : Bey竟然没续到,大概要价不便宜 10/24 08:50
30F:推 z789252 : 楼下说勇士杨怀乐 10/24 08:52
31F:推 a816142002 : cole那张太佛了吧,还想说是不是看错 10/24 08:58
32F:推 rkilo : Cole是发生什麽事?怎麽只能签这个低薪约... 10/24 09:04
33F:推 akko76815 : 智宝 这都是个啥呀 10/24 09:05
34F:推 TVXFQ : 苦瓜真的很便宜 但确实也只能走第六人 10/24 09:18
35F:→ TVXFQ : 公牛感觉在考虑要不要重建吧 10/24 09:18
36F:推 KirkSynder : 苦瓜是Cole Anthony? 10/24 09:38
37F:推 cloudal : JRE…. 10/24 09:49
38F:推 Jimimy : Cole念起来像是苦的台语? 10/24 10:31
39F:→ karmel : 小智不知道下一张会多少 10/24 10:42
40F:→ karmel : 他一部分应该是因为受伤太久才会这麽惨 10/24 10:43
41F:→ karmel : 第一年感觉要有起色时手腕就受伤 後来又伤膝盖报销 10/24 10:47
42F:→ karmel : 一整年 10/24 10:47
43F:→ karmel : 年轻进联盟的优势直接没了 10/24 10:47
44F:推 rbking21 : 借转安丽板 谢谢 10/24 11:05

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: rbking21 ( 台湾), 10/24/2023 11:05:58
45F:→ rbking21: 一年1300万 第三年球队选项 还身兼球队公关 太佛了吧! 10/24 11:06
46F:推 arrowsean: 原本觉得如果能压在Stewart那张合约以下就能接受了,只 10/24 12:27
47F:→ arrowsean: 能说制服组大胜利 10/24 12:29
48F:→ yumc: Cole佛 安丽约 赞赞 10/24 12:33
49F:推 grant1984: 不知道怎麽谈的,对魔术来说真的太便宜了! 10/26 12:18

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