Oasis 板


头子 Noel 最近超欣赏 The Strokes 这个新进的美国团 也蠢蠢欲动想把他们签到他旗下的 Sour Mash 不过没想到查了查户头 发现最近因为处理离婚的事宜以及上个巡回中出走所必须付的违约金等等 加上SOTSOG卖得没以前好收入并没有增加很多 所以没办法如愿签下 The Strokes 也只好忍痛弃爱啦:p 不过 Noel 也谈到新专辑的“回归” 期望能回到像第一张的声势和销量 咱们就静待十月份的单曲和明年初的新专辑吧 Cheers! 死不承认订婚装神秘的 Patsy "Gallagher" Noel's got no cash for fresh bands September 3 - posted by noelrock SOME MIGHT SAVE AS THE driving force behind one of Britain's biggest bands you wouldn't think Noel Gallagherwas short of a bob or two. But falling sales, an expensive divorce settlement, payments for his daughter, multiple-home ownership and running your own record label all add up. So much so that the Oasis guitarist/songwriter admits that he couldn't afford to sign up a band he loves to his label, Sour Mash. The 34-year-old star was mesmerised by New York- based outfit The Strokes when he saw them live. They've been hailed by fans as "the future of rock" and their debut album has gone straight in at No2 in the charts. But despite showering them with compliments andpleading with their manager, Noel later found that he didn't have the funds to do the deal. He amazingly confessed: "Yeah, I had a word with their manager, they're such an amazing group. But there just wasn't the money to sign them at the time so it didn't happen." Evidence that Oasis were tightening their belts emerged earlier this year when, instead of being chauffeured to studios in Buckinghamshire to record their new album, Noel and brother Liam, 28, slummed it on the train. Despite what had been an estimated wealth of pounds 40million they had been ticked off by accountants for overspending. Both men have had to deal with expensive divorce settlements after splitting with Meg Mathews and Patsy Kensit. Disappointing sales of their last album and a series of shambolic concerts suggested failing fortunes. But Noel has pledged that the new album - which should be finished within the week - will see Oasis return to their more popular roots. "I want to recapture the sound of our first album. We lost our way for a few years," he said. Noel, who is dating PR babe Sara MacDonald, also refused to quash rumours that the couple `are engaged. He laughed: "Let's just say we're really happy and we'll see what happens... you never know." Source: Daily Mirror -- "I always thought we were good and we were going to be huge, that's not arrogance but self belief." --Noel Gallagher --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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