Oasis 板


是 Garbage 女主唱 Shirley Manson 对之前 Liam 说不敢再去美国纽约的反应 她觉得这应该只是 Liam 一时情绪下的无稽之谈 毕竟恐怖主义并不只影响威胁到美国而已 全世界的人都笼罩在这个暴风圈中 所以人人有份也人人有责! Liam rubbished by Garbage Garbage's Shirley Manson has expressed concern at Liam Gallagher's pledge never to return to America in the wake of the terrorist attacks there. In an exclusive video interview with worldpop, Shirley, who has spent a considerable amount of time in the USA in her career, said, 'I was surprised that Liam Gallagher should saw such a thing - to say he'll never tour in America again, I find that very peculiar. Terrorism is a worldwide problem. It doesn't just affect America. We've had terrorism in this country for nigh on a hundred years or more. 'I think once his emotional response has died down he'll probably ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ think again and be persuaded to cross the Atlantic once again,' she ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ continued. Shirley Manson added that the attacks on America would not deter her from returning there. 'I believe it's important for everybody to live their lives as normally as they can,' she said. 'The longer chaos reigns, the more terrorists win. I believe it's my right to live and I want to live my life to the full.' Last week Liam Gallagher insisted, 'I ain't f*****g going to New York again. I'm never going to America again man. I'm staying out. I ain't getting on a plane for a long time.' Enter our exclusive competition to win signed Garbage goodies HERE Read one of worldpop's classic interviews with Liam Gallagher HERE WORLPOP.COM Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shall use friends and little sister's Britney Spears and Nsync CDs as frisbees. 你们应当拿朋友以及姐妹们的布兰妮/超级男孩 CD 来丢飞盘。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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