Nintendo 板


虽然是很久以前的消息 但是我在我的奇摩家族有翻译任天堂发行的游戏介绍 因为那边实在太冷清,希望给多一点人看 所以贴在这里跟大家分享(发觉自己翻译得挺糟糕...) 网址:可以看到各个游戏的封面 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #97 F-ZERO(F零式赛车) 名称:F-Zero 平台:超级任天堂 开发:任天堂 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1990 入选原因:当大家还在为了GC版F-ZERO GX与日本才有的N64 F-ZERO X Construction kit谁能入选而争论时,唯有超任的「原版」才是整个系列的起跳板。它利用了超任的SNES's 3D-esque Mode 7特效带来未来式的赛车方式,超速快感,以及会让深度玩家上瘾的drift physics(没玩过不会翻)。它替16位元时代的主机提供了十分棒的以及意想不到的炫丽感。它在当时是个稀有的宝石,完美地结合了「引介」和「功能」来创造出一个全新的游戏体验。直到今日它仍然是最好的赛车游戏之一。 Name: F-Zero Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1990 Why it Made the Top 100 List:While it could be argued that the newer GameCube update or even the Japan-only F-Zero X Construction Kit (N64) are the best of the franchise, the original was the one that jumpstarted the genre. It capitalized on SNES's 3D-esque Mode 7 visuals to bring futuristic racing, an incredible sense of speed, and addictive drift physics to eager gamers. In the 16-bit era it provided something unexpected and truly dazzling for the home console. It was a rare gem in its time, perfectly combining presentation and functionality to create a completely new gaming experience. Even today it is respected as one of the all-time top racers. #92 Dragon Warrior(勇者斗恶龙) 名称:Dragon Warrior 平台:任天堂红白机 开发:Enix 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1989 入选原因:Dragon Warrior(日本叫做Dragon Quest)展开了史上最成功RPG之一的发行。Enix创造了一个让玩家能够在进入到下一个迷宫之前将角色升级与存钱买装备这样让人玩不腻的体验。任天堂为了表示对这游戏能够在全世界受到欢迎的信心甚至提供了赠送购买者免费的Nintendo Power(任天堂出的杂志)服务。纯粹以现今眼光来看,它铺陈了许多目前回合制RPG赖以为生的基本原则。 Name: Dragon Warrior Platform: NES Developer: Enix Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1989 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest in Japan) launched one of the most successful RPG franchises of all time. Enix created an addicting experience by asking players to level up their character and save up gold to buy new equipment before moving on to the next dungeon. Nintendo was so sure about the game's universal appeal that they even gave away a copy for free with a subscription to Nintendo Power. Simple by today's standards, it laid out many of the foundations that today's turn-based RPGs live by. #76 Tetris Attack(方块攻击) 名称:Tetris Attack 平台:超级任天堂 开发 :任天堂 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1996 入选原因:什麽游戏比俄罗斯方块更好呢?有些人会说,他的远房亲戚Tetris Attack (以及N64释出的Pokémon Puzzle League)可能更令人满意且更容易上瘾。任天堂的设计者们接收了这套既有的必胜公式并将其装饰改造以迎合更为苛刻的与深度的玩家。Tetris Attack预先设置了一些装在井里头的彩色方形然後让玩家们能够将其切换为水平条或是垂直条。让三个或是更多相同的接触它们就会消失。看起来简单,实际上却因为组合和连锁反应的可能性而使其成为最复杂的益智游戏之一。无论是自己玩或是跟别人对战,都极为容易上瘾。别说我们没警告你喔。 Name: Tetris Attack Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1996 Why it Made the Top 100 List: What's better than Tetris? Depending on whom you talk to, its distant cousin Tetris Attack (and N64-released Pokémon Puzzle League) might be even more satisfying and addictive. Nintendo designers took what was already a sure-win formula and embellished it to cater to a more-demanding, evolved gamer. Tetris Attack presets colored square blocks in a well and has players swapping them into vertical or horizontal lines. Match three or more and they vanish. Seemingly simple, it is actually one of the most complex puzzlers due to the potential resulting combinations and chains. Played alone or with others, it's extremely addictive. Don't say we didn't warn you. #70 Pokemon Red/Blue(口袋怪兽红蓝版) 名称:Pokemon Red/Blue 平台:Game Boy 开发:Game Freak 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1998 入选原因:这是受欢迎程度远超越一般电玩游戏而变成流行文化一部份的少数作品之一。风靡程度让它相继推出了电影、电视卡通、以及玩具,让人容易忘记原作有多麽的棒。以深奥的战略、可爱的角色、奖励式的冒险、以及简单的游戏介面,任天堂使得这游戏对於不同程度的玩家皆获得成功。它带来了RPG游戏互动的新纪元,玩家可以藉由与其他训练家的连线来对战或是交换以达到蒐集全部图监的终极目标。 Name: Pokemon Red/Blue Platform: Game Boy Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1998 Why it Made the Top 100 List: This is one of the few games that became so wildly popular that it transcended videogames and became a part of popular culture. The deceptively deep game launched so many movies, TV shows, and toys that it's easy to forget just how great a game Pokemon is. By melding deep strategy, lovable characters, rewarding exploration, and a simple game interface, Nintendo delivered a game that succeeded on all levels. It brought a new dimension of interactivity to RPGs by making it beneficial to link up with other trainers to do battle or trade towards that ultimate goal of catching 'em all. #64 Advance Wars(GBA大战) 名称:Advance Wars 平台:GBA 开发:Intelligent Systems 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:2001 入选原因:任天堂在Intelligent Systems的团队已经低调地在制作可当作FC大战系列的战略游戏好几年了,然而却激发了GBA版的新视觉型态而使得这游戏受到国际间的肯定。焕然一新卡通化的造型吸引了美国与欧洲任天堂迷的目光。北美地区逮到机会尝试独立的标题,而其他地区就只能归类到任天堂历史书的另外一章了(此游戏只有美版)。战略的深度让玩家花好几个小时与超过100个地图中的许多难忘的战役们奋斗(还可以自创地图来做更进一步的挑战),多人连线模式则提供一卷卡带最多四人对战的功能。 Name: Advance Wars Platform: GBA Developer: Intelligent Systems Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 2001 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Nintendo's team at Intelligent Systems had been quietly making strategy games in the Famicom Wars series for years, but it was an inspired new visual style in the GBA edition that brought this game to international acclaim. The anime make-over caught the eyes of Nintendo fans in America and Europe. NOA took a chance in trying the stand-alone title here, and the rest is another chapter in Nintendo's book of history. The depth of strategy allowed players to battle alone for hours through memorable encounters on over 100 maps (as well as create their own maps for further challenge), while the multiplayer offering let up to four players wage war even with only one cartridge between them. #58 Super Smash Bros. Melee 名称:Super Smash Bros. Melee(任天堂明星大乱斗DX) 平台:GameCube 开发:HAL Laboratory 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:2001 入选原因:由於结合了全明星角色与极度快速、舞台式的游戏方式,任天堂用这个作品创造了四人同游的现象。原始的N64版本撼动了游戏界并引进了这个概念,但是GC版靠着更快的游戏速度、更深奥的战略、更多比丢火球要好的奖励而让此游戏近乎完美。甚至到了今日即使已有许多新游戏推出,却没有一个能够成功做到等同於大乱斗的游戏。它确实能够称得上是近代游戏的其中一款原创作品而且任天堂本身对於续作表现更是烦恼,原因在於它无可比拟的风格和手法。 Name: Super Smash Bros. Melee Platform: GameCube Developer: HAL Laboratory Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 2001 Why it Made the Top 100 List: By combining an all-star character cast with intensely quick, fighter-meets-platforming gameplay, Nintendo created a four-player phenomenon with this franchise. The original N64 version rocked the gaming world and introduced the concept, but the GameCube iteration nearly perfected it with faster gameplay, deeper strategy, and more bonuses than you can shake a fire flower at. Even today with so many games released, no one has managed to successfully duplicate Super Smash Bros. It is truly one of the most original games of modern gaming and Nintendo itself will have trouble topping this sequel, which is unparalleled in style and execution. #57 Mike Tyson's Punchout!(火爆拳王) 名称:Mike Tyson's Punchout! 平台:任天堂红白机 开发:任天堂 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1987 入选原因:有段时期,Mike Tyson不只是一位世界上最伟大的拳击手,也是史上最伟大的运动员之一。让你扮演场上最年轻的拳击手但勇气不输人的小麦克,应该是更合适的。藉着与非常多漫画中的拳击手们对战而前进,终极目标是要与刚强的Mike Tyson对打来取得世界拳击电视协会的头衔。转眼之间,Tyson挥出的拳风,是那麽的逼真,都可以一次击倒小麦克。从没有一个拳击游戏是那麽的具有娱乐性;很少有运动游戏是这麽好玩的。 Name: Mike Tyson's Punchout! Platform: NES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1987 Why it Made the Top 100 List: At one time, Mike Tyson was not only the greatest boxer in the world, but one of the greatest athletes. It's fitting that you played as Little Mac, who may have been the smallest boxer in the ring, but had a lot of heart. Battling your way through numerous comical boxers, including Soda Popinski and Mr. Sandman, the ultimate goal was to fight Iron Mike Tyson for the World Video Boxing Association Title. With a grin and a wink, Tyson unleashed a flurry of punches that, true to life, could knock Little Mac down with a single hit. No other boxing game has ever been as entertaining; few sports games have even been this good. #52 Metroid Prime(银河战士Prime) 名称:Metroid Prime 平台:GameCube 开发:Retro Studios 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:2002 入选原因:IGN的编辑们为了Retro Studio绝赞的Metroid Prime而决裂。主要的争执发生在有些人将这游戏排在前十而另外一组人认为它不应该出现在这100名之内。於是达成了协议。就像是时之笛与玛俐欧64,Prime毫无疑问地会因为替银河战士系列做了新的且具创造性的更新而被玩家们纪念。但是这游戏因为精链的操作、华丽的世界、以及巧妙的环境解迷而在冒险迷心中有着非常特殊的地位。Prime也是任天堂主机上最出色的游戏之一。是GC的必买作品。 Name: Metroid Prime Platform: GameCube Developer: Retro Studios Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 2002 Why it Made our Top 100 List: The IGN editors are split on Retro Studios' dazzling Metroid Prime. A considerable faction of editors nominated the game for the Top 10 while another group argued that it doesn't deserve a spot on the overall list. A compromise was struck. Like Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64, Prime will undoubtedly be remembered for updating the Metroid franchise in new and inventive ways. But the game will also have a very special place in the hearts of adventure fans for its polished control mechanics, gorgeous world and ingenious environmental puzzles. Prime remains one of the prettiest games on Nintendo's console, too. A must-have GameCube title. #46 Super Mario World (超级玛俐欧世界) 名称:Super Mario World 平台:SNES 开发:任天堂 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1991 入选原因:任天堂需要玛俐欧四代来推销他的新主机:超级任天堂。结果,宫本茂与开发团队设计了该平台上最好的游戏之一。由於它炫丽且装饰得琳琅满目的世界与角色设计(更别说是棒透了的音效与音乐)让玛俐欧四代帮助大家迎接16位元的世代。但它不只是个视觉糖果(显示在萤幕上极具美感或能吸引注意力的视觉元素)。系列作的粉丝们欣然接受玛俐欧四代复杂精细的设计与仔细调整过的游戏机制并不亚於生动有趣的视觉效果。任天堂用玛俐欧四代制造出了一个经典作品,如同前作一般引人入胜。 Name: Super Mario World Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1991 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Nintendo needed Super Mario World to sell its all-new system, the SNES. As a result, Shigeru Miyamoto and crew designed one of the best platformers in existence. With its dazzling array of detail-rich worlds and character design (not to mention awesome sound and music) Super Mario World helped usher in the 16-bit era. But it wasn't just eye candy. Fans of the series welcomed Super Mario World's intricate design and finely tuned game mechanics every bit as much as the juicy visuals. Nintendo produced a classic title with Super Mario World, one as every bit engrossing as previous efforts. #44 SMW2: Yoshi's Island(耀西岛) 名称:Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island(超级玛俐欧世界2:耀西岛) 平台:超级任天堂 开发:Nintendo EAD 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1995 入选原因:任天堂在2D平台对抗32位元主机(像是SONY的PS)提供的新颖3D画面的时代推出了耀西岛。但是在这份名单上你不会找到很多3D动作游戏与耀西岛站在相同的地位。即使有竞争,任天堂最新的玛俐欧冒险仍然为该平台多提供了一款经典作。利用FX2绘图晶片,耀西岛密切结合了令人神魂颠倒的视觉效果与惊人的操作及关卡设计,例如很赞的旋转效果与其他很多的特效。确实是该平台动作游戏的最佳范本之一。 Name: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1995 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Nintendo released Yoshi's Island at a time when 2D platformers were competing against snazzy 3D offerings from new 32-bit systems like Sony's Playstation. But you won't find many of those 3D action games sharing space with Yoshi's Island on this list. Even with the competition, Nintendo's latest Mario adventure offered some of the best platforming around. Using the FX2 graphics chip, Yoshi's Island married spectacular control and level design with captivating visuals, such as wicked rotation effects and a slew of other special effects. Truly one of the best examples of platforming action done right. #37 Wave Race 64(水上摩托车64) 名称:Wave Race 64 平台:Nintendo 64 开发:EAD, Nintendo 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份1996 入选原因:第一个也是最好的一个水上摩托游戏:水上摩托车64,是N64随着主机发售的游戏,结合了水的物理表现造就了前无古人後无来者的一款游戏。简单的水上摩托车比赛由於水形态的改变、隆起水波、涨潮等而变得复杂,任天堂还加入了它的注册商标:耐玩,来拓展与加深每台赛车独特的性能。需要技巧的小游戏们使人上瘾,关卡很容易理解,但是不断乱数产生的水波总是让事情变得有挑战性。事实上你可以骑到一只海豚是一件很爽的事情。 Name: Wave Race 64 Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: EAD, Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1996 Why it Made the Top 100 List: The first and best of the jet ski games, Wave Race 64, a first-wave launch title Nintendo's cartridge-based system, incorporated water physics into racing unlike any game before it, or any since. The simple concept of racing on jet skis was complicated by changing wave patterns, swells, and rising tides, and Nintendo added its trademark depth to broaden and deepen the unique racer. The trick-based mini-games were addicting, the levels well thought out, and the constant spontaneity of the waves always made things challenging. The fact that you could unlock a rideable dolphin was icing on the cake. #29 GoldenEye 007(007黄金眼) 名称:GoldenEye 007 平台:Nintendo 64 开发:Rare 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1997 入选原因:游戏出版商经常利用电影的版权来制作电玩游戏,而这也通常是使得游戏走入死胡同。但是Rare具有耐心与天分的工作室将来了刺激、操控性、多人游玩等PC才有的元素导入到家用主机并创造了N64有史以来销售最佳的游戏之一。 除了不稳的萤幕更新率(lag),007黄金眼具备一切:秘密行动的关卡、双手持武器的能力、关卡不同难度会有不同的任务、原作的关卡设计、以及当时最佳的多人游玩要素。二至四人的分割画面厮杀战具有许多:特色多采多姿游玩选项、数不清的密道与密室、以及过去庞德所遭遇到的敌人如大白鲨、Baron Samedi...等等。 Name: GoldenEye 007 Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: Rare Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1997 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Game publishers have always used movie licenses to make videogames, usually to the games' demise. But Rare's slow patience and talented studio brought the excitement, control, and multiplayer component from the PC to the consoles and created one of the best-selling N64 titles of all time. Despite an occasionally shaky framerate, GoldenEye 007 had everything: stealth levels, the ability to dual-wield, different missions for different difficulty levels, stellar level design, and the best multiplayer component for a console in its day. The two- to four-player split-screen deathmatches featured a huge assortment of play options, tons of secret paths and chambers, and past Bond enemies such as Jaws, Baron Samedi, and more. #23 Super Mario Bros. 3(玛琍欧3代) 名称:Super Mario Bros. 3 平台:NES 开发:任天堂 代理贩售:任天堂 发售年份:1990 入选原因:由玛琍欧的创造者宫本茂所指导,超级玛琍欧兄弟3(or超级玛琍欧3)代表了红白机以及超任的绝响,至少针对於玛琍欧系列而言。当玛琍欧3代替任天堂第一代主机系列作划下了句点时,它满载的游戏性可以主宰一个玩家几个月的生活。首先,这真是他X的好玩!举例来说,操作感觉既直观又精准,还有好到没话说的关卡设计。再来,玛琍欧有一系列可以更换的衣服,向是青蛙装、浣熊装、以及铁鎚装,它们都能让玛琍欧拥有又强又炫、前所未有的力量。总归一个字:赞! Name: Super Mario Bros. 3 Platform: NES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1990 Why it Made the Top 100 List: Directed by Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto, Super Mario Bros. 3 (or just Super Mario 3) stands as the NES and Super Famicom's swan song, at least where Mario is concerned. While Super Mario 3 marked the last major Mario game for Nintendo's first home console, it packed enough gaming goodness to rule a gamer's life for months. First off, it just played damn well. The controls felt intuitive and precise, for example, and levels boasted seriously awesome design. What's more, there was an array of suits for Mario to wear, like the Frog, Raccoon and Tanooki suits, all of which bestowed groovy powers never seen before in a Mario game. In a word: awesome. #15 Super Mario Kart(超级玛琍欧赛车) 名称:Super Mario Kart 平台:SNES 开发:Nintendo 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1992 入选原因:以前很少有游戏能够像玛琍欧赛车一般带来这麽这麽多小时的欢乐。它提供了快速且富有挑战性的单人模式以及热闹的多人竞赛,多亏了高度技巧性的操控让真正的大师们跑出大师级的水准。虽然其他的系列作也有它们各自的特色,但是它们就是缺少了如同原作紧张刺激、快速、完美的赛道。当你为了那缩短那百分之一秒的成绩而着迷时,你会知道这是一款好游戏。PS:配上适当的观众,它会是个出色的赌酒游戏。 Name: Super Mario Kart Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1992 Why it Made the Top 100 List: There have been few games which provide as many hours of fun as Super Mario Kart. It offered fast and challenging single-player gaming and furious competitive play thanks to the tight skill-based system of driving that let the real masters show their stuff. While the other games in the series have their own appeal, they simply don't have courses as tight, fast, and perfect as the original Kart masterpiece. When shaving a hundredth of a second off of a track time becomes an obsession, you know it's a good game. Plus, given the right crowd, it makes a brilliant drinking game! #11 Legend of Zelda:A Link to the Past 名称:Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past(萨尔达传说:众神的三元力) 平台:SNES 开发:Nintendo EAD 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1992 入选原因:身为任天堂知名的萨尔达传说系列第三款作品,在超任的这个平台众神的三元力被列为近乎时之笛的伟大作品。此游戏结合了两个前作的元素并藉着进步的视觉效果提供更上一层楼的体验。林克的冒险必须横跨两个世界、好几个地下迷宫以及深入包括巨大怪物与邪恶巫师的敌方阵营。游戏的绝赞冒险要素构想、动作解迷、多采多姿的画面以及动人的配乐使得它在萨尔达系列中脱颖而出。对任何一个萨尔达粉丝来说它都是个经典作甚至是一个逸品。 Name: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Platform: SNES Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1992 Why it Made our Top 100 List: The third game in Nintendo's acclaimed Zelda series, A Link to the Past ranks near Ocarina of Time as one of the greatest titles for a Nintendo platform. The game combines elements from its predecessors and spruces up the experience with updated visuals. Link must battle through a huge quest spanning two worlds, several complex dungeons and through opposition that includes huge monsters and an evil wizard. The game's wonderfully conceived exploration elements, environmental puzzles, colorful graphics and inspired soundtrack help it to stand out above the cream of the Zelda crop. A collector's item and a classic for any Zelda fan. #10 Super Metroid(超级银河战士) 名称:Super Metroid 平台:SNES 开发:Intelligent Systems 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1994 入选原因:当3D游戏还在萌芽的阶段这个全2D的冒险游戏发挥了超任的硬体而且提供了当时算是最惊奇、极度诱人的游玩体验。超级银河战士认真地提昇自己的系列并提供了令人神魂颠倒的sci-fI世界。就像是带领着女英雄Samus Aran一般,玩家们一步一步地藉着收集加强力量的装备与打倒好几个阻挠在前的巨大魔王来探索Zebes星球更复杂的地区。因为它细微、有型、高明的设计让它至今仍受到粉丝的热爱而且也使得它得以产出许多高评价的系列作。 Name: Super Metroid Platform: SNES Developer: Intelligent Systems Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1994 Why it Made the Top 100 List: As 3D gaming loomed on the horizon, this strictly-2D adventure showed off the SNES hardware and provided one of the most thought-out, intriguing gameplay experiences available at the time. Super Metroid took itself seriously and offered a captivating sci-fi world. As lead heroine Samus Aran, players progressively explored more complex areas of planet Zebes by collecting suit power-ups and conquering absolutely gigantic boss figures along the way. For all its subtlety, style, and intelligent design it is still adored by fans and has gone on to spawn numerous top-rated sequels. #05 Super Mario 64(超级玛琍欧64) 名称:Super Mario 64 平台:Nintendo 64 开发:Nintendo EAD 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1996 入选原因:曾经有段时间,3D游戏是粗糙、不灵活、且操控不甚精准的。然後超级码琍欧64现身并改变了一切。具革命性的标题采用了让玩家以类比操作的方式并告诉全世界玩3D游戏并不是一件苦差事。从两个明显的方面看出,任天堂惊人出色的强作不仅带来了准确控制的新层次,还使得玩家进入一个巨大充满着相配合的目标与挑战的世界。就像是时之笛,玛琍欧64成功地将任天堂的指标作品推向新一代的玩家。这游戏将在历史的洪流中做个真正的经典。 Name: Super Mario 64 Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1996 Why it Made our Top 100 List: Once upon a time, 3D games were unrefined, clumsy, and lacking precise control. And then Super Mario 64 came along and changed everything. The revolutionary title introduced analog sensitivity to console players and also showed the world that 3D games needn't be a chore to play. In stark contrast, Nintendo's breathtakingly beautiful platformer not only introduced a new level of control accuracy, but enveloped gamers in huge worlds filled with complementary objectives and challenges. Like Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64 also successfully updated Nintendo's mascot franchise for a new generation of gamers. The game will go down in history as a true classic. #03 Tetris 俄罗斯方块 名称:Tetris 平台:Multiple Systems 开发:Pajitnov/Pavlovsky/Gerasimov 代理贩售:Various 发售年份:1986 入选原因:在80年代中期一群电脑工程师在俄罗斯科学协会秘密地设计出俄罗斯方块。感谢上苍,创作者Alexey Pajitnov偷偷将这个令人上瘾的电玩游戏带出了苏维埃联盟并且公诸於世。俄罗斯方块之所以永恒且出色是因为它极为容易上手--不像西洋棋,它的远房亲戚。规则很简单:玩家将自上面落下一系列的、不同形状的"Tetramino"方块堆叠在一个井内然後利用凑足一横条即消失的特性避免堆到顶端。大多数的俄罗斯方块玩家总是玩到与现实脱节,这也就是为什麽许多公司与教育机构不喜欢它的存在。俄罗斯方块一路走来激励了数不清的改编作品,对於益智类电玩留下不灭的影响力。 Name: Tetris Platform: Multiple Systems Developer: Pajitnov/Pavlovsky/Gerasimov Publisher: Various Year Released: 1986 Why it Made the Top 100 List: In the mid-'80s a group of computer engineers designed Tetris in secret at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thankfully, creator Alexey Pajitnov smuggled the hopelessly addictive videogame out of the Soviet Union and unleashed it across the world. Tetris is made timeless and brilliant because of its instant accessibility -- unlike chess, its motherland cousin. Rules are simple: players stack a series of falling, differently shaped "Tetramino" blocks in a well and attempt to keep it from filling up by clearing solid horizontal lines. Most Tetris players experience complete escapism, which is why many corporations and educational institutions loathe its existence. Tetris has gone on to inspire countless variations and will forever influence puzzle-based videogames. #02 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 名称:Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(萨尔达传说:时之笛) 平台:Nintendo 64 开发:Nintendo EAD 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1998 入选原因:经过许多评论家对於选出史上最伟大游戏的考量,任天堂的萨尔达传说:时之笛是唯一在成堆的游戏当中获得IGN满分评分的一款。本作让林克以青少年、童年两种外型一举成名,帮日後的3D冒险游戏铺路,但是它能够被人们所牢记与崇敬很可能还有另外两个原因:第一,它重新创造了任天堂着名的萨尔达传说系列并使其更为出色;第二,它对N64粉丝们以及广大的电玩社群展示了如同超级玛琍欧64般的革命性,任天堂在它丰富的百宝袋中仍然藏有许多的不可思议。时之笛藉由彻底的操控性、巧妙的关卡设计以及直觉的玩法成就了史诗级钜作的光芒。直到今日它仍 旧是史上最创新的冒险游戏之一。 Name: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1998 Why it Made our Top 100 List: Considered by many critics to be the greatest game ever made, Nintendo's Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of only a handful of games to receive a perfect IGN rating. The masterpiece, which stars hero Link in both child and teenage form, helped pave the way for 3D adventure games, but it will likely be remembered and adored for two other reasons: first, it reinvented Nintendo's famed Zelda franchise and actually made it better. And second, it showed Nintendo 64 fans and the larger videogame community that as revolutionary and pretty as Super Mario 64 was, Nintendo still had some serious magic in its hefty bag of tricks. Ocarina of Time is an epic undertaking shining with tight control, ingenious level design and intuitive play mechanics. It remains one of the all-time most innovative adventure outings to date. #01 Super Mario Bros. 超级玛莉欧兄弟 名称:Super Mario Bros. 平台:NES 开发:Nintendo EAD 代理贩售:Nintendo 发售年份:1985 入选原因:任天堂备受喜爱的2D平台代表作曾经在我们几年前选出的名单中拔得头筹,而它毫无疑问地在本次的入选名单上继续夺冠。也许是因为它帮助复兴後Atari时代黯淡甚至几乎毁灭的电玩工业使其继续成为IGN首选,亦或是因为它轻易地阐明了让我们爱上"任天堂开发"游戏的一切:正视操作性与关卡设计。这个游戏以30个出色的2D关卡打响了任天堂招牌明星玛莉欧的知名度,产生了数以百万计的电玩玩家而且令他们着迷。超级玛莉欧兄弟仍旧是史上少有的最具前瞻性与影响力的作品。更重要的是,它仍然像二十年前一般令人着迷、好玩、以及令人满足。 Name: Super Mario Bros. Platform: NES Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Year Released: 1985 Why it Made our Top 100 List: Nintendo's beloved 2D platformer was number one on our Top 100 list a couple of years ago, and it had no problem holding onto the top spot in this year's vote. Perhaps the classic game remains an IGN favorite because it helped revitalize the videogame industry in the post-Atari era of gloom and doom. Or maybe it's cherished above all others because it so effortlessly represents everything that makes us love Nintendo-developed games in general: an unwavering attention to play control and level design. The game, which stars Nintendo's classic mascot hero Mario in 30-some levels of inspired 2D platforming, introduced millions of players to videogames and left them captivated. Super Mario Bros. remains one of the most pioneering and influential titles to date. More importantly, it's every bit as addictive, enjoyable, and satisfying today as it was two decades ago. -- NDS+Wii=互动究极体 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 rabbithenry:很彻底的感觉到任天堂的成功代表第三方失败的道理了.. 07/24 19:51
2F:推 finallink:还没看先推@@" 好多唷 感谢啦~ :DD 07/24 22:53
3F:推 jeff0323:先推在看 07/24 22:57
4F:推 NintendoFans:用心, 三千批 :) 07/24 22:58
5F:推 PRSMUSE:超赞~ 07/24 22:59
6F:推 magicwei:推 07/25 11:50
7F:推 hero568:时之笛得第二...快重制吧 07/25 15:52
8F:推 kumo:老任好像没有重制的先例吧 顶多重新发售 好像吧 呵呵 07/25 17:27
9F:推 Azelight:有啊 随便举一个 GBA上的 Super Mario Advance 4 07/25 21:58
10F:→ Azelight:就是Super Mario Bros. 3 的图形增强重制版 07/25 21:58
11F:推 PMT99:玛琍欧系列重制两遍,FC--->SFC--->GB&GBA 07/25 21:57
12F:→ PMT99:确切一点:一代FC-SFC-GB,三代FC-SFC-GBA,金牌FC-SFC-GB? 07/25 22:00
13F:→ PMT99:四代SFC-GBA,耀西岛SFC-GBA,拔萝卜FC-SFC-GBA 07/25 22:01
14F:推 maxi247:感谢原po 前十就占五名 强啊! 07/27 16:36

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