Nintendo 板


据说转载自NOA的Nsider论坛 用我很烂的英文稍微翻译一下 This article from the upcoming Game Informer magazine focuses on the pros and cons of the development environment of the upcoming Nintendo Wii. As well as revealing the last big secret concerning hardware functionality. Here are some summarizations from that article. -Pros- -Inexpensive graphics development. 低成本的图型显像 -Developer-friendly 「camera」 program 友善的开发摄影机程式? -Will support HDR lighting, normal maps, bump-mapping, nurbs rendering, and panoramically-composted depth-composited cubemappng, ray-tracing. 支援HDR光源、法向量绘图、碰撞绘图、nurbs(Non-Uniform Rational B-splines) rendering、全景合成、景深合成、cubemappng、光束轨迹? -Chipsets are very inexpensive although EXTREMELY powerful, WILL incorporate many aspects of the Project Reality study. 能力强大却成本低廉的晶片组,将包含了各种不同的研究计画 -Nintendo is providing extensive documentation to ease the incorporation of the Wii-mote. 任天堂提供大量的档案去轻松的进行Wii-mote的结合??? ================================= -Cons- 错误的观点 -Challenging to program effectively for the Wii-mote, due to it being very new to the industry. 因为是非常新的产业,导致Wii-mote的编程更加困难 -Marketing to be more challenging for bigger third-party franchises due to nature of the innovative qualities 只有较大的第三方厂商才能挑战做出兼具创意及品质的游戏 -The development cycle to possibly equal the time cycles of PS3 and Xbox360 due to the time needed to be innovative and effectively program for the controller. 游戏开发的时间可能跟PS3和XB360差不多,因为需要花更多的时间去创新并且调整控制器 -The challenge of marketing the Wii's controller in ads and commercial may turn third-parties away from exclusivity. (The challenge to display through ads how 「playing is believing」) 对於非独占的第三方游戏,很难将Wii控制器的乐趣表现在广告上 ============================================= -The Final Secret/minor surprises also- 最後的秘密/也会让你吓一跳 -Wii will include a built-in decent resolution camera that can be used to add your face to character models and add innovation to games. These snapshots can be tweaked as well. It is still being decided whether to allow camera to record and stream video. Mention made to have this feature be a strong feature in online play. Wii将内建可解析图像的camera,可以将你的脸部模型加到游戏中,这个快拍功能将可以很 好的被调整,目前正在考虑是否加入录制影片的功能,可以在线上游玩的时候使用脸部特 写 -A wireless headset will be made available at launch. 支援无线耳机 -SD cards will range from 2GB to 7GB and will be priced 「within reason」. 支援2GB~7GB的SD卡 -A new router technology is still in development and not yet available to developers. In the final product Nintendo hopes to be able to make every Wii a sort of 「Wi-Fi hotspot」 with each user connecting to that user and so on. They also want to be able to allow different users to share things and are thinking about setting up a pseudo-P2P network through Connect24, where users can share content and 「other things」. This means that even if you have a dial-up connection or no internet, you can still connect to Wii Connect24. 支持新的路由技术,有点类似P2P网络,用这种方式来分享资源,例如即使你没有上网 没有热点,周围的Wii用户上网了,你就能利用他的无线网络也连上网进入任天堂的「 Wii Connect24」 -The Wii will indeed have a PPU included in final hardware. It will have only 32MB though, which will still take a considerable amount of pressure off of other chips. Wii的最终硬件将拥有物理处理器PPU,有32MB的记忆体,可以减轻不少其他晶片的压力 -A still-in-development simple dev tool will be made available to users through the Connect24 network. It will allow users to create a simple game in 2D or simple 3D and share it with the world. This will hopefully be available on the network by launch. 将提供一个简化版的游戏开发工具包,并通过Connect24发放,任何玩家都可以自行开发 2D或简单3D的游戏软体并通过网路发放 -The last big secret is the 「graphics solution」. It revolves around a whole lot of non-volatile RAM (opting out of HDD support, RAM is much faster than a HDD). And a development interface that centers on a AI-controlled command-line interface. This additional tech only included in final dev kits, while most developers don't have access to final dev kits. 看不太懂 等下期GI出了就知道是不是真的 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 danadanad:最後的秘密? 到底是什麽啦 下期GI会刊载? 表示SONY已 06/05 20:36
2F:→ danadanad:经到了来不及跟进的时间点? 所以可以公布了? 06/05 20:36
3F:→ danadanad:游戏开发的时间可能跟PS3和XB360差不多,因为需要花更多 06/05 20:38
4F:推 cocokala:任何玩家都可以自行开发balabala.....大惊<囧> 06/05 20:38
5F:→ danadanad:时间去创新并且调整控制器 <== 听起来非常棒!! 06/05 20:38
6F:→ cocokala:正妹你似乎误解了 囧 那是错误观点 06/05 20:40
7F:推 AgentWu:很感激翻译, 不过上个色或是间隔一下会比较好阅读 :) 06/05 20:43
8F:推 danadanad:阿喔 我没看到pro and con 还有怎麽我还是正妹orz 06/05 20:44
9F:→ danadanad:最後的秘密也算是Cons?? 那这个Cons会不会太多了点@@ 非 06/05 20:46
10F:→ danadanad:常长的後面一大串都是Cons..?? 06/05 20:46
※ 编辑: dorajim 来自: (06/05 20:51)
11F:→ davieliu:最後的秘密应该与画面或运算性能有关 06/05 21:10
12F:推 Qweilun:最大秘密是东芝抵抗SONY使出杀手金间 免费帮Wii装HD DVD 06/05 21:49
13F:推 laipy:Pros和Cons是优点和缺点 06/05 22:24
14F:推 laipy:不过隔壁邻居的Wii的可以来偷频宽这算优点吗?>.< 06/05 22:27
15F:推 sionxp:我家隔壁邻居刚好用无线网路 之前有偷连过有成功 06/06 00:24
16F:→ sionxp:这样算不算犯罪啊 Orz 06/06 00:26
17F:推 yoseii:可以自己开发游戏,好像还不错… 06/06 02:20

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