作者IT888 (IT888)
标题[通知] 3/23(三)17:30-20:30 研一舍紧急停电
时间Wed Mar 23 09:27:56 2016
1. 请将寝室内电器(个人笔电/冰箱等个人设备)拔除插头,以免复电後电力突波导致
2. 研一女舍同学请勿搭乘电梯,施工前会将电梯统一管制於一楼,请改走楼梯。
3. 停电前三十分钟请勿使用洗衣机及烘衣机。
4. 公共冰箱内物品请提前取走,若损坏本舍不负赔偿责任。
5. 进出时请注意安全,并请自备手电筒。
6. 饮水机将暂停使用,请提前备饮用水。
7. 盥洗热水将暂停提供。
8. 宿舍网路将暂停服务。
9. 施工紧急联系人:营缮组 郭元智 技士3366-9831#27 配电室:3366-2224~6、
0911-769831 。
研一舍 辅导员室 提醒您
Dear student,
The dormitory electric power will interrupt for three hour from 17:30pm
to 20:30pm on Mar. 23rd due to electric machinery maintenance. Apologize for any
inconvenience we caused. Thank you.
1. Please pull out your notebook/ refrigerator plug before the electric
maintenance; we don't take the responsible for the damage.
2. Please DON'T take the elevator; we will stop it at 1F.
3. Please DON'T use the washing machine and dryer machine.
4. Please take away your food in advance in the public refrigerators.
5. Please be careful during the maintenance; please prepare a flashlight if
you need.
6. The Drinking fountains is temporarily out of service.
7. Hot water (Bathing) is temporarily out of service.
8. Wi-Fi & dorm Internet is temporarily out of service.
9. Emergency Contact: Mr. Gao yuan Zi (02)3366-9831#27 / 0911-769-831
Best regards,
Office of Resident Director of Graduate dormitory 1st
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NTUDormG1/M.1458696479.A.714.html
1F:推 DarenR: :( 03/23 10:18
2F:推 ansonyen: 目前已经恢复电力 03/23 18:55
3F:→ ansonyen: 已经提早完工修复 03/23 18:56