作者d3osef (阿嘉)
标题[试题] 100下 魏凯立 经济学原理下 期末考
时间Sat Jun 23 16:10:35 2012
课程名称︰ 经济学原理与实习下
课程性质︰ 必修 / 通识A5*
课程教师︰ 魏凯立
开课学院: 社会科学院
开课系所︰ 经济学系
试题 :
Multiple Choice Questions (4 points each)
1. What happens when the government increases the money supply ?
(a) The value of money rises because interest rates increase
(b) The value of money rises because prices increase
(c) The value of money falls because there is more of it
(d) The value of money can never change
2. What is an inflation tax ?
(a) A tax on the increase in a commodities price
(b) A tax on holding domestic money
(c) A tax on holding foreign currency
(d) The cost to the government of printing money
3. If (i) one unit of rice costs NT$140 in Taiwan and (ii) the same unit of
rice costs 400 yen in Japan and (iii) one NT$ is worth 3 yen then what is
true about Taiwan's real exchange rate and PPP ?
(a) The real exchange rate is greater and PPP holds true
(b) The real exchange rate is not greater than one and PPP holds true
(c) The real exchange rate is greater than one and PPP does not hold true
(d) The real exchange rate is less than one and PPP does not hold true
4. If decreased desire to save causes interest rates in a country to rise,then
(a) Net exports will decrease and the real exchange rate will increase.
(b) Net capital outflow will increase and the real exchange rate will decrease
(c) Net capital outflow will increase and the real exchange rate will not be
(d) Net export will decrease and the real exchange rate will also decrease
5.In recent weeks, Spaniards have been taking their money out of Spain because
they are afraid Spain might leave euro. What effect should this have on
Spain's domestic interest ratesm ?
(a) There should be no significant effect
(b) The effect could be large but one can't predict whether interest rates
will go up or down
(c) Spanish interest rates should rise
(d) Spanish interest rates should fall
6. What is true of a random walk ?
(a) If something grows faster than average this year, it will probably grow
slower next year.
(b) If something grows slower than average this year, it will probebly grow
faster than average next year also.
(c) The longer something goes up, the more likely it will soon go down
(d) Future change cannot be predicted
7. In a recession, which of the following usually falls the most on percentage
(a) Inventory
(b) Consumption
(c) Government spending
(d) GDP
8. Why do some economies think that deflation is worse than inflation ?
(a) Deflation limits how far real interest rates can fall
(b) Deflation causes wages to fall
(c) Deflation encourages reckless borrowing
(d) Deflation is harder to reverse than inflation
Short-Anser Questions
9. In the equation MV=PY, what is the meaning of the symbols "M" "V" "P" "Y" ?
Over the last 25 years, has Taiwan's V significantly increased,
signifiacntly decreased, or stayed about the same ? (4 + 4 points)
10. What relationship does the Fisher equation show ? (5 points)
11. If exports are worth $175 billion, imports are worth $150 billion and
domestic investment is $425 billion, how large is the net capital outflow
and national saving in equilibrium ? (5 points)
12. Why does the short-run aggregate supply curve slope downward ? (4 points)
Why is the long-run aggregate supply curve vertical ? (4 points)
13. The United Arab Emirates export oil. Suppose a cold winter increases world
demand for oil. Show how this will affect the United Arb Emirates economy
in the short run using an AD-AS diagram ? (5 points) Then show how this
will affect inflation and unemployment using the Phillips curve. (4 points)
14. Why does the demand curve in the money market usually slope down ? (4 poin
If the demand curve no longer slope down, becoming horizontal, what does
this indicate ? (3 points)
15. Suppose global warming causes production costs to rise permanently
throughout the economy. Show what will happen in the long run using AD-AS
diagram (4 points) Will the price level change ? (1 point) How would you
explain the change, or lack of change, using MV=PY equation ? (3 points)
16. Suppose there is no crowding out and the marginal propensity to consume
is 0.9 (peoople spend 90% of the money they get) How much effect will an
extra $2 billion of government spending have on demand ? (3 points)
When might the assumption that there is no crowding out be reasonable ?
(3 points)
17. Use an AD-AS diagram to show why running a government deficit may help
the economy in the short run (4 points) and why it probably won't help
the economy in the long run. (4 points)
18. Supposse the NT$ appreciates. Name one interest group which would be happy
Why ? Name one interest group which would be unhappy. Why ? (3 + 3 points)
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