作者feathernoir (● ω ●)
标题[试题] 100上 江炯聪 科技管理 期中考
时间Fri Dec 2 02:19:59 2011
试题 :
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1. A complementor is a company or individual that produces goods or services
that enhance the value of another product.
2. The degree to which innovative activities are geographically clustered does
not depend on the national differences in the way technology development is
funded or protected.
3. Research suggests that most innovation is due to the discovery of something
fundamentally new.
4. The path a technology follows through time is termed its technology map.
5. Product innovation can enable process innovation.
6. In some industries, multiple competing technologies can coexist peacefully
while in others there will be strong pressures for only one technology to
7. A stakeholder analysis emphasizes the stakeholder management issues the firm
ought to attend to due to their ethical or moral implications.
8. The balanced scorecard emphasizes measuring performance from primarily a
financial perspective.
9. Discounted cash flow estimates are only as accurate as the original
estimates of profits, time, risk, and cost.
10. In licensing, a firm loses a significant amount of control over the
11. Effective collaboration agreements should be flexible enough to provide a
graceful exit strategy for members that no longer wish to participate in
the collaboration.
12. If you want to file a claim of trademark infringement in court, you must
have registered that trademark.
13. A firm's organization structure can both help and hinder the firm's efforts
at innovation.
14. A cross-functional team is one that has members of different ethnic
backgrounds in it.
15. A firm can signal its commitment to an industry by making substantial
investments that would be difficult to reverse.
16. If a company, through promotion, can create large perceived installed base
where one does not yet exist, it can lead to a large actual installed base.
Multiple Choice:16题(每题1.5分),占24%。
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1. The Smith brothers were trying to come up with a new cough drop but Alvin
Smith kept saying to his brother, Frank, "I really would like to understand
more about what makes a person cough in the first place." Frank kept saying,
"We need to quit worrying theoretical stuff and just focus on how to stop
the coughing." Which of the brothers is most likely to be a successful
c.They are equally likely to be successful inventors
d.Neither is very likely to be a successful inventor
2. Which of the following is not true regarding user innovators?
a.They have a deep understanding of their unmet needs.
b.They have an intention to profit from the sale of their innovation.
c.They have an incentive to create solutions for their own needs.
d.Their innovations can lead to the development of new industries.
3. Susan works for a large chemical company in the Research and Development
department. Her degree was in Biology and the company is encouraging her to
study the mating habits of various insects to develop a better method of
controlling insect damage to crops. The type of research Susan is engaged in
is called ______ research.
4. The more a technology is adopted,
a.the less valuable it becomes on account of market saturation.
b.the more susceptible it becomes to decreasing returns.
c.the more complementary goods are available for it.
d.the lesser are the possibilities for improvements in the technology.
5. Absorptive capacity
a.is the result of effective strategic decisions by a firm's upper
b.increases a firm's future ability to assimilate information.
c.is an essential component of a learning organization.
d.is inversely proportionate to the size of the organization.
6. When are winner-take-all markets good for consumers?
a.When monopoly costs exceed the value of technological utility and network
externality benefits.
b.When monopoly costs exceed the value of technological utility.
c.When the value of technological utility exceeds monopoly costs.
d.When the value of technological utility and network externality benefits
exceeds monopoly costs.
7. Which of the following is an advantage of being a later entrant into a
a.Firms can capture scarce resources.
b.Firms do not have to invest in exploratory research.
c.Firms have to develop their own supply and distribution channels.
d.Firms are unaffected by switching costs.
8. TechSense has just develop a GPS-enabled shoe that is targeted at runners,
trekkers, and tourists. According to the Buyer Utility Map developed by Kim
and Mauborgne, what is the value offered by the shoes in the utility lever
of convenience at the use stage of the buyer experience cycle?
a.The shoes have a shelf life of four years after which the product must be
b.The shoes have to be recharged for at least an hour in order to work
c.The shoes require a specific charging dock.
d.The shoes should be kept away from wet surfaces as GPS is not water
9.Which of the following would be an example of a tacit resource?
a.An odds maker who works for a large casino in Las Vegas and is correct 95
percent of the time.
b.A highly effective and efficient distribution network throughout the
continental U.S.
c.A retail shoe chain that has prime locations in 200 malls across the
d.A flashy ad campaign for a malt liquor.
10. Using quantitative methods for choosing which R&D projects to persue ___ in
a rapidly changing environment.
a.will lead to highly accurate results
b.could lead to questionable results
c.are the recommended methods
11. To make sure companies do not receive patents in countries where they do
not intend on making the invention, some countries have a "working
requirement" that
a.if the product does not work, it will not be granted a patent.
b.patents will only be granted to people who have been working in their
country for at least one year.
c.the invention must manufactured in the country where the patent was
granted for a specified period of time.
d.the workers who manufacture the product must be from the country where
the patent was granted.
12. Which of the following is true regarding ambidextrous organizations?
a.Incentive plans are uniform through out the organization.
b.There is tight coordination of R&D activities.
c.The organization is characterized by high levels of formalization and
d.R&D units are allowed to function like small, independent ventures.
13. Gerusa is a company with major divisions in Germany, Russia, and the U.S.
(hence the name). The scientists in Russia develop cancer treatment
methods. The Germans organize treatment clinics. The U.S. division gathers
the financing and markets the treatment methods. This is an example of a
______ strategy.
c.locally leveraged
d.globally linked
14. Jasbar Industries has developed a product with a very short product
development cycle. Which of the following results can it expect?
a.Sales will be slow as consumers will already be committed to other
b.Jasbar will be able to provide complementary goods to enhance the
attractiveness of its product.
c.Jasbar will be unable to fully amortize the fixed costs of development
before the product becomes obsolete.
d.Jasbar will not be able to upgrade its product.
15. Dr. Askew was the Chairman of the Freshman Program Committee at Mountain
Home University. This committee was designing a new curriculum for
freshman. When he negotiated with the Dean of the University that committee
members have no other service assignments so they could concentrate on this
project and that the team be given 12 months to complete its goal, he was
performing a(n) ______ activity.
b.task coordination
16. Biogyn Lifesciences wanted to enhance the adoption of its new diagnostic
substances by hospitals. So, it made an agreement with the dominant
producer of glass slides and test tubes to have its diagnostic substances
sold to hospitals in a package with the glass slides and tubes. This is
known as
a.backward compatibility.
b.penetration pricing.
c.a bundling relationship.
Simple Questions: Please answer the questions precisely and concisely.
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1. What is innovation? What are the types of innovation? (9%)
2. Please explain the term "disruptive innovation". (9%)
3. Please explain the terms "enabling technology" and "complementary product".
How can enabling technology and complementary product influence innovation
in positive and negative ways. (9%)
4. Please explain a technology's S-curve of performance improvement and how it
is related to its S-curve of diffusion. (9%)
5. Please explain the diffusion of innovation and innovation adoption life
cycle. It will be better if graphs are also provided. (9%)
6. Please explain "Best Practices", "KSFs" and "KPIs", and give one example of
KSF and related KPI. (9%)
7. Please give two examples to illustrate open vs. closed innovations. (9%)
8. What are the key success factors in the video game industry? (9%)
9. Why does a dominant design emerge? (9%)
10. In china, what do you think 山寨手机 may mean in terms of innovation
concept? (9%)
理论与时事申论题: 四选一,占15%
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<时事题一:笔记型电脑厂商Acer 之殒落>
1. 1985年,麦可‧波特 (Michael Porter)於《竞争优势》一书中指出企业要发展独特
2. 2011年3月31日,宏碁执行长、全球总裁暨总经理兰奇 (Gianfranco Lanci) 闪电辞职
<时事题二:智慧型手机市场之竞争:Apple vs. HTC>
1. 《创新者的修练》一书作者哈佛商学院教授克雷顿‧克里斯汀生 (Clayton M.
Christensen)於1997年在European Management Journal发表论文<Patterns in the
evolution of productcompetition>,文中提出「个别产品会通过诞生、成长、成熟与消
亡的生命周期,但产品类别(product categories)和品牌(brands)则是随着竞争的演化周
2. 2007年苹果电脑(Apple Inc.)推出其第一款智慧型手机iPhone;2011年10月4日,创
办人贾伯斯逝世前一天,苹果最新款手机iPhone 4S上市;短短四年间,苹果拿下全球智
、RIM(11.6%)与HTC(11%)。宏达国际电子(HTC Corporation)从智慧型手机制造商转型为品
牌业者,於2007年以HTC品牌推出第一支挂牌智慧型手机HTC Touch,四年间,成为全球智
1. 据自由时报2011年10月26日报导,「南韩面板、DRAM挟政府庞大的政策支持,不仅是
拱手让出市场。」试解释,为何我国DRAM 与面板产业遭遇如今之困境?
2. 针对台湾DRAM与面板产业未来发展,有何可行建议?
1. 财团法人国家政策研究基金会高级助理研究员刘新园於2009年〈什麽是文化创意产业
?〉报告中指出英国学者David Hesmondhalgh 对文化产业的定义。文化产业的制品都是
2. 请继续就其与创新有关之关键成功因素加以说明。
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※ 编辑: feathernoir 来自: (12/02 02:25)