NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰经济学乙 课程性质︰政治系必修 课程教师︰江瑞祥 开课学院:社科学院 开课系所︰政治系 考试日期(年月日)︰100.4.29 考试时限(分钟):120 是否需发放奖励金:是 试题 : 1.(20 points) given the information in the table below for three consecutive years in the U.S. economy, caculate the missing data. year 1993 1994 1995 Nominal GDP (in billions 6553.0 a.______ b.______ of US dollar) Real GDP (in billions of c.______ 6608.7 d.______ 1992 dollar) GDP deflator 102.6 e.______ 107.6 (1992=100) Inflation (percent 2.6 2.3 f.______ change in GDP deflator) Real GDP/Capital g.______ h.______ 25.396 (in 1992 dollars) Population 260.7 263.0 265.5 (in millions) 2.(15 points) In a simple economy, people assume only 2 goods, food and clothing. The market basket of goods used to compute the CPI has 50 units of goods and 10 units of clothing. food clothing 2007 price $4 $10 2008 price $6 $20 a. What are the percentage increase i the price of food and in the price of clothing? b. What is the percentage increase in the CPI? c. Do these price changes affect all consumers to the same extent? Explain. 3.(10 points) Indentify each of the following acts as representing either saving or investment. a.Fred uses some of his income to buy government bonds. b.Julie takes some of her income and buys mutual funds. c.Alex purchases a new truck for his delivery business using borrowed funds. d.Elaine uses some of her income to buy stock in a major corperation. e.Henrietta hires a builder to construct a new building for her bicycle shop. 4.(15 points) Suppsoe that the government raises spending by $20 billion and raises lump-sum taxes by $20 billion to pay for the higher spending. a.Explain how this affect private consumption, and private savings,real interest rate, investment and real GDP in the short run. b.How would you answer change if the governement did not raise taxes to pay for increasing spending, but borrowed the money instead? c.How would you answer change if the government did not rauses taxes to pay for increasing spending, but printed money for the higher spending? 5.(10 points) The model of the market for loadable funds shows that an investment tax credit will cause interest rate to rise and investment to rise. Yet, we also suppose that higher interest rates lead to lower investment. How can these two conclusions be reconciled? 6.(30 points) Suppose a country the total holdings of banks were as follows: -required reserves = $45 million -excess reserves = $15 million -deposits = $750 million -loans = $600 million -Treasury bonds = $90 million Show that the balance sheet balances if these are the only assets and liabilities. Assuming that peopel hold no currency, what happens to each of these values if the central bank changes the reserve requirement ratio to 2%, banks still want to hold the same percentage of excess reserves, and banks don't change their holdings f Treasury bonds? How much dose the money supply change by? Show your caluation. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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