作者hsin0331 (HSIN)
标题[试题] 99-2 陈南光 货币银行学二 期中考
时间Fri Apr 22 16:48:31 2011
试题 :
Total: 100 points
(1)(16 points)
Explain how each of the followings raises or lowers the Basel bank capital
adequacy ratio(CAR)by aggecting either the numerator(capital) or the
denominator(risk-adjusted assets) of the ratio.
(a)The bank irrues more subordinated debts.
(b)The bank sells some futures contracts on gold.
(c)The bank sells off some mortgage loans(loan sales) and purchase U.S.
Treasury bonds.
(d)The bank raises loan loss reserves.
(2)(14 points)
Answer the following questions according to the handout"Banking Consolidation
"(2004), by Simon Kwan,
(a)What is the main difference between the wave of mergers beginning in
the early 1990s and before?
(b)Give 2 examples of potential problems that might arise owing to bank
(3)(14 points)
What were the impacts of branching restriction in Mcfadden Act 1927 on
(a)the structure of banking industry in U.S.
(b)the likelihood and severity of financial crises in U.S.
(4)(14 points)
Bank Runs and Contagion
(a)According to the theory of information-based run, it is efficient
for depositors to run the bank when a bank becomes terminally ill. Explain.
(b)How can a government react to reduce the likelihood of contagion in the
face of bank runs?
(5)(14 points)
Consider the paper""Money, Liquidity, and Monetary Policy" by Adrian and Shin
(AER, 2009)
(a)Explain"haircut" for repos and how do changes in haircut affect the
liquidity in the financial market.
(b)According to the papers, are monetary aggregates, such as M2, good
indicators of the aggregate size of balance sheets of leveraged institutions
(6)(7 points)
According to the article"Are Banks Still Important For Financing Large
Businesses?"Explain briefly the role of banks in financing large businesses
in recent years.
(7)(7 points)
Briefly explain why it is important for a central bank to be independent from
political interference. On the other hand, how do we balance the power of
central bank independence in a democratic society?
(8)(7 points)
Briefly analyze the purpose and effect of"pprompt corrective action"
designated in FDICIA(1991) in the U.S.
(9)(7 points)
As we have observed in Taiwan and elsewhere, the financial regulatory
authority tended to handle distressed financial institutions by exercising
regulatory forbearance. Briefly analyze the problem it might cause.
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