NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰企业管理 课程性质︰大三必修 课程教师︰黄俊尧 开课学院:管理学院 开课系所︰财金系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008.12.01 考试时限(分钟):120 是否需发放奖励金:是 感谢 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 单选题 (60%) 1. When a decision maker chooses an alternative under perfect rationality, she ________ her decision, whereas under bounded rationality she chooses a ________ decision. a. minimizes; satisficing b. satisfices; maximizing c. maximizes; satisficing d. maximizes; minimizing 2. Unstructured problems ________. a. are easily solved b. present familiar circumstances c. force managers to deal with incomplete or ambiguous information d. are routine 3. Nonprogrammed decisions are typically made under a condition of ________. a. certainty b. low levels of risk c. uncertainty d. reliability 4. What is the psychological orientation of a decision maker who makes a "maximin" choice? a. optimist b. realist c. pessimist d. satisficer 5. When dicision makers assess the likelihood of an event based on how closely it resembles other events or sets of events, they are using ________. a. availablility bias b. framing bias c. selective perception bias d. representation bias 6. The conflict in stated goals exists because organizations resbond to a variety of _________. a. stakeholders b. external environments c. governmental regulations d. stockholders 7. What happens tp traditional goals as they make their way down from top management to lower levels? a. They lose clarity and unity. b. They unite the workforce. c. Lower-level managers must continually revise and correct them. d. They purposely remain vague and nonspecific. 8. What is the purpose of an organization called? a. the organization's action plan b. the organization's mission c. the organization's vision d. the organization's contingency plan 9. What are the dwcisions and actions that determine long-run performance of an organization? a. strategies b. missions c. goals d. opportunities 10. An example of a core competency of a firm is ________. a. the corporate reputation b. communicating with customers in their own languages worldwide c. developing least-squared exemptions within its accounting system d. evaluating tangible and intangible assets 11. What are the three main types of corporate strategies? a. concentration, integration, and diversification b. growth, stability, and renewal c. retrenchment, turnaround, and clicks-and-bricks d. cost leadership, differentiation, and focus 12. In ________, the organization gains control of its outputs by becoming its own distributor. a. backward horizonal integration b. forward horizonal integration c. backward vertical integration d. forward vertical integration 13. In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, a business unit that exists in a low anticipated growth rate and a high market share is known as a __? a. cash cow b. star c. dog d. question mark 14. Which of the following is a force in the Poter's five force model of industry attractiveness? a. opportunity for new entrants b. opportunity for substitutes c. bargaining power of suppliers d. sustainable competitive advantage for customers 15. Many firms regularly buy competitors' products and have their own engineers study them to learn about new technical innovations. This is called ________. a. competitor engineering b. competition engineering c. strategic engineering d. reverse engineering 16. Forcasting techniques fall into what two catagories? a. fixed asset and human capital b. predictive and confirmatory c. quantitative and qualitative d. empirical and conceptual 17. Which of the following is an accurate statement about budgets? a. They are typically not used for time estimating. b. By anature, they are only financial based. c. They are a useful tool for allocating resources and guiding work in diverse departments. d. They are typically used for large and small capital expenditures. 18. Which of the following is NOT a scheduling device used by managers? a. benchmarketing b. Gantt charts c. load charts d. PERT network analysis 19. A manager who needed to cut the completion time of a project would want to concentrate on ________ that could be completed faster. a. those activities along the critical path b. those activities that allow for slack time c. activities d. events 20. Some applications for linear programming include ________. a. scheduling a few activities that are independent of each other b. planning a large project c. coordinating hundreds of activities, some of which must be done simultaneously d. selecting transportation routes that minimize shipping costs 21. Maslow argued that once a need is substantially satisfied, ________. a. the next need becomes dominant b. individuals no longer require that need c. that need continues to motivate an individual d. it becomes a higher-order need 22. According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfaction, managers should concentrate on ________. a. hygiene factors b. issues such as pay c. motivator factors (moderate) d. extrinsic factors 23. The concept that behavior is a function of consequences is known as ____. a. reinforcement theory b. leadership c. group dynamics d. human resource management 24. One of the first attempts to design jobs horizontally expanded jobs and is known as job ________. a. enlargement b. scope c. rotation d. enrichment 25. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the belief that having a high grade point average is critical in obtaining a good job? a. instrumentality b. expectancy c. goal setting to achievement d. valence 26. According to the Ohio State studies, the dimension of leader behavior that is defined as the extent to which a leader had job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings is called ________. a. initiation b. consideration c. cultural d. physical 27. According to path-goal theory, a leader who lets subordinates know what's expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks is termed ________. a. directive b. achivement oriented c. participative d. supportive 28. Path-goal theory identifies two classes of situation variables that moderate the leadership-behavior outcome as ________. a. task and relationship b. path and goal c. people and history d. environment and followers 29. Transactional leaders are leaders who guide ________. a. and direct groups towards their goals and tasks b. and clarify the followers's goals and task requirements c. or clarify the group's goals and roles d. or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements 30. A leader who can inspire followers above their own self-interests and can have a profound effect on their performance, is known as a(n) ________. a. transactional leader b. directive leader c. informational leader d. transformational leader 问答题 (40%) 1. 在本课程的第一次作业中,你设定若干年後的自己作什麽样的事情?请举出你认为与 这件事情关连最深的一种领导相关理论,说明你认为这件事情和领导的关系。(20%) 2. 承上题,请以与你多年後所想作的这件事相关的一个机构(如果没有任何机构与这件 事直接相关,则请找出相关的一个人物),对其进行SWOT分析与五力分析(five force analysis)。(20%) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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