NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰赵恬仪 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/11/12 考试时限(分钟):100分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是,谢谢! (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Freshman English I: Mid-Term Examination Wednesday November 12, 2008 Total points: 100 Please note that all the questions should be answered in English. Please write in blue or black pen only. No dictionary, reference material (including notes), and electronic equipment are allowed during the exam Marked answer sheets will be returned to examinees on Wednesday November 19. I. Multiple Choices (20%) 1. What does Dell mostly do now after his company prospers? A. He enjoys his early retirement in Florida. B. He devotes himself to merging IBM. C. He spends most of his time planning company strategy. D. He is active in making business education more social responsible. 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about “Gigabyte?” A. Her computer teacher praises her programming ability, but doesn’t approve of her virus writing. B. She refuses to discuss about the absence of her parents. C. She firmly believes that she has no responsibility towards the damages her viruses made. D. Her only pet, a hamster, has been described as cunning and quick as she is. 3. What’s true about Michael Dell and Anita Roddick? A. Both of them didn’t determined to be an entrepreneur at the beginning. B. Anita Roddick aims to make business less environmental friendly. C. Both of them has never faced new challenges and taken risks. D. Michael Dell’s original plan was to sell DIY computer parts to users. 4. If an interviewer has already screened out some resumes, and wants to meet the applicants to see if he/she is qualified to benefit the company, the interviewer will probably choose: A. a lunch interview B. a telephone interview C. a screening interview D. a one-on-one interview 5. In which one of the following types of interview does an applicant have to interact with other candidates? A. a committee interview B. a stress interview C. a group interview D. a lunch interview 6. Which one is a clue that reveals the fact that Tanya Shaffer and her friend Miguel had visited the wrong Abdelatif? A. The family insisted on serving Tanya and Miguel a meal of couscous instead of spaghetti. B. Tanya wondered why Abdelatif’s sister didn’t resemble Abdelatif. C. The family members treated the visitors with extreme hostility. D. The house of Abdelatif looked different from the last time she saw it. 7. How many of the following statements are correct? (1) Hackers yearn for power and control while virus-writers are less involved with the computer system. (2) Virus writers are predominately male. (3) Virus writing wins more approval from the public than hacking. (4) Hacking needs deeper knowledge and higher skills than virus-writing does. (5) The society and peers no longer promote or take hackers as heroes and geniuses. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 8. According to the story “Into the heart of a family in Casablanca,” which statement is true? A. The new Abdelatif and Tanya’s friend Abdelatif were cousins. B. The mother of the new Abdelatif declined to let Tanya and Miguel stay for dinner. C. Tanya and her friend Miguel were surprised to find Baalal Abdelatif just next door. D. Tanya thought that the strangers had amazed her and brought her a beautiful surprise. 9. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Pemon Indians? A. They receive donation form Angel Eco-Tours. B. They are gracious and hospitable hosts. C. They took the tourists on hiking excursions. D. The told the tourists to avoid the most sacred spots of their tribes. 10. What is the special feature of Canaima National Park? A. It has various nature views: beautiful coastline, small hills, and desert areas. B. The planets major energy meridians run through Canaima as well as Stonehenge. C. Although the trip is quite expensive, tourists can relax, rest, and enjoy great food in Canaima. D. The Angle Fall and Devil’s Canyon is totally inaccessible. II. Reading comprehension (20%) ◎‘The Devil Wears Prada’ 1. Which of the following quotations is NOT from Miranda Priestly? A.“The details of your incompetence do not interest me.” B.“You are not trying. You are whining. What is it that you want me to say to you, huh?” C.“By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.” D.“Perfect. Thank God somebody came to work today.” 2. When your boss decided to push the meeting up, she means: A. To postpone the meeting. B. To call more people to attend the meeting. C. To cancel the meeting. D. To advance the time of the meeting. 3. Which of the following is NOT a fashion designer brand? A. Manolo Blahnik B. Versace C. Bang and Olufsen D. D&G 4. She showed us a ________ of what the car will look like when it goes into production. A. Mock-up B. Make-up C. Mode-up D. Mark-up 5. Which of the following is true? A. Miranda wants the latest printed Harry Hotter with J. K. Rowling’s autograph for her twins. B. Before working for Miranda, Andy is an editor for a major publisher. C. Miranda recommends Nigel to work for fashion designer James Holt, but later replaces him with Jacqueline Follet. D. Emily does not go to the fashion show in Paris because of health problems. ◎‘You don't have to make it up’ 1. In what ways can a boss bully his/her staff? A. Asking them to buy breakfast but never paying for it. B. Throwing things to them. C. Scorning everything about them harshly. D. All the above. 2. Websites such as PASecret.com offer stories about: A. Scandals about bosses. B. Staff’s office love affairs. C. Business secrets. D. Job interview tips. 3. According to the article, a male boss tends to have a less intensive relationship with female staff then a female boss, unless: A. He begins to compete with her. B. He plans to give her a promotion. C. He aims to fire her. D. He wants to sleep with her. 4. Expressions such as “Tippex,” “Goody2Shoes,” and “Underpaid and Under Appreciated” refer to: A. Managers who suffer from burnout. B. Tyrannical bosses. C. Abused employees. D. Keepers of business secrets. 5.“Woe betide anyone who disobeyed her” means those who disobeyed the boss would: A. Make other employees admire them. B. Experience misfortune. C. Win a promotion. D. Work harder than before. III. Cloze test (30%) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word in a proper form. You can only use each word ONCE. rapport eerie exclaim cynical relinquish lapse malicious compel groom inconsistency 1. Most business people will tell you that they are driven by some sort of _____________ notion that their ideas will work. 2. Other people’s _____________is something that most entrepreneurs continually have to fight against. 3. The reason Marilyn got the job was because she had an excellent _____________ with the interviewer. 4. Leon was very embarrassed in the board meeting as his report contained a lot of _____________. 5. Some people thought Charlie’s attempts to get promoted over Sunil were purely _____________. Others viewed his actions as healthy competition. 6. Tom’s team won last night because their opponent _____________ control of the ball. 7. Polly spends hours in the backyard _____________ her small garden. 8. The woman stood in the middle of the supermarket and _____________ that her son was missing. 9. After seeing how much his exam scores had _____________ since last term, Joe’s father grounded him for the rest of the semester. 10. When Cecelia, whose grandparents are from Spain, visited the country for the first time, she had a(n) _____________ feeling that she had been there before. IV. Short-answer questions (20%) Please write at least 20 words for each of the question. 1. Write four out of Prof Light’s seven suggestions in “The Harvard Guide to Happiness.” 2. Among the seven types of job interviews introduced in “You’re Hired!”, which do you think is the hardest to prepare? Why? 3. According to “Computer Culture,” computer communication desensitizes us. Do you feel this is true for you? Explain your reasons. 4. In “Female Virus Writer Packs a Punch,” how does Gigabyte comment on herself and her own behaviour? 5. According to the presentation on “Canaima,” what are the principles of ecotourism? (Write at least two). V. Feedback for the instructor and self-reflection (10%) (1) Please comment on your progress in study and learning needs for Freshman English I. (2) Please offer constructive feedback for the instructor and the TA, with regard to course materials, teaching style, etc. ~~~~~~~This is the end of the mid-term exam paper. Well done! ~~~~~~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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