NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰地球的奥秘 课程性质︰通识课程 课程教师︰卢佳遇 开课学院:地质系 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰97/11/11 考试时限(分钟):写完就交 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 顺序不一样不过题目保证一样 还有老师选择题的题目和选项都会附中文 申论题可用中或英作答 选择题*15 1. A light year (光年) is a unit that measures _____C____. A. time C. distance B. mass D. luminous intensity 2. Comets are primarily a mixture of _____C____. A. rock and metal B. liquid water and water ice C. ice and dust D. ice on the outside with a metallic core 3. Earth’s surface is protected from solar wind and cosmic radiation by ____B_____. A. Earth’s gravitational field B. Earth’s magnetic field C. a large, metallic shield launched into orbit by NASA in the 1960s D. a powerful stream of ions emitted by the Sun 4. Moving into interior of Earth, temperature _____A____. A. and pressure both increase B. and pressure both decrease C. increases, but pressure stays nearly the same D. remains remarkably constant, but pressure increases 5. The elevation of the water table (地下水位) ____C______. A. is a constant for a given area so long as the topography remains the same B. may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods C. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts 6. Mid-ocean ridges are _____B_____. A. convergent plate boundaries B. divergent plate boundaries C. transform plate boundaries 7. Hawaii is an example of a ___A______. A. hot-spot volcanism C. volcanic island arc B. mid-ocean ridge volcanism D. transform margin 8. The Miocene epoch (中新世) saw the spread of which new vegetative zone? A A. grasslands C. gymnosperm (裸子植物) forests B. angiosperm forests D. tree fern forests 9. Pillow lavas (枕状熔岩) are associated with _____D_____. A. continental rhyolitic eruptions C. submarine rhyolitic eruptions B. continental basaltic eruptions D. submarine basaltic eruptions 10. A fast moving flow consisting of a mixture of water and pyroclastic debris is termed a ____A_____. A. lahar (火山泥流) C. flood basalt (洪流玄武岩) B. glowing avalanche (火山灰流) D. stratovolcano (层状火山) 11. Which of the following does NOT comprise a mineral or minerals? C A. ice within a glacier on the continent of Antarctica. B. grains of quartz on a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil C. industrial quality diamonds produced in a laboratory D. sulfur precipitates around volcanic degassing crevices 12. Natural glass is not considered a mineral because it ____C_____. A. is not homogenous B. is organic C. does not have fixed crystalline structure D. can be made synthetically as well as being a naturally occurring substance 13. The most abundant minerals belong to chemical group termed the ____A____. A. silicates C. halides B. carbonates D. oxides 14. The Cambrian explosion (寒武纪生物大爆发) not only produced an abundance of new animal species but also gave rise to the first shells, spines, and active swimmers. This suggests the important influence of ____C_____ in driving animal evolution. A. photosynthetic organisms (光合生物) C. carnivorous predators (掠食者) B. atmospheric oxygen D. filter-feeding organisms 15. Dinosaurs first appeared during the ____D____ period. A. Cambrian (寒武纪) C. Permian (二叠纪) B. Devonian (泥盆纪) D. Triassic (三叠纪 申论题*3 1. What is the age of the oldest rocks on Earth? What is the age of the oldest rocks known? Why is there a difference? (地球上最老岩石的年龄是多少? 现知最老的石头年龄是多少? 两者之间的差异是什麽原因造成的?) 参考答案: The oldest rocks on Earth are about 4 billion years old. Meteorites (陨石) are as ancient as 4.6 billion years old; this is likely the age of the entire solar system (including Earth) given the orbital characteristics of the planets. No Earth rocks are likely to be found yielding 4.6 Ga (Ga:十亿年 前) dates because Earth was initially too hot (with heat derived from initial accretion, collisions with other solar system bodies, and differentiation to form the core 地核, mantle 地函, and crust 地壳, as well as radioactivity) to sustain solid rock at the surface for any great length of time. Even today, Earth is geologically active in comparison to other bodies in the solar system. Erosion (侵蚀), subduction (板块隐没), and melting are processes that actively destroy rock, so the oldest rock preserved is unlikely to be the oldest rock formed. 2. Is groundwater a renewable or nonrenewable resource? Explain how the difference in time frame changes this answer. (请问地下水是否为可再生的资源? 试讨论在不同时间尺度下的情况) 参考答案: The abundance of water and rainfall on this planet, combined with the slow but persistent travel of groundwater, allows groundwater to be considered a renewable resource on long time scales of many thousands of years. However, locally, on shorter time scales, overuse and pollution of groundwater have led to the consumption and destruction of usable groundwater at rates that are too fast to be ameliorated by natural recharge. 3. Describe the three ways that mineral crystals can form. (请描述矿物结晶的三 种形成方式) 参考答案: Crystals can solidify from a melt, freezing from hot liquid rock in the formation of igneous rock (火成岩). Crystals can also form through solid-state diffusion (扩散), in which new crystals are formed from the atoms that were present in a preexisting mineral. Movement of atoms or ions to form the new structure can be driven by heat and pressure; thus solid-state diffusion is associated with metamorphic rock (变质岩) formation. Lastly, mineral crystals can form through precipitation (沉淀) out of water, producing sedimentary rocks (沉积岩). --

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