NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰环境工程概论 课程性质︰选修 课程教师︰林正芳 开课学院:工学院 开课系所︰环工所 考试日期(年月日)︰ 2007/10/29 考试时限(分钟): 是否需发放奖励金:是 谢谢 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Introduction to Environmental Engineering Exam I 10/29/2007 Multiple Choice Questions: Choose ONE correct answer for each question and fill it in the answer sheet. Answer in other areas will not be graded. 1.5 points per question, 30 points total. 1. Which step is NOT included in a conventional wastewater treatment process? A. Primary sedimentation B. Reverse osmosis C. Aeration Tank D. Return sludge 2. Which statement regarding water pollution is NOT true? A. Urban runoff is non-point source pollution B. Sewage discharge is point source pollution C. Sand and soil are nature particles, need not be treated D. Organic pollutants will potentially consume oxygen in water 3. Which of the following statement concerning oxygen consumption in water is true? A. NBOD is a result of ammonia oxidation B. The lowest dissolve oxygen downstream of a sewage discharge is at the very beginning of discharge port C. Aquatic animals like fish could consume dissolve oxygen hence increase the BOD D. Theoretically, BOD is always higher than COD 4. From the following unit processes, chose the most probable process sequence for potable water treatment of a river water receiving land drainage: 1) clarifier. 2) flocculator. 3) aeration. 4) chlorinator. 5) storage. 6) rapid sand filter. 7) chemical mix. 8) activated carbon adsorption 9) membrane filtration A. 36459 B. 3127645 C. 4618475 D. 7216845 5. Particle migration by gravity is the principle behind particulate removal in a: A. Clarifier B. Wet scrubber C. Chlorine contact tank D. Nanofiltration 6. Which is the form of free chlorine residual in water in a reaction of Cl2 with water? A. NH2Cl B. NHCl2 C. HOCl D. ClO2 7. The ultimate BOD for a wastewater is 350 mg/L, what is the BOD5 if K=0.2 d-1? A. 300 B. 315 C. 275 D. 142 8. The process responsible for gaseous dinitrogen (N2) formation from mineral nitrogen compounds on earth for return to the atmosphere is A. Deamination B. Photosynthesis C. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification 9. Which of the following is prokaryotic and autotrophic? A. Cyanobacteria B. Protozoa C. Viruses D. Algae 10. Which of the following falls into the category of nutrients as a measure of water quality: A. Metals B. Phosphorus C. Oxygen D. BOD 11. The undesirable formation of trihalomethanes in water is most probable with the addition of: A. Ozone B. Chlorine C. Chlorine dioxide D. Chloramine 12. A five day BOD for a wastewater sample was reported as 350 mg/L. A 3mL volume of the wastewater was added to the BOD bottle (300 mL in volume). The oxygen consumed in the bottle for the five day period was: A. 350 mg/L B. 15 mg/L C. 3.5 mg/L D. 120 mg/L 13. Which of the following unit processes is part of secondary treatment (in wastewater treatment) A. Grit chamber B. Primary clarifier C. Air stripping tower D. Aeration tank 14. Which of the following unit processes provides solids removal characterized by hindered settling (type II settling)? A. Bar racks B. Grit chamber C. Primary clarifier D. Trickling filter 15. Methane is a gaseous end product of which of the following unit processes of wastewater treatment: A. Trickling filter B. Secondary clarifier C. Anaerobic digester D. Activated sludge 16. Which of the following unit processes requires periodic backwashing: A. Slow sand filter B. Rapid sand filter C. Flocculator D. Clarifier 17. The primary purpose of drinking water disinfection is to: A. Remove BOD B. Sterilize the water C. Kill pathogens D. Lower the Ph 18. Which of the following treatments is suitable (better) for removing volatile organic solvent contamination from groundwater? A. Air sparging B. Phytoremediation C. Electrokinetics D. Multi-phase extraction 19. Which of the following statement regarding remediation is NOT true? A. Soil remediation takes a long time B. The plastic cover for the remediation site is to prevent air circulation C. Electrokinetic techniques could be used for metal decontamination D. Permeable reactive barriers could chemically remove contaminants 20. Which of the following contaminants is the toughest one to be removed by bioremediation? A. Chromium B. Cellulose C. Naphthalene D. Catechol --

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