NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰环境工程概论 课程性质︰选修 课程教师︰林正芳 开课学院:工学院 开课系所︰环工所 考试日期(年月日)︰ 2006/10/30 考试时限(分钟): 是否需发放奖励金:是 谢谢 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Introduction to Environmental Engineering Exam I 10/30/2006 Multiple Choice Questions: Choose ONE correct answer and fill it in the first page (the answer sheet). 1.5 points per question, 30 points total. Turn in the answer sheet only. 1. Vadose zone is: A. Soil saturated with groundwater B. Dry soil C. Soil with air and water 2. A close looped aquaduct in water distribution: A. Better circulation B. Dead ends with extended residence time C. Easy analysis D. Unstable water quality 3. With no other chemical added, to remove dissolved or soluble solid (<0.1 μm),use: A. Sedimentation B. Sand filtration C. Membrane filtration D. Ultra filtration 4. The major difference in testing total coliform and fecal coliform is: A. Incubation media B. Incubation duration C. Incubation temperature D. None of above 5. The primary standard of pathogenic organism for drinking water is: A. Total coliform B. Escherichia coli C. Heterotrophic bacteria plate count (HPC) 6. Which statement is true? A. Particles disperse in water is due to coagulation B. Coagulation is a process to reduce zeta potential C. Coagulant increase particle surface charge 7. A conventional water treatment process is: A. Flocculation→Disinfection→Sedimentation→Coagulation→Filtration B. Coagulation→Flocculation→Sedimentation→Filtration→Disinfection C. Sedimentation→Disinfection→Filtration→Coagulation→Flocculation 8. For treating the same raw water, which coagulant requires the least dosage (by means of total weight)? A. Aluminum hydroxide B. Ferric chloride C. Polymer D. Calcium carbonate 9. Direct filtration is commonly used in: A. Water with high organic content B. Groundwater plant C. Plants require higher production rate 10. In chlorine disinfection, which one does the actual "killing" of pathogen? A. Chlorohydrate B. Hydrochloric acid C. Hydrogen peroxide D. Hypochlorous acid 11. To control halogenated disinfection byproduct: A. Use alternative disinfectants (Ozone, chloramine, etc.) B. Employ enhanced coagulation to reduce natural organic matter C. Use carbon adsorption for precursor reduction D. None of above E. All of above 12. What is the ThOD of a wastewater containing 2g of glucose (C6H12O6) and 6g of lactose (C12H22O11) per liter? A. 90.5 mg/L B. 0.89 g/L C. 8.9 g/L D. 0.3 g/L 13. Which is NOT a biological process of wastewater treatment? A. Aeration tank B. Sludge digestion C. Nitrification D. Aerated grit chamber 14. Which of the following reasons will cause sludge bulking? A. High dissolved oxygen B. Low food/mass ratio C. pH>7.5 15. Which of the following statements about nitrification is true? A. A process to remove excess nitrogen gas B. Produces ammonium C. The intermediate product is nitrate D. The end product is nitrate 16. Which of the following statements is true? A. Denitrification generate alkalinity B. Activated sludge is a primary treatment for wastewater C. Primary clarifier is used to remove biosolid D. Nitrification is an anoxic process 17. Which of the following statements about solid treatment (in wastewater process) is NOT true? A. Produce methane B. May need polymer addition C. Sludge digestion requires aeration D. Reduce water content 18. Which of the following statements about DNAPL is NOT true? A. The plume migrate along with water flow B. Denser then water C. Difficult to detect D. Will eventually reach groundwater saturate zone 19. Which of the following treatments is suitable (better) for heavy metal contamination? A. Air sparging B. Phytoremediation C. Soil vapor extraction D. Multi-phase extraction 20. Which of the following remediations is suitable (better) for petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated groundwater? A. Phytoremediation B. Landfill bioreactor C. Air sparging and soil vapor extraction D. Electrokinetics --

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