NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰英文二 课程性质︰大一共同必修 课程教师︰简瑞碧 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2008/04/03 考试时限(分钟):120min 是否需发放奖励金:yes 试题 : A.Vocabulary 45% (考的字下面用~~~~底线标出) 1.It is believed that marine plankton uses the production of clouds for their ~~~~~~~~ own selfish ends,..... (A)canines (B)microbes (C)boa constrictors (D)foliage 2.The theory developed by a group of scientists was called Gaia,... ~~~~ (A)Heavenly God who governs the earth. (B)Hero who kills monsters. (C)Earth goddess who gives birth to 12 Titans. (D)Princess who elopes with an ordinary man. 3.It is trusted that marine algae produce a gas called DMS,... ~~~~~ (A)plantlike organisms (B)animal features (C)human constructions (D)rocks 4.These sulfate aerosols provide a surface... ~~~~~~~~ (A)air (B)parachute (C)compressed liquid (D)sunlight 5.Such process creates a self-regulating global thermostat : .... ~~~~~~~~~~ A device that (A)contains gas for heating up (B)measures and controls the temperature (C)lowers the air pressure (D)speeds up biological mechanism 6.In addition, in the ocean, there is a constant exchange between nutrient... ~~~~~~~~ (A)blossoming (B)nourishing (C)killing (D)missing ingredients 7.The immediate biological function of DMS is not clear, but its precursor... ~~~~~~~~~ (A)herald (B)aftermath (C)assistant (D)upshot 8.DMSP has a possible function as an antifreeze,... ~~~~~~~~~~ Something that (A)accelerates (B)slows down (C)exposes (D)gives rise to the natural process of becoming congealed into ice. 9.In addition to survival and reproduction, disperal is..... ~~~~~~~~ (A)snoozing (B)spreading (C)shrinking (D)showering 10.One of the hypotheses puts that algae have developed a specific means of... ~~~~~ (A)exit (B)entrance (C)sidetrack (D)way 11.(.....) Thus, the payback for releasing DMS... ~~~~~~~ (A)side effects (B)reaction (C)benefits (C)revenge 12. ......., which neutralizes the sulphate, forming a salt, and thus speeds up nucleation. ~~~~~~~~~~ The process of becoming (A)soft (B)swollen (C)misty (D)solid 13.Algal blooms are concentrated near the surface of ocean, and often form foams and slime that also ... ~~~~~ (A)solid rocks (B)soft moist earth (C)piercing sunlight (D)downpour 14.It has been suggested that algae use their ice-nucleating ability to seed clouds with ice crystals,... ~~~~~~~~ (A)transparent compounds (B)dark mass (C)warm currents (D)cold fronts 15.(.....) It also takes the collaboration of biologists and meteorologists... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scientists who study (A)human behavior (B)the anatomy of marine animals (C)atmospheric phenomena (D)the growth and death of plants B. Grammar 28% 1.Jill: The government wants to cut taxes. John: It would be better if they did something about the homeless. John: I (A)think (B)would rather (C)like they did something about the homeless. 2.Leo: That team hasn't won a match for ages. Peter: It's time that team (A)will win (B)to win (C)won a match. 3.There's scarcely enough time,____? (A)is there (B)isn't there (C)will it 4.Nothing matters,____? (A)did it (B)does it (C) doesn't it 5.Sammy is learning Turkish. He started four years ago. He has been learning Turkish (A)since four years ago (B)since four years (C)for four years 6.It's too long since we last (A)had (B)had had (C)have had a proper talk. 7.Since Jack (A)takes up (B)took up (C)has taken up the trumpet, nobody (A)has (B)has had (C)had any peace. 8.Whether I (A)win (B)will win (C)will have won the game or not, I (A)am (B)will (C)have have a good time. 9.If we lived in London, it (A)means (B)would mean (C)will mean that we (A)spend (B)spent (C)will spend less time traveling. 10.For the previous 30 years, he (A)does (B)did (C)had done no more than he (A)needs (B)needed (C)had needed. C.Reading and Composition 附一篇英文短文,读完後简答9个小问题(27%),并写一篇300-500字作文回答2个大题(100%) -- ▂▃▄▅◣ ☆19 Lionel Messi: FW 169/67 1987.06.24 ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴ ◤◤ ◢◣ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳ █▼ █▋ ╳╳╳╳╳ ○╭ █▆- ╳╳╳ │大家都欺负梅西... │ ╳╳ ╳╳╳║ ¢oracles “●╰─ 梅西也想踢球啦〒 〒 ╯ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ --

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