成绩揭晓罗:) 我们社赢很多耶!!!! (以下转贴Legacy寄来的信) _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear all, Truly sorry for keep you waiting and here comes the results. Totaly participants : 17 => NTD1,700 Congrats !!! #1 NCCU Rebecca Wen : 6 points => NTD680 #2 FJU Kathy Chen : 5 points => NTD510 #3 NCCU Duncan : 4 points => NTD340/2=NTD170 #3 NCCU 陈建璋 : 4 points = NTD340/2=NTD170 Dear Rebecca Wen, Congrats! You're such a professional judge !!! Kindly cascade this good news to your club participants regarding the results. You are welcome to redeem the money via joining next Legacy meeting which will be held on May 15th. special thanks to: NCCU, the club has the team spirit (up to eight participants:Rebecca, Duncan, 陈建璋, Willy, Jasmine, Andy, Carol, Robz) to sharpen their judge skills ! Janice Su, who has the most passionate spirit to join this contest ! Kathy Chen, FJU TMC. Tiffany, Kaohsiung Medical University student club. William Chiu, Taipiei TMC. Linda, Fluency TMC, it's nice to talk to you. Will let you know if I stop by Taichung on Tuesday night : ) Ryan Chung, Legend TMC, my pleasure to talk to you. I am not the 组头, hehe ~ Shang Su, ALE Elite TMC, tks for joining this fun contest ! Janice and James, Legacy, thanks for your kind donation ~* Julia Wu SAA, Legacy Toastmasters 0933 5433 94 ______________________________________________________________________________ 据说...Sammy Su 是因为超时一秒,所以被取消资格 (不然我应该可以得九分吧XD) 我知道大家一定想要我请客XDDD 请客可以,不过条件事我要看到10篇convention+outing 心得!!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ rebeccawen:我会问问他们能不能直接汇钱过来 05/02 16:07
2F:推 otterheron:超过一秒难道不会是timer的错吗? 05/02 16:09
3F:→ otterheron:没想到我有中奖ㄟ 好开心 虽然只赚70块 05/02 16:09
4F:→ otterheron:话说当初就应该要抄袭BECA的赌单 05/02 16:10
5F:→ rebeccawen:哈哈哈 太晚罗 姜还是老的辣阿XDDD 05/02 16:14
6F:→ olivebranch:楼上这句经典用得真妙! 是说也才老1岁而已吧..= =+ 05/02 16:19
7F:推 otterheron:喔好想要$$$680 05/02 16:23
8F:→ rebeccawen:那你赶快催促大家PO心得文啊! 集满十篇我就请客 05/02 16:29
9F:推 otterheron:大家快PO心得文 集满十篇BECA请吃甘泉鱼面!! 05/02 16:31
10F:推 otterheron:话说我当初是在干嘛 居然留了本名@@ 05/02 17:26
11F:推 weilun034:贝卡好强!!! 05/02 18:02
12F:推 otterheron:楼上好爱!!! 05/02 18:07
13F:推 jammmeslu:岂不是雷克希的强者咪挺?!可以去玩玩看阿!! 05/02 18:18
14F:推 otterheron:甚麽!? 我没看懂@@ 05/02 18:20
15F:→ otterheron:oh, legacy? 05/02 18:21
16F:推 mayryoma:贝卡请客啦啦~ 05/02 19:32
17F:推 otterheron:乌来好玩吗? 05/02 20:04
18F:推 barus:哈哈 居然四点也能排上名喔!! 05/02 21:54
19F:→ rebeccawen:要我请客得请PO心得文 05/02 22:46
20F:推 mayryoma:楼上说到要做到喔~我明天马上PO 05/02 23:44
21F:推 mayryoma:回克里斯:乌来很好玩下次凹挺可以考虑那里~ 05/02 23:47
22F:推 weilun034:我觉得是要看跟谁去玩耶...... 05/02 23:58
23F:推 mayryoma:楼上please解释清楚 05/03 00:00
24F:推 weilun034:因为我觉得还好耶哈哈 05/03 00:04
25F:→ weilun034:坐公车下来时我还晕车了 囧 05/03 00:09
26F:→ rebeccawen:威力: 要跟心仪的人去才好玩 05/03 00:11
27F:推 mayryoma:唉跟心仪的人不管去哪里都好玩吧 05/03 00:14
28F:推 barus:乌来这种地方要骑机车去才好玩啦!哈哈 有很多角落才到得了 05/03 00:15
29F:推 yooheha:芮妮有吃马告香肠和印度人的卷饼吗? 05/03 00:25
30F:推 muteheart: 威力: 要跟被卡解解去才好玩 05/03 00:27
31F:推 GEORGELUNG:威力: 要跟被卡解解去才好玩 05/03 00:37
32F:→ otterheron:威力: 要跟被卡解解去才好玩 05/03 00:39
33F:推 mayryoma: 威力: 要跟被卡解解去才好玩 有阿我一直吃因为走路很累 05/03 00:41
34F:推 mayryoma: 威力: 要跟被卡解解去才好玩同意邓肯很多景点我都没去! 05/03 00:56
35F:→ asoonasp:你竟然赢了那麽多@@" 05/03 01:39
36F:→ rebeccawen:楼上破坏推文真好XD 05/03 01:42
37F:推 weilun034:原po可以删推文喔 <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> 05/03 09:27
38F:推 otterheron:删推文有此地无银三百两的嫌疑喔 05/03 11:59
39F:推 GEORGELUNG:是啊...Beca姊姊好心机喔.到底遮掩了什麽秘密呢XD 05/03 15:27
40F:→ rebeccawen:楼上想听八卦请来凹挺 凹挺八卦不外流 05/03 22:27

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