作者xm3k0828 (xm3k0828)
标题[考题] 社会心理学/1091期末考/非选题
时间Wed Jan 13 11:56:28 2021
1. Explain the mating preferences from the evolutionary and sociocultural pers
pectives. (15%)
2. Please illustrate the five-step process to helping. Give a description for
each stage, and possible obstacles that may be encountered at each stage. (10%
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NCCUPSYstudy/M.1610510190.A.93D.html
※ 编辑: xm3k0828 ( 台湾), 01/13/2021 11:57:00
1F:推 KnightZX: 老人路过推个,希望ptt不会消失 05/13 12:35
2F:推 chm31: 看到我学长推了,我也来推个,现在ptt有年轻人吗 07/06 09:31
3F:推 AniCate: 推个 07/26 15:11