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104学年度 第一学期 普通心理学 期中考 任课教授:黄启泰、廖瑞铭 一、选择题(30%) 1.Dynamic systems theory views development as arising from the interaction between a child and: A.the child's cultural contex. B.the child's environmental context. C.the child's genetic makeup. D.both A and B. 2.Synaptic pruning is: A.the brain's way of doing away with synaptic connections that are not being used. B.a process induced by teratogens that negatively affects development. C.a process that occurs in all brain areas at the same time. D.a process that is dettimental to normal brain development. 3.Harlow's research with infant monkeys demonstrated that: A.fear can be reduced by food. B.when fearful, infant monkeys lose their appetites. C.fear produces a preference for contact comfort over food. D.fear inhibits the development of attachment behaviors. 4.Infantile amnesia refers to the observation that: A.infants quickly forget stimuli they have seen recently. B.infants repress any unpleasant images they see. C.adults are unable to remember things that occurred to them before about the age of 3. D.we can remember what occruued in infancy but not why it occurred. 5.If the ventral stream of your visual cortex were not working temporarily, you would be unable to understand ____ an object is; but if your dorsal stream was still functioning, you could understand ____ an object is. A.where; what B.what; where C.where; why D.what; why 6.Consider the two following patterns: >>>>><<<<< and +++++*****. The ten characters in the first pattern are perceived as a single figure, whereas the ten characters in the second pattern are perceived as two groups of five characters each. Which Gestalt principle accounts for this outcome? A.Similarity B.Symmetry C.proximity D.closure 7.Yellow is considered one of the primary colors, but there is no cone specialized to respond to yellow light. When we see yellow, it is because the light is stimulating the: A.S cones very little and the L and M cones equally. B.S cones very little, the L cones greatly, and the M cones moderately. C.S and M cones equally and the L cones very little. D.S and L cones equally and the M cones greatly. 8.The unconscious mind influences human behavior, according to: A.structuralism. B.psychoanalysis. C.functionalism. D.behaviorism. 9.Who would be most likely to agree with the statemet, "Psychologists should study that which is observable"? A.a cognitive psychologist B.a behavioral psychologist C.a developmental psychologist industrial/organizational psychologist 10.The varibale that a researcher manipulates in an experiment is called the: A.independent variable. B.dependent variable. C.confounding variable D.stimulus. 11.Students who study little for tests tend to make more errors on tests; students who study a lot tend to make fewer errors. If a researcher collected data on both amount of studying and test scores, he or she would likely spot a(n): A.ingerential statistic. B.variable standard deviation. C.positive correlation. D.negative correlation. 12.Which of the following best represents a medium negative correlation> A.0.49 B.0.53 C.0.97 D.0.22 13.Chemical substances that carry messages from one neuron to the next are called: A.Agonists B.Neurotransmitters C.enzymes D.none of the above 14.A gene is: A.a segment of DNA that is involved in producing proteins that carry out specific tasks. B.the same as a chromosome. C.a segment of RNA that carries out specific cellular building tasks. D.programmed to produce protein irrespective of the environment. 15.Which of the followings is related the study of split brain by Dr. R. Sperry? A.the initiation of Human Genomes Project B.the function of prefrontal cortex in associated to social behavior C.violent behavior correlated with the gene of monoamine oxidase(MAO) D.the function of language predominated in the left hemisphere 二、解释名词 30%(每题5分) 1.感觉(sensation)vs.知觉(perception) 2.色彩三元论(trichromatic theory)vs.色彩拮抗理论(opponent color theory) 3.陌生情境测试(the strange-situation test) 4.神经新生(neurogenesis or plasticity) 5.科学方法(the scientific method) 6.效度(validity)vs.信度(reliability) 三、问答题 40% 1.什麽样的心理学理论可以解释图中後方的人物看起来比前方的人物更大(实际上大小相等)?请申论之。(10%) (图略)(背景引导 产生单眼立体视觉) 2.根据皮亚杰(J Piaget)的认知发展阶段理论,人在成长过程中会经历哪些逻辑思维形式的转变?(10%) 3.人体神经系统的架构(即中枢神经系统与周边神经系统)分别有哪些组成?(7%) 4.神经元细胞(neuron)为何有导电性质?(3%)请以电位极性变化(polarization)与离子进或出细胞膜说明动作电位。(4%) 5.请写出下列脑部组织所在(前脑、中脑、或後脑),并说明其基本功能。(6%) Basal ganglia Medulla Thalamus Hippocampus Cerebellum Amygdala --

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1F:推 asdasdg: 有考古题有推 03/31 15:36
※ 编辑: pisujohn (, 07/07/2016 14:08:51
2F:推 mijqut: 推 下礼拜期中要爆了QAQ 11/11 22:07
3F:推 backpacker18: 楼上超雷 11/17 13:43

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