作者LukaDoncic77 (洞77)
标题[外絮] Lebron James爆发的原因:Bronny James
时间Sat Jan 4 17:43:00 2025
Lakers' LeBron James Posts Photo of Bronny Celebrating vs. Blazers: 'My Purpose'
Bronny James is living out his NBA dreams alongside his father with the Los Ange
les Lakers.
Bronny James正在洛杉矶湖人队与父亲一起实现他的NBA梦想。
Bronny got to see LeBron James at his best on Thursday as the star veteran poste
d 38 points and eight assists on 7-of-10 from deep in a 114-106 win over the Por
tland Trail Blazers. After the game, James shared the motivation behind the big
scoring night.
周四,在湖人队以114比106击败波特兰拓荒者的比赛中,LeBron James展现了自己的最佳状
He posted a picture of his son celebrating on the bench with the caption "My pur
While many former NBA players have seen their kids eventually make it to the NBA
, no other player can say they played alongside their son. The James family is t
he only father-son duo in league history to play on the same team.
Perhaps having Bronny on the Lakers is keeping James spry, as he's continued to
beat Father Time this season. James, who just turned 40, is averaging 23.9 point
s, 8.9 assists and 7.6 rebounds per game.
While his athleticism has declined over the years, he's continued to stay sharp
on the court and has developed different aspects of his game.
Bronny hasn't seen much action with the Lakers this season, appearing in just se
ven games, but he's started to find his footing in the G League.
Across seven games in the G League Tip-Off Tournament, Bronny averaged 13.4 poin
ts, 3.4 assists and three rebounds per game. He's performed better in his two re
gular-season games with South Bay, averaging 19 points, eight rebounds, 5.5 assi
sts and two steals per contest.
If he continues to play at that level, he could get to spend more time on the co
urt with his father.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NBA/M.1735983782.A.F42.html
1F:→ l2l : 可怜老父全场奔跑 就为了能让儿子多上几秒钟 01/04 17:43
2F:推 jason911152 : 77爱了爱了 01/04 17:44
3F:推 benson1212 : 篮球员激励师 帮你煎 01/04 17:44
4F:嘘 hui000807 : 笑死 没拼老命打到垃圾时间还不知道该怎麽让这精子 01/04 17:44
5F:→ hui000807 : 上场 01/04 17:44
6F:推 joulin : 布朗尼放在场边 试催化剂 刺激老詹 01/04 17:46
7F:推 slowsoul1998: 777777777 01/04 17:46
8F:推 nt880245 : 帮你煎 01/04 17:47
9F:推 Blackie9211 : 老詹今天表现酸不了 只能狂po布朗尼的文 01/04 17:48
10F:推 dora1024 : 补师 灵气up 01/04 17:48
11F:推 tomlin121283: ID正确 01/04 17:53
12F:推 d62353 : 有这种爸爸,帮你煎真的有够爽 01/04 17:53
13F:推 axi : 老羌要好好保养啊 别忘了还有Bryce 01/04 17:54
14F:推 langeo : 只要布朗尼有上场都是在创造父子合拿的纪录阿 01/04 17:57
15F:推 GleybeTorres: ID正确 今天怎麽都发文不推文 01/04 17:58
16F:推 p890089 : 一楼超哭 01/04 17:59
17F:推 www90173 : 帮你煎山羌 01/04 17:59
18F:推 GymRat : 不演了 01/04 18:03
19F:推 heyjude1118 : 其实先发都+- +10以上,姆斯+4,少打一点才对 01/04 18:04
20F:推 r781207 : 就是煮 帮你煎 01/04 18:04
21F:推 Jason0813 : 悟空跟悟饭 01/04 18:07
22F:推 greedfat : 温馨,天天随队吧 01/04 18:12
23F:嘘 TorukMakto : LD77 ,噗 01/04 18:13
24F:推 heyjude1118 : 古有黄香暖被,今有帮你煎温凳 01/04 18:17
25F:→ ghostxx : 可以理解 01/04 18:25
26F:→ Sessyoin : 你又忘记噗了 01/04 18:26
27F:→ dick70140 : 邦尼上Buff 01/04 18:26
28F:推 macbook12 : 詹凰为子祈祷文 01/04 18:27
29F:推 pieceofcake : 湖人赚翻了 好险有选布朗尼 01/04 18:31
30F:→ pieceofcake : 组出James三连星预约总冠军 01/04 18:32
31F:推 bass17 : 再刷一波搞个史上第一父子总冠军 01/04 18:37
32F:推 EXUAN : 77太子粉气气气气气 01/04 18:39
33F:推 CRChen : 本文赋予了『互相』这个词一个崭新的意义:单方面 01/04 18:41
34F:推 gangrel : 再打的跟之前一样,就让帮你煎上就好了 01/04 18:45
35F:推 ctttttt : 字母哥哥功用 01/04 18:46
36F:推 matsuwu : 海景第一排XD 01/04 18:47
37F:推 pf775101 : 选个2轮货就能让喇叭源源不断的动力输出 赚爆 01/04 18:51
38F:推 kkl522608 : 好的 有人要写格子文响应了 01/04 18:55
39F:嘘 AdaDaDj : 老詹就是一个没用的球员 01/04 18:55
40F:推 stereogun : 詹酸忍不住了开始跳针 01/04 18:57
41F:推 birdman5656 : pupu 01/04 18:57
42F:推 a12841 : 帮你煎模式启动 01/04 19:01
43F:嘘 lexus3310 : 恶心 01/04 19:01
44F:推 Weasley40 : 还在输出! 01/04 19:02
45F:→ zvc798 : 好惨 居然是爸宝 01/04 19:16
46F:→ tjbulls : 笑数 只会po这种 01/04 19:17
47F:推 YaDianNa : 今天父子和拿38分 01/04 19:21
48F:推 Adams427 : 看到詹酸出来跳就是舒服 01/04 19:23
49F:→ ramirez : like father like son!!!!!!!!! 01/04 19:32
50F:推 kw003266 : 真假!?所以儿子签约就是buff机的概念吗?NBA终於 01/04 19:36
51F:→ kw003266 : 也出现补职的概念了吗? 01/04 19:36
52F:推 fish7333 : 跟字母哥哥哥一样的存在 帮你煎! 01/04 19:43
53F:推 lit : 父爱真的很伟大 01/04 19:44
54F:推 pighong : 今天接到球时 全场欢呼 01/04 19:50
55F:推 a44101234 : 恐怖情人 01/04 19:53
56F:推 KatanaW : 真的是父爱如山 不忍嘘 01/04 19:54
57F:推 jamescle23 : 嘴上说幸福 其实躲在棉被哭 01/04 19:57
58F:推 tolowali : 很棒啊 直接帮老杯加buff 01/04 20:21
59F:推 NHGCF : 其实很感人啊,LeBron拼了命去爱他儿子,Bronny承 01/04 20:29
60F:推 kaiye : 蛮屌的,未来大家一定会记得山羌和他儿子 01/04 21:28
61F:推 WeiJiang : 詹酸笑死 01/04 21:29
62F:推 kevmo : 父子羁绊buff 01/04 21:50
63F:推 onnax : 老詹如果场场都打出这种表现留垃圾时间给帮你煎的话 01/04 22:41
64F:→ onnax : 粉丝都很乐见吧XD 01/04 22:41
65F:→ a22122212 : 原来是buff机 01/04 23:17
67F:→ HSGJR77 : Bronny完全扛起全力倚父的招牌 01/05 00:20
68F:推 neos042 : 还有一个儿子等着加入湖人 01/05 03:36
69F:推 f77928 : 为了悟饭操碎了心 01/05 04:28
70F:推 evan000000 : 你是铁粉吧 01/05 04:44
71F:推 skery3188 : 灵气 01/05 06:36
72F:推 c27932589 : ! 01/05 07:05
73F:推 okay5566 : 父亲认证靠爸 01/05 08:10
74F:推 yeldragon : 美洲慈父 01/05 08:25
75F:推 kevin852 : ID正确 01/05 09:18
76F:嘘 ga502020 : 打坦队打这麽烂还一堆人高潮 01/05 09:20
77F:嘘 STM32F407 : 好了啦,刷子GOAT。 01/05 10:00
78F:推 Deathstroke : 酸的是不是父子关系都很差啊? 01/05 10:01
79F:推 jeff0010053 : 好想要我爸是LBJ感觉他真的很爱家庭 01/05 10:23
80F:推 pshadow1 : 说实话布朗尼心态也很强,要是我真的会觉得蛮丢脸 01/05 18:15
81F:→ pshadow1 : 的,实力不够被摊在聚光灯下 01/05 18:15